106 research outputs found

    Kalman Filter Estimation for Focal Plane Wavefront Correction

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    Space-based coronagraphs for future earth-like planet detection will require focal plane wavefront control techniques to achieve the necessary contrast levels. These correction algorithms are iterative and the control methods require an estimate of the electric field at the science camera, which requires nearly all of the images taken for the correction. We demonstrate a Kalman filter estimator that uses prior knowledge to create the estimate of the electric field, dramatically reducing the number of exposures required to estimate the image plane electric field. In addition to a significant reduction in exposures, we discuss the relative merit of this algorithm to other estimation schemes, particularly in regard to estimate error and covariance. As part of the reduction in exposures we also discuss a novel approach to generating the diversity required for estimating the field in the image plane. This uses the stroke minimization control algorithm to choose the probe shapes on the deformable mirrors, adding a degree of optimality to the problem and once again reducing the total number of exposures required for correction. Choosing probe shapes has been largely unexplored up to this point and is critical to producing a well posed set of measurements for the estimate. Ultimately the filter will lead to an adaptive algorithm which can estimate physical parameters in the laboratory and optimize estimation.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012 conference proceedings. Journal version at arXiv:1301.382

    Synergies of Subaru and CGI

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    Given the limited observing time and demanding scenarios of the WFIRST coronagraph instrument (CGI), it is critical to consider how Subaru observations can benefit its observing program. Subaru telescope has a suite of instruments with their adaptive optics (AO) and extreme adaptive optics modules (SCExAO). With SCExAO, the Subaru telescope is capable of detection and spectral characterization of binaries and bright (greater than 5(exp -6) contrast) companions in the near-infrared. This will enable the vetting of targets, disk detection and characterization, and potentially some additional science should CGI identify interesting targets during its technology demonstration and potential guest observer program. Additionally, large companions that are within the inner working angle of the coronagraph can be identified using the VAMPIRES aperture masking interferometer. With highly complementary target brightness and significantly overlapping fields of view, there is a great deal of potential for combined observations with Subaru and CGI. This will represent the first time single observations spanning the visible to near-infrared will be possible for high contrast imaging. We will discuss the overlap of instrumentation over time, the implication of instrument evolution as TMT comes online, and how this can be used to improve both science and technology demonstrations for CGI

    Optimal Dark Hole Generation via Two Deformable Mirrors with Stroke Minimization

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    The past decade has seen a significant growth in research targeted at space based observatories for imaging exo-solar planets. The challenge is in designing an imaging system for high-contrast. Even with a perfect coronagraph that modifies the point spread function to achieve high-contrast, wavefront sensing and control is needed to correct the errors in the optics and generate a "dark hole". The high-contrast imaging laboratory at Princeton University is equipped with two Boston Micromachines Kilo-DMs. We review here an algorithm designed to achieve high-contrast on both sides of the image plane while minimizing the stroke necessary from each deformable mirror (DM). This algorithm uses the first DM to correct for amplitude aberrations and the second DM to create a flat wavefront in the pupil plane. We then show the first results obtained at Princeton with this correction algorithm, and we demonstrate a symmetric dark hole in monochromatic light

    Shielded Cold Cathode Magnetron (SCCM)

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    A magnetron is a vacuum device that uses the interaction of electrons and an electric field to generate microwaves. Magnetrons are often used for radar systems. Current magnetrons create electrons by heating a tungsten wire to the point that it emits electrons. These systems waste large amounts of energy and are difficult to control. A shielded cold cathode magnetron is a new magnetron design that has the potential to greatly improve the magnetron’s efficiency. These new magnetrons utilize arrays of gated field emitters to inject the electrons into the electric field. These field emitters must be protected from electron bombardment inside of the cavity, so a ceramic structure is incorporated into the design. The field emitter structure consists of emitter tips paired with gates; the electron motion is controlled by a pusher electrode. These emitter gate pair arrays can be individually addressed, thereby allowing control of electron injection. The ceramic structure is fabricated using a Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic and thick film metal electrodes. This structure is designed to shield the emitters from back bombardment by electrons and ions. Performance can be measured using segmented collectors and energy analyzers. The results from the design, fabrication, and testing of a shielded cold cathode test structure will be presented

    Commissioning and performance results of the WFIRST/PISCES integral field spectrograph

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    The Prototype Imaging Spectrograph for Coronagraphic Exoplanet Studies (PISCES) is a high contrast integral field spectrograph (IFS) whose design was driven by WFIRST coronagraph instrument requirements. We present commissioning and operational results using PISCES as a camera on the High Contrast Imaging Testbed at JPL. PISCES has demonstrated ability to achieve high contrast spectral retrieval with flight-like data reduction and analysis techniques.Comment: Author's copy - Proceedings of SPIE Volume 10400. Citation to SPIE proceedings volume will be added when availabl

    Design and Modeling of the Off-Axis Parabolic Deformable (OPD) Mirror Laboratory

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    Coronagraph-equipped direct imaging missions need an active wavefront control system to cancel out the optical aberrations that degrade the performance of the coronagraphs. A fast steering mirror is used to control Line-of-Sight (LoS) pointing error caused by the telescope jitter. In addition to controlling other low-order aberrations such as astigmatism and coma, high stroke, high actuator density deformable mirrors (DMs) are also used to control the electric field at the required high spatial frequencies. We are designing a testbed to verify a different deformable architecture, where the powered optic in the optical train are controllable and have lower actuator count compared to the existing DMs with flat nominal surfaces. This simplifies the packaging issue for space missions and reduces both cost and risk of having the entire coronagraph instrument's performance depending on one or two high-actuator count DMs. The testbed would also be capable of testing different low-order wavefront sensing algorithms, which focuses in the near-term on a new adaptive Kalman filtering and gradient decent method to estimate the harmonic LoS errors that affect space telescopes. In long run, we would test different machine learning techniques to estimate low-order aberrations and non-linear algorithms for digging the region of high contrast called the dark holes (DH)

    High-contrast integral field spectrograph (HCIFS): multi-spectral wavefront control and reduced-dimensional system identification

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    Any high-contrast imaging instrument in a future large space-based telescope will include an integral field spectrograph (IFS) for measuring broadband starlight residuals and characterizing the exoplanet’s atmospheric spectrum. In this paper, we report the development of a high-contrast integral field spectrograph (HCIFS) at Princeton University and demonstrate its application in multi-spectral wavefront control. Moreover, we propose and experimentally validate a new reduced-dimensional system identification algorithm for an IFS imaging system, which improves the system’s wavefront control speed, contrast and computational and data storage efficiency

    High-Contrast Integral Field Spectrograph (HCIFS): multi-spectral wavefront control and reduced-dimensional system identification

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    Any high-contrast imaging instrument in a future large space-based telescope will include an integral field spectrograph (IFS) for measuring broadband starlight residuals and characterizing the exoplanet's atmospheric spectrum. In this paper, we report the development of a high-contrast integral field spectrograph (HCIFS) at Princeton University and demonstrate its application in multi-spectral wavefront control. Moreover, we propose and experimentally validate a new reduced-dimensional system identification algorithm for an IFS imaging system, which improves the system's wavefront control speed, contrast and computational and data storage efficiency.Comment: This paper has been accepted to Optics Expres
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