146 research outputs found

    Lectures on Flavor Physics and CP Violation

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    Two short introductory lectures on Flavor Physics delivered at CLASHEP 2015. Among included topics: The KM matrix and the KM model of CP-violation, Determination of KM Elements, FCNC and GIM, New Physics and Flavor, Neutral Meson Mixing and CP Asymmetries. Many problems for the student, and solutions to selected problems, included.Comment: Presented at the 2015 CERN-Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics, Ibarra, Ecuador, 5 - 17 March 2015. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1501.0528

    Weyl Consistency Conditions in Non-Relativistic Quantum Field Theory

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    Weyl consistency conditions have been used in unitary relativistic quantum field theory to impose constraints on the renormalization group flow of certain quantities. We classify the Weyl anomalies and their renormalization scheme ambiguities for generic non-relativistic theories in 2+1 dimensions with anisotropic scaling exponent z=2; the extension to other values of z are discussed as well. We give the consistency conditions among these anomalies. As an application we find several candidates for a C-theorem. We comment on possible candidates for a CC-theorem in higher dimensions.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure, 7 tables; We took out the section on arbitrary dimension in version:2 !! In version:3 , a section (Sec: V) with NEW RESULTS on possible C-theorem candidates in arbitrary dimensions is added; v4:matched with journal version and updated section I

    Carving Out Parameter Space in Type-II Two Higgs Doublets Model

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    We analyze the Type-II two Higgs doublets model in light of the newly discovered Higgs-like particle with mass 125 GeV. The observed 125 GeV particle is identified with the light CP-even Higgs boson in the two Higgs doublets model. We study the parameter space of the model consistent with the Higgs data, branching ratio of Bˉ→Xsγ\bar{B}\to X_s\gamma as well as precision electroweak measurements. We also incorporate theoretical constraints--- perturbativity of the couplings and vacuum stability, in our study. We find that only a small parameter space of the model remains viable. The phenomenology of the heavy Higgs bosons in the surviving parameter space is studied.Comment: Revise the CP odd scalar branching ratios. Main conclusion remains unchange

    Factorization in B -> K pi e+e- decays

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    We derive factorization relations for the transverse helicity amplitudes in the rare decays B-> K\pi l+l- at leading order in Lambda/m_b, in the kinematical region with an energetic kaon and a soft pion. We identify and compute a new contribution of leading order in Lambda/m_b to the B->K\pi l+l- amplitude, which is not present in the one-body decay B-> K*l+l-. As an application we study the forward-backward asymmetry (FBA) of the lepton momentum angular distribution in B-> K\pi l+l- decays away from the K* resonance. The FBA in these decays has a zero at q0^2 = q0^2(M_{Kpi}), which can be used, in principle, for determining the Wilson coefficients C_{7,9} and testing the Standard Model. We point out that the slope of the q0^2(M_{Kpi}^2) curve contains the same information about the Wilson coefficients as the location of the zero, but is less sensitive to unknown nonperturbative dynamics. We estimate the location of the zero at leading order in factorization, and using a resonant model for the B -> K\pi l+l- nonfactorizable amplitude.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Version to appear in Physical Review D. One new observable introduced and considered - the slope of the zero of the forward-backward asymmetry as function of the K\pi invariant mas

    Bottom-Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the Standard Model and Beyond

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    We computed the bottom-quark forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron in the Standard Model and for several new physics scenarios. Near the ZZ-pole, the SM bottom asymmetry is dominated by tree level exchanges of electroweak gauge bosons. While above the ZZ-pole, next-to-leading order QCD dominates the SM asymmetry as was the case with the top quark forward-backward asymmetry. Light new physics, MNP≾150M_{NP} \precsim 150 GeV, can cause significant deviations from the SM prediction for the bottom asymmetry. The bottom asymmetry can be used to distinguish between competing NP explanations of the top asymmetry based on how the NP interferes with s-channel gluon and ZZ exchange.Comment: v3: Bug found in FeynRules 1.6.1 (not present in current version, 2.0.24) One plot corrected. Conclusions unaffecte

    Weak decays of unstable bb-mesons

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    We investigate the decays of the excited (bqˉ)(b\bar q) mesons as probes of the short-distance structure of the weak ΔB=1\Delta B=1 transitions. These states are unstable under the electromagnetic or strong interactions although their widths are typically suppressed by phase space. As compared to the pseudoscalar BB meson, the purely leptonic decays of the vector B∗B^* are not chirally suppressed and are sensitive to different combinations of the underlying weak effective operators. An interesting example is Bs∗→ℓ+ℓ−B^*_s\to \ell^+\ell^-, which has a rate that can be accurately predicted in the standard model. The branching fraction is B∼10−11\mathcal{B}\sim10^{-11}, irrespective of the lepton flavor and where the main uncertainty stems from the unmeasured and theoretically not-well known Bs∗B_s^* width. We discuss the prospects for producing this decay mode at the LHC and explore the possibility of measuring the Bs∗→ℓℓB_s^*\to\ell\ell amplitude, instead, through scattering experiments at the Bs∗B_s^* resonance peak. Finally we also discuss the charged-current Bu,c∗→ℓνB_{u,c}^*\to\ell\nu decay which can provide complementary information on the b→uℓνb\to u\ell\nu and b→cℓνb\to c\ell\nu transitions.Comment: 21 page

    Ultraviolet Properties of the Higgs Sector in the Lee-Wick Standard Model

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    The Lee-Wick (LW) Standard Model (SM) offers a new solution to the hierarchy problem. We discuss, using effective potential techniques, its peculiar ultraviolet (UV) behaviour. We show how quadratic divergences in the Higgs mass Mh cancel as a result of the unusual dependence of LW fields on the Higgs background (in a manner reminiscent of Little Higgses). We then extract from the effective potential the renormalization group evolution of the Higgs quartic coupling lambda above the LW scale. After clarifying an apparent discrepancy with previous results for the LW Abelian Higgs model we focus on the LWSM. In contrast with the SM case, for any Mh, lambda grows monotonically and hits a Landau pole at a fixed trans-Planckian scale (never turning negative in the UV). Then, the perturbativity and stability bounds on Mh disappear. We identify a cutoff ~10^{16} GeV for the LWSM due to the hypercharge gauge coupling hitting a Landau pole. Finally, we also discuss briefly the possible impact of the UV properties of the LW models on their behaviour at finite temperature, in particular regarding symmetry nonrestoration.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Searching for New Physics in the Three-Body Decays of the Higgs-like Particle

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    We show that the three-body decays of the resonance recently discovered at the LHC are potentially sensitive to effects of new physics. Even if the fully integrated partial decay widths are consistent with the minimal Standard Model there is information that is lost upon integration, which can be uncovered in the differential decay widths. Concentrating on the decay h→Zℓℓˉh \to Z \ell \bar{\ell}, we identify the regions in the three-body phase space in which these effects become especially pronounced and could be detected in future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, matches version published in JHE

    Theoretical Constraints on Additional Higgs Bosons in Light of the 126 GeV Higgs

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    We present a sum rule for Higgs fields in general representations under SU(2)L×U(1)YSU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y that follows from the connection between the Higgs couplings and the mechanism that gives the electroweak bosons their masses, and at the same time restricts these couplings. Sum rules that follow from perturbative unitarity will require us to include singly and doubly charged Higgses in our analysis. We examine the consequences of these sum rules for Higgs phenomenology in both model independent and model specific ways. The relation between our sum rules and other works, based on dispersion relations, is also clarified.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figures. Version 3: expanded references, matched JHEP versio
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