790 research outputs found

    The surprising influence of late charged current weak interactions on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    The weak interaction charged current processes (νe+n↔p+e−\nu_e+n\leftrightarrow p+e^-, νˉe+p↔n+e+\bar\nu_e +p\leftrightarrow n+e^+, n↔p+e−+νˉen\leftrightarrow p+e^-+\bar\nu_e) interconvert neutrons and protons in the early universe and have significant influence on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) light-element abundance yields, particulary that for 4He^{4}{\rm He}. We demonstrate that the influence of these processes is still significant even when they operate well below temperatures T∼0.7 MeVT\sim0.7\,{\rm MeV} usually invoked for "weak freeze-out," and in fact down nearly into the alpha-particle formation epoch (T≈0.1 MeVT \approx 0.1\,{\rm MeV}). This physics is correctly captured in commonly used BBN codes, though this late-time, low-temperature persistent effect of the isospin-changing weak processes, and the sensitivity of the associated rates to lepton energy distribution functions and blocking factors are not widely appreciated. We quantify this late-time influence by analyzing weak interaction rate dependence on the neutron lifetime, lepton energy distribution functions, entropy, the proton-neutron mass difference, and Hubble expansion rate. The effects we point out here render BBN a keen probe of any beyond-standard-model physics that alters lepton number/energy distributions, even subtly, in epochs of the early universe all the way down to near T=100 keVT=100\,{\rm keV}.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Insights into neutrino decoupling gleaned from considerations of the role of electron mass

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    We present calculations showing how electron rest mass influences entropy flow, neutrino decoupling, and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) in the early universe. To elucidate this physics and especially the sensitivity of BBN and related epochs to electron mass, we consider a parameter space of rest mass values larger and smaller than the accepted vacuum value. Electromagnetic equilibrium, coupled with the high entropy of the early universe, guarantees that significant numbers of electron-positron pairs are present, and dominate over the number of ionization electrons to temperatures much lower than the vacuum electron rest mass. Scattering between the electrons-positrons and the neutrinos largely controls the flow of entropy from the plasma into the neutrino seas. Moreover, the number density of electron-positron-pair targets can be exponentially sensitive to the effective in-medium electron mass. This entropy flow influences the phasing of scale factor and temperature, the charged current weak-interaction-determined neutron-to-proton ratio, and the spectral distortions in the relic neutrino energy spectra. Our calculations show the sensitivity of the physics of this epoch to three separate effects: finite electron mass, finite-temperature quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects on the plasma equation of state, and Boltzmann neutrino energy transport. The ratio of neutrino to plasma component energy scales manifests in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observables, namely the baryon density and the radiation energy density, along with the primordial helium and deuterium abundances. Our results demonstrate how the treatment of in-medium electron mass (i.e., QED effects) could translate into an important source of uncertainty in extracting neutrino and beyond-standard-model physics limits from future high-precision CMB data.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Version accepted by Nuclear Physics

    Majorana Neutrino Magnetic Moment and Neutrino Decoupling in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We examine the physics of the early universe when Majorana neutrinos (electron neutrino, muon neutrino, tau neutrino) possess transition magnetic moments. These extra couplings beyond the usual weak interaction couplings alter the way neutrinos decouple from the plasma of electrons/positrons and photons. We calculate how transition magnetic moment couplings modify neutrino decoupling temperatures, and then use a full weak, strong, and electromagnetic reaction network to compute corresponding changes in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis abundance yields. We find that light element abundances and other cosmological parameters are sensitive to magnetic couplings on the order of 10^{-10} Bohr magnetons. Given the recent analysis of sub-MeV Borexino data which constrains Majorana moments to the order of 10^{-11} Bohr magnetons or less, we find that changes in cosmological parameters from magnetic contributions to neutrino decoupling temperatures are below the level of upcoming precision observations.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Probing neutrino physics with a self-consistent treatment of the weak decoupling, nucleosynthesis, and photon decoupling epochs

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    We show that a self-consistent and coupled treatment of the weak decoupling, big bang nucleosynthesis, and photon decoupling epochs can be used to provide new insights and constraints on neutrino sector physics from high-precision measurements of light element abundances and cosmic microwave background observables. Implications of beyond-standard-model physics in cosmology, especially within the neutrino sector, are assessed by comparing predictions against five observables: the baryon energy density, helium abundance, deuterium abundance, effective number of neutrinos, and sum of the light neutrino mass eigenstates. We give examples for constraints on dark radiation, neutrino rest mass, lepton numbers, and scenarios for light and heavy sterile neutrinos.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Neutrino energy transport in weak decoupling and big bang nucleosynthesis

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    We calculate the evolution of the early universe through the epochs of weak decoupling, weak freeze-out and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) by simultaneously coupling a full strong, electromagnetic, and weak nuclear reaction network with a multi-energy group Boltzmann neutrino energy transport scheme. The modular structure of our code provides the ability to dissect the relative contributions of each process responsible for evolving the dynamics of the early universe in the absence of neutrino flavor oscillations. Such an approach allows a detailed accounting of the evolution of the νe\nu_e, νˉe\bar\nu_e, νμ\nu_\mu, νˉμ\bar\nu_\mu, ντ\nu_\tau, νˉτ\bar\nu_\tau energy distribution functions alongside and self-consistently with the nuclear reactions and entropy/heat generation and flow between the neutrino and photon/electron/positron/baryon plasma components. This calculation reveals nonlinear feedback in the time evolution of neutrino distribution functions and plasma thermodynamic conditions (e.g., electron-positron pair densities), with implications for: the phasing between scale factor and plasma temperature; the neutron-to-proton ratio; light-element abundance histories; and the cosmological parameter \neff. We find that our approach of following the time development of neutrino spectral distortions and concomitant entropy production and extraction from the plasma results in changes in the computed value of the BBN deuterium yield. For example, for particular implementations of quantum corrections in plasma thermodynamics, our calculations show a 0.4%0.4\% increase in deuterium. These changes are potentially significant in the context of anticipated improvements in observational and nuclear physics uncertainties.Comment: 37 pages, 12 Figures, 6 Table

    Flags and Friends

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    Our team worked with Orange County’s Special Olympics Flag Football team. We helped coach practices, organized drills, and supported the team at games/tournaments. Through this experience we got the chance to get further involved in our community through doing something we were passionate about. We learned how to apply the different principles of leadership to our mission of fostering an environment that drives inclusion and skill-building. These principles include loving others, extending ourselves, and leading with authority. We went into this experience viewing it as a school project. However, after a few practices, we started developing individual connections with players and coaches and found enjoyment in the overall process. Over the course of our time with the team, we watched their skills improve and friendships strengthen.https://stars.library.ucf.edu/hip-2023fall/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces

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    A Laguerre minimal surface is an immersed surface in the Euclidean space being an extremal of the functional \int (H^2/K - 1) dA. In the present paper, we prove that the only ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces are up to isometry the surfaces R(u,v) = (Au, Bu, Cu + D cos 2u) + v (sin u, cos u, 0), where A, B, C, D are fixed real numbers. To achieve invariance under Laguerre transformations, we also derive all Laguerre minimal surfaces that are enveloped by a family of cones. The methodology is based on the isotropic model of Laguerre geometry. In this model a Laguerre minimal surface enveloped by a family of cones corresponds to a graph of a biharmonic function carrying a family of isotropic circles. We classify such functions by showing that the top view of the family of circles is a pencil.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor correction: missed assumption (*) added to Propositions 1-2 and Theorem 2, missed case (nested circles having nonempty envelope) added in the proof of Pencil Theorem 4, missed proof that the arcs cut off by the envelope are disjoint added in the proof of Lemma

    A smooth introduction to the wavefront set

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    The wavefront set provides a precise description of the singularities of a distribution. Because of its ability to control the product of distributions, the wavefront set was a key element of recent progress in renormalized quantum field theory in curved spacetime, quantum gravity, the discussion of time machines or quantum energy inequalitites. However, the wavefront set is a somewhat subtle concept whose standard definition is not easy to grasp. This paper is a step by step introduction to the wavefront set, with examples and motivation. Many different definitions and new interpretations of the wavefront set are presented. Some of them involve a Radon transform.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure
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