474 research outputs found

    Towards Valid and Reliable Privacy Concern Scales: The Example of IUIPC-8

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    Valid and reliable measurement instruments are crucial for human factors in privacy research. We expect them to measure what they purport to measure, yielding validity, and to measure this consistently, offering us reliability. While there is a range of privacy concern instruments available in the field and their investigation continues unabated, we shall focus on a brief form of the scale Internet Users? Information Privacy Concerns (IUIPC-8) as an example. We not only present IUIPC-8 itself, but also consider methods for the evaluation of valid and reliable measurement instruments. In this, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) serves us as a valuable tool. Our inquiry takes into account the ordinal and non-normal data yielded by the IUIPC questionnaire, compares multiple models to confirm the three-dimensionality of the scale, examines global and local fit and, finally, estimates construct validity and internal consistency reliability metrics. We offer a comparison between IUIPC-10 and IUIPC-8 drawing on two independent samples. In conclusion, we highlight properties of the scale and considerations for its use in practice.Comment: 19 pages. Funded by the ERC Starting Grant CASCAde (GA no 716980). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2011.1174

    A Trace Finite Element Method for Vector-Laplacians on Surfaces

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    We consider a vector-Laplace problem posed on a 2D surface embedded in a 3D domain, which results from the modeling of surface fluids based on exterior Cartesian differential operators. The main topic of this paper is the development and analysis of a finite element method for the discretization of this surface partial differential equation. We apply the trace finite element technique, in which finite element spaces on a background shape-regular tetrahedral mesh that is surface-independent are used for discretization. In order to satisfy the constraint that the solution vector field is tangential to the surface we introduce a Lagrange multiplier. We show well-posedness of the resulting saddle point formulation. A discrete variant of this formulation is introduced which contains suitable stabilization terms and is based on trace finite element spaces. For this method we derive optimal discretization error bounds. Furthermore algebraic properties of the resulting discrete saddle point problem are studied. In particular an optimal Schur complement preconditioner is proposed. Results of a numerical experiment are included

    Sinkende Geburtenraten als Herausforderung für den Wohlfahrtsstaat: Lösungswege der Familien- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik im internationalen Vergleich

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    Die zentrale Stoßrichtung dieses Beitrages ist es, Wege für eine erfolgreiche Familienpolitik aufzuzeigen. Basierend auf einem 16-Ländersample und unter Zuhilfenahme des neuen MVQCA-Ansatzes werden unterschiedliche europäische familienpolitische Regulierungsmuster multivariat untersucht. Die theoretischen Annahmen basieren auf dem Ernährermodell. Es zeigt sich, dass (noch) in fast allen Ländern ernährertypische Strukturen zu finden sind und die Kinderraten entscheidend beeinflussen. Es wird dargestellt, warum flankierende familienpolitische Maßnahmen, besonders im finanziellen Bereich, neben einem hohen Kinderbetreuungsangebot und einer umfassenden Teilhabe der Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt, zentrale Faktoren sind, die zu einer Erhöhung der Kinderrate beitragen können. -- The main focus of this contribution is to present pathways leading to a successful family policy. With the aid of the new MVQCA approach, we shall perform a multivariate analysis of various European patterns of regulation in family policies based on a sample of 16 countries. The theoretical assumptions are based on the breadwinner model. It is shown that structures typical of the breadwinner model can (still) be found in almost all the countries examined, and that these have a crucial effect on the birth rate. This article demonstrates why, along with child care supply and comprehensive female participation in the labour market, accompanying measures in family policy, especially financial support, are key factors in the increase of birth rates.Geburtenrate,Sozialstaat,Frauenerwerbstätigkeit,Kinderbetreuung,Familienbesteuerung,Erziehungsurlaub,Mutterschutz,Öffentliche Sozialausgaben,Multi-Value Qualitative Comparative Analysis

    An Efficient Side-Channel Protected AES Implementation with Arbitrary Protection Order

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    Passive physical attacks, like power analysis, pose a serious threat to the security of digital circuits. In this work, we introduce an efficient sidechannel protected Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware design that is completely scalable in terms of protection order. Therefore, we revisit the private circuits scheme of Ishai et al. [13] which is known to be vulnerable to glitches. We demonstrate how to achieve resistance against multivariate higher-order attacks in the presence of glitches for the same randomness cost as the private circuits scheme. Although our AES design is scalable, it is smaller, faster, and less randomness demanding than other side-channel protected AES implementations. Our first-order secure AES design, for example, requires only 18 bits of randomness per S-box operation and 6 kGE of chip area. We demonstrate the flexibility of our AES implementation by synthesizing it up to the 15th protection order