31 research outputs found

    Digital Entomological Information from the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut

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    Traditionell wurden und werden im Deutschen Entomologischen Institut (DEI) bzw. in Kooperationsprojekten unter Mitwirkung der Wissenschaftler des DEI zahlreiche Informationen mit entomologischem Bezug gesammelt und herausgegeben, z. B. Bibliographien der entomologischen Weltliteratur ((Index I) Horn & Schenkling 1928-1929; Derksen & Scheiding 1963-1975; Gaedike & Smetana 1978, 1984), Verbleib entomologischer Sammlungen (Horn, Kahle & al. 1935, 1990), Typenkataloge sowie aktuell die Zeitschriften „Beiträge zur Entomologie“ und „Nova Supplementa Entomologica“. Bereits digital verfügbar sind weiterhin die „Biographien der Entomologen der Welt“ (Groll 2006), „ECatSym: Elektronischer Katalog der Symphyta der Welt“ (Taeger & Blank 2006) und eine Bildersammlung (Groll & Schubert 2006). Den Forderungen der Informationsgesellschaft gehorchend werden sowohl Daten als auch Metadaten verstärkt in institutseigenen Archiven frei zugänglich digital bereitgestellt und in Verbünden vernetzt.The Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (DEI) in Müncheberg / Germany is constructing an open archive of entomological literature. This paper describes 5 steps in the workflow: selection of literature, digitizing articles or books, generation of man and machine readable documents, classification of documents according to source (syntactic level), and classification of documents according to content (semantic level). The selection concentrates on rare, legal to copy, not yet digitized, taxonomic literature owned by the DEI. A book scanner is used to avoid damage to the sensitive and valuable material. The extracted images are attached to PDF files with text under image by OCR software. To classify the documents a controlled vocabulary of taxa names and entomological terms is used

    Index Novus Litteraturae Entomologicae.

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    Der “Index Novus Litteraturae Entomologicae”, eine komplett überarbeitete Neuauflage des “Index Litteraturae Entomologicae : Serie I : Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inclusive 1863” (Horn & Schenkling 1928-1929) wurde vom Senckenberg Deutschen Entomologischen Institut (SDEI) in Müncheberg herausgegeben. Die Bibliographie ist jetzt als Online-Datenbank kostenlos im Internet (http://sdei.senckenberg.de/index) verfügbar. In der Arbeit werden die Geschichte der Bearbeitung der Neuauflage, der Umfang der notwendigen Recherchen und die wesentlichen Merkmale der Datenbankanwendung vorgestellt.StichwörterBibliography, literature on Entomology, online database.The “Index Novus Litteraturae Entomologicae”, a completely revised new edition of the “Index Litteraturae Entomologicae : Serie I : Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inclusive 1863” (Horn & Schenkling 1928-1929) has been published by the Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (SDEI) in Müncheberg. This bibliography of the literature on entomology from the beginning until 1863 is now available in the Internet (http://sdei.senckenberg.de/index) as an online database free of charge. The history of work on the new edition, the scope of the necessary research and the essential features of the database application are presented.KeywordsBibliography, literature on Entomology, online database

    Dr. Reinhard Gaedike zum 70. Geburtstag.

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    Groll, Eckhard K. (2012): Dr. Reinhard Gaedike zum 70. Geburtstag. Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 62: 287-290, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.62.2.287-290, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21248/contrib.entomol.62.2.287-29

    Bibliography of the entomological literature, series I : from the beginning until 1863 (Index novus litteraturae entomologicae, Serie I: usque ad 1863)

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    Für Taxonomen gehören alle Publikationen, die nach 1758 erschienen sind, in die Rubrik „aktuelle Literatur“. Es gibt bereits mehrere Bibliographien, die versucht haben, die entomologischen Publikationen für den Zeitraum bis 1863 systematisch zu erfassen. Das Jahr 1863 bildet insofern eine Besonderheit, da nach 1863 mit dem „Zoological Record“ ein Werk existiert, das wesentliche bibliographische Bedürfnisse für die Entomologie abdeckt. Für den Zeitraum von 1864 bis 1900 gibt es zusätzlich die Serie II des „Index“ (Derksen & Scheiding 1963 – 1975). Eine taxonbezogene Literaturauswertung bis 1850 findet sich im herausragenden „Index Animalium“ (Sherborn, 1902, 1922-33).The „Index novus“ will contain about 44000 references with entomological content. The improvements made since the previous edition „Index litteraturae entomologicae“, and some of the problems which arose during preparation of the new work are explained


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    Schmitt, Thomas, Groll, Eckhard K. (2015): Editorial. Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 65 (1): 1-2, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.65.1.1-2, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21248/contrib.entomol.65.1.1-

    A Virtual EXV Mass Flow Sensor for Applications With Two-Phase Flow Inlet Conditions

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    In conventional vapor compression systems, electronic expansion valves (EXVs) are used for refrigerant flow control. Subcooled refrigerant enters the expansion device and is expanded to the evaporation pressure while the valve opening is modified to achieve the desired mass flowrate. The relationship between the inlet and outlet conditions, the opening, and the mass flowrate has been extensively studied, e.g. by Park et al. (2007) and appropriate empirical correlations have been developed. However, for certain operating conditions (e.g. low refrigerant charge) or applications that generally have two-phase inlet conditions (e.g. balancing valves used in a hybrid control scheme as proposed by Kim et al. (2008)), these correlations are not applicable, since even low inlet vapor fractions lead to a significant reduction of the valve mass flowrate at a given opening. This paper proposes a continuous correlation that can be used for both two-phase and subcooled valve inlet conditions. The benefit of the continuity is that there is a smooth transition between subcooled and two-phase inlet conditions, which is essential for control and simulation purposes. The new correlation employs the Buckingham-Pi theorem as proposed by Buckingham (1914). The selected dimensionless Pi-groups describe opening of the valve, subcooling, inlet and outlet pressures, driving pressure difference across the valve, inlet density, surface tension, and viscosity. The data that was used to determine the coefficients of the correlation was taken on a dedicated valve test stand, which was sized for the per-circuit capacity of a typical 5-ton R410A heat pump and a 3-ton R404A large room cooling system. The purpose of these tests was mainly to map the valves for the low pressure drops, high inlet qualities and large valve openings that occur when they are used as balancing valves in a hybrid control approach. Two commercially available valves of different rated capacity were tested. Due to the much higher valve capacity for subcooled inlet conditions, valve openings of less than 5% occurred in that case. This led to an accuracy of the correlation for these points that is less than what typically can be found for correlations with subcooled inlet conditions in the open literature. However, for two-phase flow inlet conditions, the resulting RMS of 1.0 g/s for the 8-PI correlation is sufficiently small to use the approach for estimating the refrigerant mass flow and using the EXV as a virtual flow sensor. The limitations of this approach in practical applications, as well as possible applications in fault detection and diagnostics are shown for application as balancing valves within a 5-ton R410A heat pump and a 3-ton R404A large room cooling system

    Dr. Ursula Göllner-Scheiding zum 90. Geburtstag.

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    Groll, Eckhard K., Deckert, Jürgen (2012): Dr. Ursula Göllner-Scheiding zum 90. Geburtstag. Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 62: 259-262, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.62.2.259-262, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21248/contrib.entomol.62.2.259-26


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    Editorial - In eigener Sache.

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    Dathe, H.H., Groll, E.K. (2006): Editorial - In eigener Sache. Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 56 (1): 1-4, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.56.1.1-4, URL: https://www.contributions-to-entomology.org/article/view/164


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    Groll, Eckhard K., Dathe, Holger H. (2013): Editorial. Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 63 (2): 201-203, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.63.2.201-203, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21248/contrib.entomol.63.2.201-20