1 research outputs found

    Mobbing - student experience FSD with mobbing from student work

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    Švedski raziskovalec Heinz Leymann je bil prvi, ki je začel raziskovati področje mobinga, zasnoval pa je tudi prvo definicijo mobinga. Čeprav so mu sledili številni drugi avtorji po celem svetu, še danes nimamo enotne definicije. Diplomsko delo opisuje mobing na delovnem mestu in izkušnje študentov na tem področju. Za namen empiričnega dela raziskave je bila izvedena spletna anketa. V njeno izpolnjevanje so bili vključeni študentje Fakultete za socialno delo. Namen ankete je bil ugotoviti, ali so študentje seznanjeni s pojavom mobinga, ali ga znajo prepoznati v svojem delovnem okolju in ali vedo, na koga se lahko obrnejo v primeru mobinga.The first definition of mobbing was proposed by Heinz Leymann, a Swedish researcher. His research was continued by many other researchers worldwideconsequently, multiple definitions of mobbing exist today. The present thesis describes mobbing in the workplace and the experiences of students in this regard. For the purpose of the empirical part of the thesis, an online survey, in which participated students of the Faculty of Social Work, was conducted. The purpose of the survey was to determine whether students are familiar with the phenomenon of mobbing, if they are able to recognize it in their workplace, and whether they know to whom they can turn if they experience mobbing