24 research outputs found

    Diversification Across Mining Pools: Optimal Mining Strategies under PoW

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    Mining is a central operation of all proof-of-work (PoW) based cryptocurrencies. The vast majority of miners today participate in "mining pools" instead of "solo mining" in order to lower risk and achieve a more steady income. However, this rise of participation in mining pools negatively affects the decentralization levels of most cryptocurrencies. In this work, we look into mining pools from the point of view of a miner: We present an analytical model and implement a computational tool that allows miners to optimally distribute their computational power over multiple pools and PoW cryptocurrencies (i.e. build a mining portfolio), taking into account their risk aversion levels. Our tool allows miners to maximize their risk-adjusted earnings by diversifying across multiple mining pools which enhances PoW decentralization. Finally, we run an experiment in Bitcoin historical data and demonstrate that a miner diversifying over multiple pools, as instructed by our model/tool, receives a higher overall Sharpe ratio (i.e. average excess reward over its standard deviation/volatility).Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures. Presented at WEIS 201

    Text-based Emotion Aware Recommender

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    We apply the concept of users' emotion vectors (UVECs) and movies' emotion vectors (MVECs) as building components of Emotion Aware Recommender System. We built a comparative platform that consists of five recommenders based on content-based and collaborative filtering algorithms. We employed a Tweets Affective Classifier to classify movies' emotion profiles through movie overviews. We construct MVECs from the movie emotion profiles. We track users' movie watching history to formulate UVECs by taking the average of all the MVECs from all the movies a user has watched. With the MVECs, we built an Emotion Aware Recommender as one of the comparative platforms' algorithms. We evaluated the top-N recommendation lists generated by these Recommenders and found the top-N list of Emotion Aware Recommender showed serendipity recommendations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 tables, International Conference on Natural Language Computing and AI (NLCAI2020) July25-26, London, United Kingdo

    Global convergence of a primal-dual interior-point method for nonlinear programming

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    Many recent convergence results obtained for primal-dual interior-point methods for nonlinear programming, use assumptions of the boundedness of generated iterates. In this paper we replace such assumptions by new assumptions on the NLP problem, develop a modification of a primal-dual interior-point method implemented in software package LOQO and analyze convergence of the new method from any initial guess

    Investigating Functional Roles for Positive Feedback and Cellular Heterogeneity in the Type I Interferon Response to Viral Infection

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    Secretion of type I interferons (IFN) by infected cells mediates protection against many viruses, but prolonged or excessive type I IFN secretion can lead to immune pathology. A proper type I IFN response must therefore maintain a balance between protection and excessive IFN secretion. It has been widely noted that the type I IFN response is driven by positive feedback and is heterogeneous, with only a fraction of infected cells upregulating IFN expression even in clonal cell lines, but the functional roles of feedback and heterogeneity in balancing protection and excessive IFN secretion are not clear. To investigate the functional roles for feedback and heterogeneity, we constructed a mathematical model coupling IFN and viral dynamics that extends existing mathematical models by accounting for feedback and heterogeneity. We fit our model to five existing datasets, reflecting different experimental systems. Fitting across datasets allowed us to compare the IFN response across the systems and suggested different signatures of feedback and heterogeneity in the different systems. Further, through numerical experiments, we generated hypotheses of functional roles for IFN feedback and heterogeneity consistent with our mathematical model. We hypothesize an inherent tradeoff in the IFN response: a positive feedback loop prevents excessive IFN secretion, but also makes the IFN response vulnerable to viral antagonism. We hypothesize that cellular heterogeneity of the IFN response functions to protect the feedback loop from viral antagonism. Verification of our hypotheses will require further experimental studies. Our work provides a basis for analyzing the type I IFN response across systems

    Mathematical Programming manuscript No. (will

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