572 research outputs found

    Comparison of different methods to assess the distribution of alien plants along the road network and use of Google Street View panoramas interpretation in Sicily (Italy) as a case study

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    The survey by foot in the field is compared to the survey from a car, the photointerpretation of Google Street View (GSV) panoramas continuously and at intervals of 1.5 km and the photo-interpretation of Google Earth aerial images on a 10 km stretch of road in Sicily. The survey by foot was used as reference for the other methods. The interpretation of continuous GSV panoramas gave similar results as the assessment by car in terms of the number of species identified and their location, but with lower cost. The interpretation online of aerial photos allowed the identification of a limited number of taxa, but gave a good localisation for them. Interpretation of GSV panoramas, each of 1.5 km, allowed the recognition of twice as many taxa as the interpretation of aerial photos and taking half the time, but did not allow a complete localisation. None of these methods alone seems sufficient to carry out a complete survey. A mixture of different techniques, which may vary according to the available resources and the goal to be achieved, seems to be the best compromise. To further test the capabilities of the survey using the interpretation of GSV panoramas every 1.5 km along the roads, we proceeded to study the alien plants along 3500 km of the road network on the island of Sicily. This survey identified only 10% of the known species for the region, but allowed us to trace the distribution of invasive species whose distribution is currently poorly recorded

    The alien vascular flora of Stromboli and Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy)

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    The updated censuses of the alien flora of the islands of Stromboli and Vulcano, Aeolian Islands in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, are presented here. They currently consist of 40 and 57 specific and subspecific taxa respectively. As many as 16 and 18 taxa respectively are new in comparison with the last censuses in 2016. Mesembryanthemum x vascosilvae, commonly cultivated in both islands, is reported for the first time as naturalized alien to Italy. Passiflora incarnata from Stromboli and Pelargonium graveolens from Vulcano are reported for the first time as casual aliens to Sicily. The evolution over time of these florulas, as inferred from the main floristic works published on these islands, is commented on. Biology, ecology and possible causes of settlement of these plants are discussed briefly

    Karyological data of three Hieracium (Asteraceae) from Sicily and South Italy

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    Chromosome numbers are given for three endemic Hieracium taxa from Sicily and Campania (Southern Italy). All the examined taxa resulted triploid (2n = 3x = 27). The triploid chromosome set found in the population of H. pallidum from Rocche dell’Argimusco (Peloritani Mountains, NE-Sicily) differs from the previous counts (2n = 4x = 36) reported for the same species from its locus classicus (Mt. Etna)

    Aspetti dell'alimentazione di alcune specie di selaci del Canale di Sicilia

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    I Selaci occupano gli ultimi livelli delle reti trofiche marine: si tratta infatti di carnivori che, spesso, predano risorse utili anche all'uomo. Numerose specie demersali (squali, razze e torpedini) si alimentano, infatti, con organismi di interesse commerciale come Aristeidi, Peneidi, Cefalopodi e Pesci ossei. Le abitudini alimentari dei Selaci demersali del Canale di Sicilia sono quasi completamente sc onosciute; esistono in letteratura i lavori di Capapé relativi alle acque tunisine, che si limitano ad una descrizione puramente qualitativa delle diete ma che hanno tuttavia evidenziato preferenze verso Crostacei Decapodi, Cefalopodi e Teleostei. Lo studio dei contenuti stomacali dei Selaci può fornire dunque elementi utili alla comprensione delle reti trofiche demersali, all'indagine sull'esistenza di competizione tra le diverse specie e allo studio dell'interferenza con prede di valore commerciale

    Karyological data of four geophytes native to Tunisia

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    Chromosome numbers were studied in four geophytes collected in Tunisia. Allium pallens was collected from Zembra island, N of Tunisia, while Drimia purpurascens, Oncostema peruvianum and Pancratium foetidum from continental Tunisia. The chromosome numbers found for Allium pallens, Drimia purpurascens, and Oncostema peruvianum coincides with the previous reports obtained from other Mediterranean populations. The chromosome number 2n = 22, found on material from Toujane is the first reported for Pancratium foetidum

    Trees and shrubs in the city of Bari (Italy)

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    The authors recorded in the city of Bari 221 specific and infraspecific taxa, used as onramentals, belonging to 126 genera of 64 families with a prevalence of exotic species over native ones. The study is preparatory to the redevelopment of urban green areas concerning the recent Municipal Regulation on green spaces in the city. The flora investigated is rich in elements native to Italy. Anyway, the most common species are commonly used as ornamental also in the other regions of Italy. Argania spinosa, Ceiba speciosa, Cyperus papyrus, Euphorbia ingens, Ficus rubiginosa, and Jacaranda mimosifolia are species less commonly used and noteworthy, because at their climatic limit

    Study of the alien flora of the urban area of Palermo (Sicily)

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    Alien plants are an integral part of the Mediterranean agricultural and urban landscape. Taking into account that man is an active voluntary or involuntary carrier of plant diasporas, cities and areas where human activity is predominant represent preferential targets for the study of new plant introductions. In addition, some species as Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov. and Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill., initially exclusive to high disturbed habitats, succeeded in penetrating in cliffs, degraded maquis and garrigues characterizing them. Thus the importance of studying these areas to predict future colonization of more natural habitats. Starting from literature and integrating it with field observations we prepared a list of alien species occurring in the urban area of Palermo. This list includes a categorization of the non native species occurring in the city according to their origin, their behaviour and the habitat where these plants were recorded. The starting points were the contributions about the flora of Sicily (1, 2, 3), the alien flora of Italy (4) and the flora living on trees of the city of Palermo (5). Literature sources were followed by intense field work from September 2013 to May 2016, that allowed to include new species that only recently showed their tendency to naturalization and to exclude species reported more than 100 years ago that have not be found anymore or taxa occurring in different parts of Sicily but not in the perimeter that defines the study area. About the categories, relevant literature gives different categorization depending on whether the point of view adopted is anthropocentric, biological, ecological or biogeographic. Here we adopted the categories suggested by Raimondo & al. (1) dividing the studied taxa in Adventive or Cultivated depending on whether the introduction was accidental or voluntary, and subdividing them further in casual, naturalized and invasive depending on whether their permanence and development into the new territory. On the whole, 145 specific and infraspecific taxa have been recorded. Neophytes are 133: 43 adventive and 90 coming from cultivation; 42 are casual, 94 naturalized and 9 invasive. Archaeophytes (cfr. 6, 7) are 12: 6 casual, 5 naturalized and 1 invasive. This study allowed to record recent changes in the alien flora of the city. These are mainly due to: - the popularity of the plants that are grown for ornament (e.g. Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) K. Presl widely cultivated until 30 years ago now its cultivation is almost entirely disappeared inside the city); - the variation of construction techniques and materials with the rarefaction of roof tiles and rough walls in limestone in favour of more modern covers that do not allow the establishment of plants (comporting an evident reduction of Crassulaceae observable on the roofs); - the arrival of new pollinators that allowed the production of fertile fruits e.g. in Ficus microcarpa L. and F. watkinsiana F. M. Bailey. An example of the spreading of new taxa is Sesamum indicum L., reported as only cultivated plant without tendency to naturalize (8) in the last year, several individuals inside the city of Palermo have been recorded in ruderal habitat. This could have been due to the presence of an increasing number of not Italian of birth citizens who grow this plant for food purposes

    Understanding the role of soil erosion on co2-c loss using 13c isotopic signatures in abandoned Mediterranean agricultural land

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    Understanding soil water erosion processes is essential to evaluate the redistribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within a landscape and is fundamental to assess the role of soil erosion in the global carbon (C) budget. The main aim of this study was to estimate the C redistribution and losses using 13C natural abundance. Carbon losses in soil sediment, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and CO2 emission were determined. Four bounded parallel plots were installed on a 10% slope. In the upper part of the plots, C3soil was replaced with C4soil. The SOC and δ13C were measured after 145.2 mm rainfall in the upper (2 m far from C4strip), middle (4 m far from C4strip) lower (6 m far from C4strip) trams of the plot and in the sediments collected in the Gerlach collector at the lower part of the plot. A laboratory incubation experiment was performed to evaluate the CO2 emission rate of soils in each area. OC was mainly lost in the sediments as 2.08 g−2 of C was lost after 145.2 mm rainfall. DOC losses were only 5.61% of off-site OC loss. Three months after the beginning of the experiment, 15.90% of SOC in the upper tram of the plot had a C4 origin. The C4-SOC content decreased along the 6 m length of the plot, and in the sediments collected by the Gerlach collector. CO2 emission rate was high in the upper plot tram due to the high SOC content. The discrimination of CO2 in C3 and C4 portion permitted to increase our level of understanding on the stability of SOC and its resilience to decomposition. The transport of sediments along the plot increased SOC mineralization by 43%. Our study underlined the impact of rainfall in C losses in soil and water in abandoned Mediterranean agriculture fields and the consequent implications on the C balance

    Karyological data of two Sicilian endemic Centaurea species

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    Chromosome numbers are given for 2 Centaurea species endemic to Sicily. For both studied taxa, Centaurea valdemonensis and C. virescens, the somatic chromosome number, found on material from their loci classici, is diploid (2n = 18)

    Typification of names published by Vincenzo Tineo from Sicily

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    The nomenclature of 13 European taxa described by Vincenzo Tineo from Sicily is discussed. Alyssum nebrodense is neotypified on a specimen collected by Tineo and housed in PAL. Bromus tenuis (basionym of Vulpiella tenuis), Carex intricata (Carex nigra subsp. intricata), Ophrys sicula, Orchis markusii (Dactylorhiza markusii), Scilla sicula (Oncostema sicula), and Viola parvula are lectotypified using specimens deposited in PAL; Iris pseudopumila is lectotypified by a specimen preserved in K, Mespilus insegnae (Crataegus insegnae), Scilla ughii (Oncostema ughii), and Statice tenuicula (Limonium tenuiculum) are lectotypified by specimens housed in NAP; Rothia tenuifolia (Andryala tenuifolia) is neotypified by a specimen by Michele Lojacono-Pojero housed in P; Statice parviflora (Limonium parvifolium) is lectotypified on a specimen housed in FI. For each taxon both the currently accepted name and synonymies are provided. The type indication is followed by nomenclatural and taxonomic notes in which the original material found is commented and the reasons for the choice of the types are discussed
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