5 research outputs found

    Ovarian Aging and Hormone Replacement Therapy: Hormonal Levels, Symptoms, and Attitudes of African-American and White Women

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    OBJECTIVES: To characterize reproductive hormone levels, symptoms, and attitudes related to menopause among healthy, menstruating white and African-American women aged 44 to 49 years. DESIGN: Pilot study; cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Community-based convenience sample of women in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-three African-American and 35 white women. MEASUREMENTS: The survey instrument collected demographic data, medical and reproductive history, health practices and behaviors. It included previously validated function, depression, and quality-of-life instruments, and a Menopause Attitude Scale that included two factors, attitudes toward the menopause and attitudes toward medical therapy. Anthropometric measurements were taken at enrollment, and reproductive hormones and daily symptom logs were followed over two menstrual cycles. MAIN RESULTS: The two groups were comparable in mean age (African-American 46.2 years, white 46.9 years). Serum levels of estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, dihydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, and progesterone were comparable. Symptoms were similar in type and frequency. However, the African-American women had significantly more positive attitudes toward menopause, were more likely to rely on family for information about menopause, and were less likely to have been recommended hormone replacement therapy by their physicians. A majority of women in each group expressed satisfaction with the care they had received. CONCLUSIONS: Perimenopausal African-American and white women have different expectations of menopause and the role of medical care in menopause. This bears directly on women’s acceptance of hormone replacement therapy. Conclusions are limited by the small sample size and convenience nature of the study population: further work with larger samples is needed to confirm these apparent differences

    Assistência à mulher climatérica: novos paradigmas Atención a la mujer climatérica: nuevos paradigmas Assistance to the climacteric woman: new paradigms

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    O envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade demográfica brasileira. Como conseqüência, espera-se, nos próximos anos, um aumento progressivo na procura dos serviços de saúde por mulheres com queixas relacionadas ao climatério. Paralelamente, a assistência ao climatério tem passado por uma modificação de paradigmas, impondo aos profissionais de saúde uma mudança de atitude. Reconhece-se que o climatério é influenciado tanto por fatores biológicos, como por fatores psicossociais e culturais, cujo conhecimento é fundamental para uma assistência mais qualificada e humanizada. Este artigo propõe refletir sobre as mudanças de paradigmas na assistência ao climatério, destacando a multidisciplinaridade e interdisciplinaridade, no sentido acolher melhor essa parcela da população e proporcionar-lhe um cuidado integral e individualizado, aproximando o saber da sensibilidade, voltado a uma melhor qualidade vida.<br>Envejecimiento poblacional es una realidad demográfica brazilian. Consecuentementese espera un aumento progresivo de la búsqueda en los servicios de salud del país por mujeres con quejas relacionadas al climaterio. La asistencia al climaterio ha pasado por un cambio de paradigmas que han impuesto a los profesionales de la salud. El climaterio es influenciado por factores biológicos, factores psicosociales y culturales, cuyo conocimiento es fundamental para la planificación de una asistencia. Artículo se propone reflexionar sobre los cambios de paradigmas, el abordaje multidisciplinario e interdisciplinario, en el sentido de recibir mejor esta parcela de la población y proporcionarle un cuidado integral e individualizado, aproximando el saber de la sensibilidad, y el tener como objetivo a una mejor calidad de vida.<br>Population aging is a demographic reality for Brazil. Consequently, in the next years it is expected a progressive increase in seeking health care services in the country by women with complaints related to climacterium. Parallel to it, assistance at this part of woman's life has been going through a paradigm shift which has imposed to health professionals a change of attitude in relation to this stage of woman's life. Today it is acknowledged that the climacterium is influenced by biological, psychosocial and cultural factors, whose knowledge is fundamental for planning a more qualified and humanized care. This article proposes a reflection on the paradigm shifts in assistance at climacterium, highlighting important aspects as multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, so as to serve better this portion of population, and provide it with more integrated and individualized care, bringing together knowledge and sensitivity, and always aiming at a better quality of life