231 research outputs found

    Slimme mestopslag vermindert emissies

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    Mest is een belangrijke bron van emissies van methaan en lachgas. Onderzoekers bekijken hoe mest het beste kan worden opgeslagen binnen en buiten de stal

    [L]idiuin Van Groenestein to James (3 October 1962)

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    Protocol voor meting van lachgasemissie uit huisvestingssystemen in de veehouderij 2010 = Measurement protocol for nitrous oxide emission from housing systems in livestock production 2010

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    This report describes a measurement protocol for nitrous oxide emissions from animal housing systems. The protocol is based on sampling periods of 24 hours spread over one year and can be applied in specified animal categories

    Protocol voor meting van methaanemissie uit huisvestingssystemen in de veehouderij 2010 = Measurement protocol for methane emission from housing systems in livestock production 2010

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    This report describes a measurement protocol for methane emissions from animal housing systems. The protocol is based on sampling periods of 24 hours spread over one year and can be applied in specified animal categories

    LevensCyclusAnalyse (LCA) pilot mineralenconcentraten = Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) mineral concentrates pilot

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    This study assessed the change in the environmental impact of producing and using the end products, including mineral concentrate, from several pilot facilities as mineral fertilizer and substrate for anaerobic digestion. The LCA methodology was applied to assess the environmental consequences of four pig and dairy cattle slurry scenario’s. The scenarios were compared to a reference. Results showed that no mineral fertilizer was replaced in the scenarios. Without anaerobic digestion, no change in the environmental performance was observed for fattening pig slurry. Digestion reduced greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use. The sensitivity analysis showed higher ammonia and particulate matter emissions in all scenarios when processing more manure than only a surplus

    Onderzoek naar de ammoniak- en geuremissie van stallen LI : beddenstal voor gespeende biggen = Adapted house for weaned piglets

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    Ammonia emission from animal husbandry has to be reduced in the Netherlands by 70% in the year 2005, compared with the emission level in 1980. Moreover, recently adapted odour legislation requires measurements of the odour emissions of the main conventional and new housing systems. Research was carried out into the emission of ammonia and odour from a house for weaned piglets with boxes. The research was carried out during a spring and summer period

    Evaluatie van de CIGR methode voor de bepaling van het ventilatiedebiet uit stallen

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    In this study the calculation method used by the CIGR to determine the ventilation rate from animal houses (CO2 mass balance method) was evaluated with measurement data for different animal categories

    Veehouderij en klimaat : lachgas, methaan en ammoniak uit de stal : werkbladen voor leerlingen MBO Groen

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    Hoeveel ammoniak komt er vrij uit stallen? En hoeveel methaan stoten landbouwdieren uit? Wanneer ontstaat er lachgas? Waarom zijn deze gassen schadelijk voor het milieu? Deze werkbladen zijn bedoeld voor leerlingen in het MBO Groen

    Implementatie van strooiselsystemen in de varkenshouderij = Implementation of straw-based systems in pig husbandry

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    This report describes factors that could improve implementation of straw-based housing systems in pig husbandry
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