63 research outputs found

    Observing the temperature of the Big Bang through large scale structure

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    It is widely accepted that the Universe underwent a period of thermal equilibrium at very early times. One expects a residue of this primordial state to be imprinted on the large scale structure of space time. In this paper we study the morphology of this thermal residue in a universe whose early dynamics is governed by a scalar field. We calculate the amplitude of fluctuations on large scales and compare it to the imprint of vacuum fluctuations. We then use the observed power spectrum of fluctuations on the cosmic microwave background to place a constraint on the temperature of the Universe before and during inflation. We also present an alternative scenario where the fluctuations are predominantly thermal and near scale-invariant

    The CWKB particle production and classical condensate in de Sitter spacetime

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    The complex time WKB approximation is an effective tool in studying particle production in curved spacetime. We use it in this work to understand the formation of classical condensate in expanding de Sitter spacetime. The CWKB leads to the emergence of thermal spectrum that depends crucially on horizons (as in de Sitter spacetime) or observer dependent horizons (as in Rindler spacetime). A connection is sought between the horizon and the formation of classical condensate. We concentrate on de Sitter spacetime and study the cosmological perturbation of k=0k=0 mode with various values of m/H0m/H_0. We find that for a minimally coupled free scalar field for m2/H02<2m^2/H_0^2<2, the one-mode occupation number grows more than unity soon after the physical wavelength of the mode crosses the Hubble radius and soon after diverges as N(t)O(1)[λphys(t)/H01]2ν21/4N(t)\sim O(1)[\lambda_{phys}(t)/{H_0^{-1}}]^{2\sqrt{\nu^2-1/4}}, where ν(9/4m2/H02)1/2\nu\equiv (9/4 -m^2/{H_0^2})^{1/2}. The results substantiates the previous works in this direction. We also find the correct oscillation and behaviour of N(z)N(z) at small zz from a single expression using CWKB approximation for various values of m/H0m/H_0. We also discuss decoherence in relation to the formation of classical condensate. We also find that the squeezed state formalism and CWKB method give identical results.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, 5 figure

    Hip replacement at posttraumatic defects of coxal cavity

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    From 2009 to 2014 total hip replacement on the account of posttraumatic coxarthrosis of the of the 3rd degree in combination with coxal cavity defect, dislocation or incomplete dislocation of femoral head was conducted in our clinic in 12 patients (10 (83,3 %) men and 2 (16,7 %) women) of 23-51 years (42 on the average). It took from 3 weeks to 8 years (26 months on the average) from the moment of trauma till the operation. We used the method of the replacement of defect of posterosuperior edge of coxal cavity of femoral head. We used acetabular components of cementless fixation in 3 (25 %) cases and mounted a cup of cement-retained fixation in 9 (75 %) cases. The operation lasted from 45 to 225 minutes (90 minutes on the average). Blood loss was from 500 to 2100 ml(1100 ml on the average). 3 (25 %) patients had complications in postoperative period. 2 (16,7 %) patients in consequence of noncompliance of orthopedic regimen had dislocation of prosthesis head on the 8th and 14th day after the operation. 1 (8,3 %) patient had soft tissues infection in the zone of operative intervention in postoperative period. Terms of observation of alteration of massive autografts and functional results of hip replacement were from 1 to 5 years. 11 (91,7 %) patients didn't have any signs of acetabular component instability and osteolysis in the zone of contact between bone cavity and cup. No patient had signs of instability of stem of joint. Harris score increased from 34,1 ± 7,2 to 78 ± 8,4 points

    Relic gravitational waves and present accelerated expansion

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    We calculate the current power spectrum of the gravitational waves created at the big bang (and later amplified by the different transitions during the Universe expansion) taking into account the present stage of accelerated expansion. Likewise, we determine the power spectrum in a hypothetical second dust era that would follow the present one if at some future time the dark energy, that supposedly drives the current accelerated expansion, evolved in such a way that it became dynamically equivalent to cold dark matter. The calculated power spectrum as well as the evolution of the density parameter of the waves may serve to discriminate between phases of expansion and may help ascertain the nature of dark energy.Comment: 20 pages, uses revtex4, 1 figure ps and 3 figures eps. To be published in Physical Review

    Magnetoresistive Properties of Three-Layer Systems on the Basis of Thin Metal Films Fe and V or Ni and V

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    The paper deals with the methods of forming three-layer structures by layer condensation of nanoscale films Ni, Fe and V. Investigated the magnetoresistive properties of the samples as well as their dependence on annealing temperature and the thickness of nonmagnetic layer. The correlation of magnetoresistance effect with structural-phase state of film system and its components are defined. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3506

    The First Space-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    Gravitational waves provide a laboratory for general relativity and a window to energetic astrophysical phenomena invisible with electromagnetic radiation. Several terrestrial detectors are currently under construction, and a space-based interferometer is envisioned for launch early next century to detect test-mass motions induced by waves of relatively short wavelength. Very-long-wavelength gravitational waves can be detected using the plasma in the early Universe as test masses; the motion induced in the plasma by a wave is imprinted onto the cosmic microwave background (CMB). While the signature of gravitational waves on the CMB temperature fluctuations is not unique, the polarization pattern can be used to unambiguously detect gravitational radiation. Thus, forthcoming CMB polarization experiments, such as MAP and Planck, will be the first space-based gravitational-wave detectors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Tracking Black Holes in Numerical Relativity

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    This work addresses and solves the problem of generically tracking black hole event horizons in computational simulation of black hole interactions. Solutions of the hyperbolic eikonal equation, solved on a curved spacetime manifold containing black hole sources, are employed in development of a robust tracking method capable of continuously monitoring arbitrary changes of topology in the event horizon, as well as arbitrary numbers of gravitational sources. The method makes use of continuous families of level set viscosity solutions of the eikonal equation with identification of the black hole event horizon obtained by the signature feature of discontinuity formation in the eikonal's solution. The method is employed in the analysis of the event horizon for the asymmetric merger in a binary black hole system. In this first such three dimensional analysis, we establish both qualitative and quantitative physics for the asymmetric collision; including: 1. Bounds on the topology of the throat connecting the holes following merger, 2. Time of merger, and 3. Continuous accounting for the surface of section areas of the black hole sources.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Стан і перспективи мультифізичного моделювання індукційних кухонних плит

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    Induction cookers are a relatively new class of modern electrical household appliances – kitchen electric stoves that heat metal dishes with eddy currents generated by an electromagnetic field with a frequency of 20-100 kHz. Of considerable interest is the study of multiphysical (electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical) processes occurring in induction cookers during their operation, as well as the development of methods for calculating and designing their structural elements. The results obtained should be intended for use in the practice of designing domestic induction cookers, as well as in the educational process for training specialists in the relevant curriculum. The number of published papers devoted to computer simulation of processes in induction cookers is many orders of magnitude less than the number of publications on the issues of well-developed numerical analysis of multiphysical phenomena in industrial induction heaters. The paper presents a review and analysis of publications, mainly published abroad devoted to multiphysical computer modeling of electromagnetic and thermal processes and phenomena in induction cookers and heated dishes. The directions for further research have been proposed: it is advisable to take into account, when applying the finite element method, the dependencies of the electrophysical and thermal properties on temperature, as well as the nonlinear magnetic properties (main magnetization curves) of ferromagnetic materials. Mathematical modelling of the distribution of coupled fields should be started in a two-dimensional formulation (a much more complicated three-dimensional formulation and the corresponding software can be used later to refine the results).Индукционные плиты представляют собой относительно новый класс современной электробытовой техники – кухонные электрические плиты, которые разогревают металлическую посуду вихревыми токами, создаваемыми электромагнитным полем частотой 20-100 кГц. Представляет значительный интерес исследование мультифизических (электромагнитных, тепловых и механических) процессов, протекающих в индукционных плитах в процессе их эксплуатации, а также разработка методики расчета и проектирования их конструктивных элементов. Полученные результаты должны быть рассчитаны на использование в практике конструирования бытовых индукционных плит, а также в учебном процессе для подготовки специалистов по соответствующей учебной программе. Количество опубликованных работ, посвященных компьютерному моделированию процессов в индукционных кухонных плитах, на много порядков меньше, чем количество публикаций по вопросам хорошо развитого численного анализа мультифизических явлений в промышленных индукционных нагревателях. В статье приведен обзор и анализ публикаций, главным образом опубликованных в зарубежных изданиях, посвященных мультифизическому компьютерному моделированию электромагнитных и тепловых процессов и явлений в индукционных кухонных плитах и нагреваемой посуде. Предложены направления дальнейших исследований: целесообразно учесть при применении метода конечных элементов зависимости электрофизических и теплофизических свойств от температуры, а также нелинейные магнитные свойства (основные кривые намагниченности) ферромагнитных материалов. Математическое моделирование распределения связанных полей целесообразно начать в двумерной постановке (значительно более сложная трехмерная постановка и соответствующее программное обеспечение могут быть использованы позднее для уточнения полученных результатов).Індукційні плити являють собою відносно новий клас сучасної електропобутової техніки – кухонні електричні плити, які розігрівають металевий посуд вихровими струмами, які створюються електромагнітним полем частотою 20-100 кГц. Представляє значний інтерес дослідження мультифізичних (електромагнітних, теплових і механічних) процесів, що протікають в індукційних плитах в процесі їх експлуатації, а також розробка методики розрахунку і проектування їх конструктивних елементів. Отримані результати мають бути розраховані на використання в практиці конструювання побутових індукційних плит, а також у навчальному процесі для підготовки фахівців за відповідною навчальною програмою. Кількість опублікованих робіт, присвячених комп’ютерному моделюванню процесів в індукційних кухонних плитах, на багато порядків менше, ніж кількість публікацій з питань добре розвинутого чисельного аналізу мультифізичних явищ у промислових індукційних нагрівачах. У статті наведено огляд і аналіз публікацій, головним чином опублікованих у закордонних виданнях, присвячених мультифізичному комп’ютерному моделюванню електромагнітних і теплових процесів і явищ в індукційних кухонних плитах і посуді, що нагрівається. Запропоновані напрямки подальших досліджень: доцільно врахувати при застосуванні метода скінчених елементів залежності електрофізичних та теплофізичних властивостей матеріалів від температури, а також нелінійні магнітні властивості (основні криві намагніченості) феромагнітних матеріалів. Математичне моделювання розподілу зв’язаних полів доцільно розпочати у двовимірній постановці (значно більш складна тривимірна постановка та відповідне програмне забезпечення можуть бути використані пізніше для уточнення отриманих результатів)

    Deflection of Highly Relativistic Particles in a Gravitational Field

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    A novel approach to the calculation of the deflection of highly relativistic test particles in gravitational fields is described. We make use of the light-like boosts of the gravitational fields of the sources. Examples are given of the deflection of highly relativistic particles in the Schwarzschild and Kerr gravitational fields, in the field of a static, axially symmetric, multipole source and in the field of a cosmic string. The deflection of spinning particles is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Algorithm of the Rehabilitation of Patients with Pigmentary Glaucoma

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    Background. Irreversible changes in corneoscleral trabecula lead to persistent hydrodynamic disturbances not only in pigmentary glaucoma but also in pigmentary dispersion syndrome. In these cases isolated laser iridectomy cannot compensate ophthalmotonus and stabilize pathologic process.Aim: to evaluate effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation algorithms for patients with pigmentary glaucoma, depending on irido-ciliary zone state and IOP level.Materials and methods. 12 people with pigmentary dispersion syndrome in manifestation stage and 20 people with pigmentary glaucoma were examined.Results. In pigmentary glaucoma, initial IOP level was 28.2 ± 3.79 mm Hg, coefficient of outflow easiness was 0.09 ± 0.03 (p &lt; 0.001). In pigmentary dispersion syndrome at stage of manifestation, hydrodynamic shifts were latent with IOP of 19.03 ± 0.79 mm Hg: positive load test, reduced coefficient of outflow easiness 0.15 ± 0.07 (p &lt; 0.001). Significant changes were found in nerve fiber layer, retinal ganglion complex and perimetric indices in both groups, but they were irreversible in patients with pigmentary glaucoma. Laser iridectomy was performed in 100 % of cases in pigmentary dispersion syndrome and in 75 % of cases in pigmentary glaucoma. Local medication therapy was prescribed in 100 % of cases for IOL decrease in manifestation stage of pigmentary dispersion syndrome, and in pigment glaucoma it was effective in 34 %. In remaining cases fistulizing operations were performed initially.Conclusion. The algorithm of the rehabilitation of patients with pigmentary dispersion syndrome in stage of manifestation and with pigmentary glaucoma has character of not preventive, but therapeutic measures, including not only laser iridectomy, but also a hypotensive regimen in 100 % of cases. In pigmentary glaucoma, fistulizing operation can be considered as a starting hypotensive option