551 research outputs found

    Photochemical Initiation of Polariton Propagation

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    Placing a material inside an optical cavity can enhance transport of excitation energy by hybridizing excitons with confined light modes into polaritons, which have a dispersion that provides these light-matter quasi-particles with low effective masses and very high group velocities. While in experiments polariton propagation is typically initiated with laser pulses, tuned to be resonant either with the polaritonic branches that are delocalized over many molecules, or with an uncoupled higher-energy electronic excited state that is localized on a single molecule, practical implementations of polariton-mediated exciton transport into devices would require operation under low-intensity incoherent light conditions. Here, we propose to initiate polaritonic exciton transport with a photo-acid, which upon absorption of a photon in a spectral range not strongly reflected by the cavity mirrors, undergoes ultra-fast excited-state proton transfer into a red-shifted excited-state photo-product that can couple collectively with a large number of suitable dye molecules to the modes of the cavity. By means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations we demonstrate that cascading energy from a photo-excited donor into the strongly coupled acceptor-cavity states can indeed induce long-range polariton-mediated exciton transport

    Tuning the Coherent Propagation of Organic Exciton-Polaritons through the Cavity Q-factor

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    Transport of excitons in organic materials can be enhanced through polariton formation when the interaction strength between these excitons and the confined light modes of an optical resonator exceeds their decay rates. While the polariton lifetime is determined by the Q(uality)-factor of the optical resonator, the polariton group velocity is not. Instead, the latter is solely determined by the polariton dispersion. Yet, experiments suggest that the Q-factor also controls the polariton propagation velocity. To understand this observation, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of Rhodamine chromophores strongly coupled to Fabry-P\'erot cavities with various Q-factors. Our results suggest that propagation in the aforementioned experiments is initially dominated by ballistic motion of upper polariton states at their group velocities, which leads to a rapid expansion of the wavepacket. Cavity decay in combination with non-adiabatic population transfer into dark states, rapidly depletes these bright states, causing the wavepacket to contract. However, because population transfer is reversible, propagation continues, but as a diffusion process, at lower velocity. By controlling the lifetime of bright states, the Q-factor determines the duration of the ballistic phase and the diffusion coefficient in the diffusive regime. Thus, polariton propagation in organic microcavities can be effectively tuned through the Q-factor.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.0730

    Accurate three states model for amino acids with two chemically coupled titrating sites in explicit solvent atomistic constant pH simulations and pK<sub>a</sub> calculations.

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    Correct protonation of titratable groups in biomolecules is crucial for their accurate description by molecular dynamics simulations. In the context of constant pH simulations, an additional protonation degree of freedom is introduced for each titratable site, allowing the protonation state to change dynamically with changing structure or electrostatics. Here, we extend previous approaches for an accurate description of chemically coupled titrating sites. A second reaction coordinate is used to switch between two tautomeric states of an amino acid with chemically coupled titratable sites, such as aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu), and histidine (His). To this aim, we test a scheme involving three protonation states. To facilitate charge neutrality as required for periodic boundary conditions and Particle Mesh Ewald (PME) electrostatics, titration of each respective amino acid is coupled to a “water” molecule that is charged in the opposite direction. Additionally, a force field modification for Amber99sb is introduced and tested for the description of carboxyl group protonation. Our three states model is tested by titration simulations of Asp, Glu, and His, yielding a good agreement, reproducing the correct geometry of the groups in their different protonation forms. We further show that the ion concentration change due to the neutralizing “water” molecules does not significantly affect the protonation free energies of the titratable groups, suggesting that the three states model provides a good description of biomolecular dynamics at constant pH
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