125 research outputs found

    Город: сценарии виртуального карнавала

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    Статья посвящена исследованию характера влияния публицистического дискурса на формирование нового образа пространства. Современный город открыт для творческих экспериментов в публичном пространстве: улица и площадь, подарившие электронным массмедиа культуру карнавала, превращаются в сцену, на которой разыгрывается новая драма авторского самовыражения.Стаття присвячена дослідженню характера впливу публіцистичного дискурсу на формування нового образу простіру. Сучасне місто відкрите щодо творчих експериментів у публічному просторі: вулиця та площа, що подарували електронним медіа культуру карнавалу, перетворюються на сцену, на якій розігрується нова драма авторського самовираження.The article is dedicated to the research into the character of influence of journalistic discourse upon the formation of the new image of space. The contemporary city is open for creative experiments in the public space: a street and a square that gave the carnival culture to the electronic mass media are turning into a stage hosting a new drama of author’s self-expression

    Moral Panic and Holland's Libertine Youth of the 1650's and 1660's

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    During the 1650s and 1660s, the Dutch Republic witnessed a wave of moral panic created by moralists. Every natural disaster, economic setback, and war that the Republic was involved in was considered to be a sign of God's wrath on Holland's newly acquired freedom, wealth, and secular society. Much of the finger-pointing was directed toward Holland's young people, who were accused of being vain, defying the Sabbath, visiting the theater, gambling, drinking, and fornicating. These accusations were, however, misplaced. This article examines the moral crusade of the 1650s and 1660s, and discovers that moralists were more upset that the Dutch Republic became a secular society and did not evolve into a theocratic state or "Dutch Israel," as they had hoped. Holland's youth were used as a scapegoat to create moral panic among political leaders, so they would reform Holland's secular society. © 2005 Sage Publications

    Masturbation and Neurasthenia. Freud and Stekel in Debate on the Harmful Effects of Auto-Erotism

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