1,273 research outputs found

    How to Tango: a manual for implementing Spine Tango

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    The generic approach of the Spine Tango documentation system, which uses web-based technologies, is a necessity for reaching a maximum number of participants. This, in turn, reduces the potential for customising the Tango according to the individual needs of each user. However, a number of possibilities still exist for tailoring the data collection processes to the user's own hospital workflow. One can choose between a purely paper-based set-up (with in-house scanning, data punching or mailing of forms to the data centre at the University of Bern) and completely paper-free online data entry. Many users work in a hybrid mode with online entry of surgical data and paper-based recording of the patients' perspectives using the Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) questionnaires. Preoperatively, patients can complete their questionnaires in the outpatient clinic at the time of taking the decision about surgery or simply at the time of hospitalisation. Postoperative administration of patient data can involve questionnaire completion in the outpatient clinic, the handing over the forms at the time of discharge for their mailing back to the hospital later, sending out of questionnaires by post with a stamped addressed envelope for their return or, in exceptional circumstances, conducting telephone interviews. Eurospine encourages documentation of patient-based information before the hospitalisation period and surgeon-based information both before and during hospitalisation; both patient and surgeon data should be acquired for at least one follow-up, at a minimum of three to six months after surgery. In addition, all complications that occur after discharge, and their consequences should be recorde

    Influence of ion implantation on the magnetic and transport properties of manganite films

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    We have used oxygen ions irradiation to generate controlled structural disorder in thin manganite films. Conductive atomic force microscopy CAFM), transport and magnetic measurements were performed to analyze the influence of the implantation process in the physical properties of the films. CAFM images show regions with different conductivity values, probably due to the random distribution of point defect or inhomogeneous changes of the local Mn3+/4+ ratio to reduce lattice strains of the irradiated areas. The transport and magnetic properties of these systems are interpreted in this context. Metal-insulator transition can be described in the frame of a percolative model. Disorder increases the distance between conducting regions, lowering the observed TMI. Point defect disorder increases localization of the carriers due to increased disorder and locally enhanced strain field. Remarkably, even with the inhomogeneous nature of the samples, no sign of low field magnetoresistance was found. Point defect disorder decreases the system magnetization but doesn t seem to change the magnetic transition temperature. As a consequence, an important decoupling between the magnetic and the metal-insulator transition is found for ion irradiated films as opposed to the classical double exchange model scenario.Comment: 27 pages, 11 Figure

    Overexpression of the p73 gene is a novel finding in high-risk B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    The p73 protein shares structural and functional similarities with the tumour-suppressor p53, but its role in neoplastic transformation is unknown. Alternative splicing leads to the expression of at least nine p73 C-terminal mRNA splice variants (α β γ δ ε ξ η ηl θ). In this survey, we analyse the expression of p73 by real-time quantitative RT-PCR, its known C-terminal variants with an RT-PCR-Southern tech nique and by Western blot in samples of 51 patients with B-CLL, normal B lymphocytes from eight individuals, and five haematopoetic cell lines. p73α protein expression positively correlated with higher risk B-CLL stages (P=0.046). Total p73 mRNA expression was higher (P= 0.01) and p73α protein more frequently detected (P=0.008) in B-CLL compared with normal CD19+—B-lymphocytes. p73 C-terminal mRNA variants were expressed both in B-CLL and in normal B-lymphocytes, but their expression was biased since the γ (P=0.041), the θ (P ≪ 0.001), and the η variant (P=0.033) prevailed in normal B-lymphocytes. In summary, we conclude that the accumulation of p73, the expression pattern of particular p73 variants and its link to progression may play a distinct role in the molecular pathology B-CL

    Mean echogenicity and area of puborectalis muscle in women with stress urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after delivery

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Pregnancy and childbirth are risk factors for the development of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Urinary continence depends on normal urethral support, which is provided by normal levator ani muscle function. Our objective was to compare mean echogenicity and the area of the puborectalis muscle between women with and those without SUI during and after their first pregnancy. METHODS: We examined 280 nulliparous women at a gestational age of 12 weeks, 36 weeks, and 6 months after delivery. They filled out the validated Urogenital Distress Inventory and underwent perineal ultrasounds. SUI was considered present if the woman answered positively to the question "do you experience urine leakage related to physical activity, coughing, or sneezing?" Mean echogenicity of the puborectalis muscle (MEP) and puborectalis muscle area (PMA) were calculated. The MEP and PMA during pregnancy and after delivery in women with and without SUI were compared using independent Student's t test. RESULTS: After delivery the MEP was higher in women with SUI if the pelvic floor was at rest or in contraction, with effect sizes of 0.30 and 0.31 respectively. No difference was found in the area of the puborectalis muscle between women with and those without SUI. CONCLUSIONS: Women with SUI after delivery had a statistically significant higher mean echogenicity of the puborectalis muscle compared with non-SUI women when the pelvic floor was at rest and in contraction; the effect sizes were small. This higher MEP is indicative of a relatively higher intramuscular extracellular matrix component and could represent diminished contractile function

    Direct observation of electronic inhomogeneities induced by point defect disorder in manganite films

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    We have investigated the influence of point defect disorder in the electronic properties of manganite films. Real-time mapping of ion irradiated samples conductivity was performed though conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM). CAFM images show electronic inhomogeneities in the samples with different physical properties due to spatial fluctuations in the point defect distribution. As disorder increases, the distance between conducting regions increases and the metal-insulator transition shifts to lower temperatures. Transport properties in these systems can be interpreted in terms of a percolative model. The samples saturation magnetization decreases as the irradiation dose increases whereas the Curie temperature remains unchanged

    Rationale and design of The Delphi Trial – I(RCT)(2): international randomized clinical trial of rheumatoid craniocervical treatment, an intervention-prognostic trial comparing 'early' surgery with conservative treatment [ISRCTN65076841]

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    BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which affects 1% of the population. Hands and feet are most commonly involved followed by the cervical spine. The spinal column consists of vertebrae stabilized by an intricate network of ligaments. Especially in the upper cervical spine, rheumatoid arthritis can cause degeneration of these ligaments, causing laxity, instability and subluxation of the vertebral bodies. Subsequent compression of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata can cause severe neurological deficits and even sudden death. Once neurological deficits occur, progression is inevitable although the rapidity of progression is highly variable. The first signs and symptoms are pain at the back of the head caused by compression of the major occipital nerve, followed by loss of strength of arms and legs. The severity of the subluxation can be observed with radiological investigations (MRI, CT) with a high sensitivity. The authors have sent a Delphi Questionnaire about the current treatment strategies of craniocervical involvement by rheumatoid arthritis to an international forum of expert rheumatologists and surgeons. The timing of surgery in patients with radiographic instability without evidence of neurological deficit is an area of considerable controversy. If signs and symptoms of myelopathy are present there is little chance of recovery to normal levels after surgery. DESIGN: In this international multicenter randomized clinical trial, early surgical atlantoaxial fixation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and radiological abnormalities without neurological deficits will be compared with prolonged conservative treatment. The main research question is whether early surgery can prevent radiological and neurological progression. A cost-effectivity analysis will be performed. 250 patients are needed to answer the research question. DISCUSSION: Early surgery could prevent serious neurological deficits, but may have peri-operative morbidity and loss of rotation of the head and neck. The objective of this study is to identify the best timing of surgery for patients at risk for the development of neurological signs and symptoms

    Access, accountability, and the proliferation of psychological therapy:On the introduction of the IAPT initiative and the transformation of mental healthcare

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    Psychological therapy today plays a key role in UK public mental health. In large part, this has been through the development of the (specifically English) Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme. Through IAPT, millions of citizens have encountered interventions such as cognitive behaviour therapy, largely for the treatment of depression and anxiety. This article interrogates how this national response to problems of mental ill-health – and the problematization itself – was developed, accounted for, and sustained. By imbricating economic expertise with accounts of mental ill-health and mechanisms of treatment, IAPT has revivified psychological framings of pathology and therapy. However, it has done so in ways that are more familiar within biomedical contexts (e.g. through recourse to randomized controlled trial studies). Today, the initiative is a principal player in relation to which other services are increasingly developed. Indeed, in many respects IAPT has transformed from content to context within UK public mental health (in a process of what I term ‘contextification’). By documenting these developments, this paper contributes to re-centring questions about the place and role of psychology in contemporary healthcare. Doing so helps to complicate assumptions about the dominance of linear forms of (de)biomedicalization in health-systems

    Automatic identification and segmentation of slice of minimal hiatal dimensions in transperineal ultrasound volumes

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a tool for automatic selection of the slice of minimal hiatal dimensions (SMHD) and segmentation of the urogenital hiatus (UH) in transperineal ultrasound (TPUS) volumes. METHODS: Manual selection of the SMHD and segmentation of the UH was performed in TPUS volumes of 116 women with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse (POP). These data were used to train two deep-learning algorithms. The first algorithm was trained to provide an estimation of the position of the SMHD. Based on this estimation, a slice was selected and fed into the second algorithm, which performed automatic segmentation of the UH. From this segmentation, measurements of the UH area (UHA), anteroposterior diameter (APD) and coronal diameter (CD) were computed automatically. The mean absolute distance between manually and automatically selected SMHD, the overlap (dice similarity index (DSI)) between manual and automatic UH segmentation and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between manual and automatic UH measurements were assessed on a test set of 30 TPUS volumes. RESULTS: The mean absolute distance between manually and automatically selected SMHD was 0.20 cm. All DSI values between manual and automatic UH segmentations were above 0.85. The ICC values between manual and automatic UH measurements were 0.94 (95% CI, 0.87-0.97) for UHA, 0.92 (95% CI, 0.78-0.97) for APD and 0.82 (95% CI, 0.66-0.91) for CD, demonstrating excellent agreement. CONCLUSIONS: Our deep-learning algorithms allowed reliable automatic selection of the SMHD and UH segmentation in TPUS volumes of women with symptomatic POP. These algorithms can be implemented in the software of TPUS machines, thus reducing clinical analysis time and simplifying the examination of TPUS data for research and clinical purposes. © 2021 The Authors. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
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