147 research outputs found

    Model or meal? Farm animal populations as models for infectious diseases of humans

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    In recent decades, theory addressing the processes that underlie the dynamics of infectious diseases has progressed considerably. Unfortunately, the availability of empirical data to evaluate these theories has not grown at the same pace. Although laboratory animals have been widely used as models at the organism level, they have been less appropriate for addressing issues at the population level. However, farm animal populations can provide empirical models to study infectious diseases at the population level

    Compartment Model for Controlling Infectious Livestock Disease: Cost-Effective Control Strategies for Johne's Disease In Dairy Herds

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    Replaced with revised version of paper 06/08/11.animal compartment model, dairy cattle disease, Johne’s disease, livestock disease control, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Economic Analysis of Johne's Disease Control Strategies in Dairy Herds

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    Infectious diseases play a critical role in determining the profitability of individual farms and maintaining the viability of livestock industries, international trade, and trade policies. Thus, it is critical to analyze the economic consequences of infectious diseases, and the effects of producer strategies to control or eliminate diseases in a cost efficient approach. Also, important is the goal to rally support for the development of public disease control programs. This study examined the long-term feasibility and effectiveness of various producer strategies to prevent and control Johne’s disease in dairy herds, an infectious and incurable disease which has significant economic repercussions for the dairy industry. There are few previous studies available on the economic aspects of Johne’s disease and there remains a knowledge gap with regard to the economics of the disease and the economic justification of the disease controls associated with the biological characteristics of the disease. This study contributes to this body of knowledge. We constructed an optimal control model integrating the biology of animals and disease into an economic framework to estimate the best control method in terms of maximizing an individual farm’s profit and minimizing disease elimination periods. Our results show that any Johne’s disease control method yields a higher net present value compared to no control. Implementing a single control strategy can control the disease, but a combination of control strategies in different categories is the most profitable and effective way to reduce the infection rate in a disease-infected herd. The results of the study are directly applicable to managing this disease on US dairy farms and contribute to controlling a high-priority pathogen in an important industry.Animal disease control, dairy herd model, Johne's disease, optimal control model, paratuberculosis, Agribusiness, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Economic Effects of a Potential Foodborne Disease: Potential Relationship between Mycobacterium Avium Subs. Paratuberculosis (MAP) in Dairy and Crohn’s in Humans

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    Welfare costs of a potential food shock were estimated by disseminating information to milk drinkers on the prevalence of Mycobacterium avium sub. paratuberculosis (MAP) in the U.S. milk supply, its potential linkage to Crohn’s disease in humans, and subsequent government intervention to minimize MAP in the milk supply. We found that 19.6% of milk consumers exposed to MAP information would stop milk consumption at current market prices, and that only 5% of those would return to their original milk consumption levels after the government intervention. Societal costs of the food shock after the intervention were estimated at $18.2 billion

    Epidemiological model for Clostridium difficile transmission in healthcare settings

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    OBJECTIVE: Recent outbreaks of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) have been difficult to control, and data indicate the importance of different sources of transmission may have changed. Our objectives were to evaluate the contributions of asymptomatic and symptomatic C. difficile carriers to new colonizations and to determine the most important epidemiological factors influencing C. difficile transmission. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort SETTING AND PATIENTS: All patients admitted to medical wards at a large tertiary care hospital in the US from Jan 1 to Dec 31, 2008. METHODS: Data from six medical wards and published literature were used to develop a compartmental model of C. difficile transmission. Patients could be in one of five transition states in the model: resistant to colonization (R), susceptible to colonization (S), asymptomatically colonized without protection against CDI (C(−)), asymptomatically colonized with protection against CDI (C(+)), and patients with CDI (D). RESULTS: The contributions of C(−), C(+) and D patients to new colonizations were similar. The simulated basic reproduction number ranged from .55 to 1.99, with median 1.04. These values suggest that transmission within the ward alone from patients with CDI cannot sustain new C. difficile colonizations, and therefore, the admission of colonized patients plays an important role in sustaining transmission in the ward. The epidemiological parameters that ranked as the most influential were the proportion of admitted C(−) and the transmission coefficient for asymptomatic carriers. CONCLUSION: Our study underscores the need to further evaluate the role of asymptomatically colonized patients in C. difficile transmission in the healthcare setting

    The risk and control of Salmonella outbreaks in calf-raising operations: a mathematical modeling approach

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    Salmonellosis in calves has economic and welfare implications, and serves as a potential source of human infections. Our objectives were to assess the risk of Salmonella spread following its introduction into a herd of pre-weaned calves and to evaluate the efficacy of control strategies to prevent and control outbreaks. To meet these objectives, we developed a model of Salmonella transmission within a pre-weaned group of calves based on a well documented outbreak of salmonellosis in a calf-raising operation and other literature. Intervention scenarios were evaluated in both deterministic and stochastic versions of the model. While the basic reproduction number (R0) was estimated to be 2.4, simulation analysis showed that more than 60% of the invasions failed after the introduction of a single index case. With repeated introduction of index cases, the probability of Salmonella spread was close to 1, and the tested control strategies were insufficient to prevent transmission within the group. The most effective strategies to control ongoing outbreaks were to completely close the rearing operation to incoming calves, to increase the proportion of admitted calves that were immunized (\u3e75%), and to assign personnel and equipment to groups of calves

    A spatiotemporal theory for MRI T2 relaxation time and apparent diffusion coefficient in the brain during acute ischaemia:Application and validation in a rat acute stroke model

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    The objective of this study is to present a mathematical model which can describe the spatiotemporal progression of cerebral ischaemia and predict magnetic resonance observables including the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of water and transverse relaxation time T(2). This is motivated by the sensitivity of the ADC to the location of cerebral ischaemia and T(2) to its time-course, and that it has thus far proven challenging to relate observations of changes in these MR parameters to stroke timing, which is of considerable importance in making treatment choices in clinics. Our mathematical model, called the cytotoxic oedema/dissociation (CED) model, is based on the transit of water from the extra- to the intra-cellular environment (cytotoxic oedema) and concomitant degradation of supramacromolecular and macromolecular structures (such as microtubules and the cytoskeleton). It explains experimental observations of ADC and T(2), as well as identifying the rate of spread of effects of ischaemia through a tissue as a dominant system parameter. The model brings the direct extraction of the timing of ischaemic stroke from quantitative MRI closer to reality, as well as providing insight on ischaemia pathology by imaging in general. We anticipate that this may improve patient access to thrombolytic treatment as a future application

    Stroke onset time estimation from multispectral quantitative magnetic resonance imaging in a rat model of focal permanent cerebral ischaemia

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    Background Quantitative T2 relaxation magnetic resonance imaging allows estimation of stroke onset time. Aims We aimed to examine the accuracy of quantitative T1 and quantitative T2 relaxation times alone and in combination to provide estimates of stroke onset time in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia and map the spatial distribution of elevated quantitative T1 and quantitative T2 to assess tissue status. Methods Permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion was induced in Wistar rats. Animals were scanned at 9.4T for quantitative T1, quantitative T2, and Trace of Diffusion Tensor (Dav) up to 4 h post-middle cerebral artery occlusion. Time courses of differentials of quantitative T1 and quantitative T2 in ischemic and non-ischemic contralateral brain tissue (ΔT1, ΔT2) and volumes of tissue with elevated T1 and T2 relaxation times ( f1, f2) were determined. TTC staining was used to highlight permanent ischemic damage. Results ΔT1, ΔT2, f1, f2, and the volume of tissue with both elevated quantitative T1 and quantitative T2 (VOverlap) increased with time post-middle cerebral artery occlusion allowing stroke onset time to be estimated. VOverlap provided the most accurate estimate with an uncertainty of ±25 min. At all times-points regions with elevated relaxation times were smaller than areas with Dav defined ischemia. Conclusions Stroke onset time can be determined by quantitative T1 and quantitative T2 relaxation times and tissue volumes. Combining quantitative T1 and quantitative T2 provides the most accurate estimate and potentially identifies irreversibly damaged brain tissue. </jats:sec
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