13 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of soil organic carbon in selected river catchments

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    The present study deals with the investigation of soil organic carbon in two water catchments in Northern Rila, Western Bulgaria. Field research, combined with analysis, provided sufficient data. Six key sites were selected and sampled in order to estimate and compare the amount of organic and inorganic carbon in the topsoil. The applied criteria for the choice of sites included: vegetation cover, predominant soil group, level of anthropogenization and transport accessibility. A total number of 13 samples from both catchments were collected and analyzed in the Central laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science, Agrotechnologies and Plant Protection (ISSAPP) “N. Pushkarov“. The results concern the amount and composition of soil organic matter in different soils – Cambisols (Albic, Humic, Dystric), Fluvisols and Umbrosols. The total carbon content of all samples varies between 1.23 and 9.69%. The amount of organic carbon ranges between 0.45 and 3.73%. The results of the study prove once again that the preservation of natural vegetation and current condition of the soil is of great importance for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation

    Legal regulation of health information in some countries of the European Union

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    The development of information technologies has led to a wide variety of types of information and related processes and, thus, to a richer and more complex legal regulation of these processes. This applies in particular in the context of health information. A key point of interest lies in the scope and methodologies of legal regulation concerning various categories of health information, as well as whether specific principles and regulatory norms are established and adhered to in this area.An examination of the legislative landscape in Bulgaria and several other EU Member States reveals a differentiated approach to the legal regulation of distinct forms of health information.For instance, matters related to personal health information and information related to medicinal products are governed by legislation of the highest legal authority, occupying the top tier in the hierarchy of legal instruments, both at the European and local levels. It is recognized that these issues significantly impact a substantial portion of the population, necessitating rules that are directly applicable throughout the European Union. As for concerns related to the operation of national healthcare systems, including aspects like medical records, medico-statistical data, and public health, these remain under the jurisdiction of individual Member States. In some areas, such as the ethical aspects of medical treatment and scientific health information, regulation has even reached the level of self-regulation.The continuous development of information processes and the increasing diversity of information make it necessary to constantly review and improve the legal framework, taking into account the importance of the matter regulated and the range of subjects that will be affected, both in the present and the foreseeable future.

    Carbon Accumulation Potential from Natural Forest Regrowth of Godech Municipality, Western Bulgaria

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    The present research deals with carbon sequestration, as an important process for mitigating the effects of climate change. The investigation focuses on a 30-year period and it covers only aboveground biomass that builds up from natural forest regrowth, excluding any plantation techniques. Potential carbon sequestration rate from natural forest regrowth in Godech Municipality was measured in Mg C ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ and the resolution of the map was 1x1 km. The results of the study display that carbon accumulation values in the researched area were consistent with those that were expected in the largest parts of Bulgaria. The biggest share of Godech Municipality falls within the range of 0.82 – 0.96 Mg C ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ with restricted areas around the villages of Barlya, Smolcha, Gubesh, Murgash and Varbnitsa that may accumulate between 0.96 – 1.11 Mg C ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹. In conclusion, carbon accumulation only from natural forest regrowth provides representative information, however it would have been better if different plantation techniques were regarded as well. The successful results of the investigation should encourage other studies of this type in the neighbouring municipalities

    Development of the land cover in Mala Planina

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    The current study investigates the development of the land cover in the mountainous territory of Mala Planina, located in the western part of Stara Planina. It focuses on cameral and terrain research in which basis is the CORINE Land Cover (CLC), initiated by the European Union. All existing databases for the country were applied (CLC 1990, 2000, 2006 and 2012). Each updated version of the CLC data shows typical transformation in Mala Planina’s land cover. A thorough investigation is made about all parts of the mountain and published within the results. Four GIS derived maps are published. The results show that the most significant dissonance occurs between CLC 1990 and the rest CORINE Land Cover data sets (CLC 2000; 2006; 2012) and the reason for the imparity lies mainly in the extensive timeframe. Almost no distinction is observed, when we compare CLC 2006 and 2012. The most common changes are connected with the transition to land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation, which is explained by the decreasing number of population and abandonment of the agricultural areas


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    Целта на изследването е да се извърши проучвателен анализ на данни от български научни списания, включени в базата данни на Национален център за информация и документация (НАЦИД) „Реферирани и индексирани издания“. Фокусът на изследването е поставен върху откриване на научна фармацевтична информация, публикувана през последните пет години, като след това е анализирана по различни критерии. Основният критерий за подбор за включване на едно списание в изследването е присъствието му в раздела „Реферирани и индексирани издания“ на уебсайта на НАЦИД. Всички избрани обекти бяха структурирани в табличен формат и обработени със статистическа програма. Допълнителна информация, както и някои от анализираните данни, представени в проучването, са събрани ръчно от официалните уебсайтове на списанията. Приложен е и сравнителен анализ за класифициране на излседваните обекти по различни индикатори. С публикуваните промени в Правилника за прилагането на Закона за развитието на академичния състав в Република България през 2019 г. на Министерството на образованието, беше възложено чрез НАЦИД да се поддържа Списък на съвременните български научни издания. Изследвахме само изданията, които са класифицирани като „реферирани и индексирани в световноизвестни бази данни с научна информация“. Проучвайки този публично достъпен списък, изследователите от екипа отделиха 31 списания с потенциал за публикуване на научна фармацевтична информация. Повечето от тях се издават на български език. Въведените промени в националните разпоредби се прилагат от НАЦИД. Съществува специален раздел на техния уебсайт, наречен „Реферирани и индексирани български научни издания“. В началото на 2023 г. разделът съдържа общо 182 списания, а изследователският екип, работещ по статията, оцени 31 от тях като потенциално публикуващи научна фармацевтична информация

    Soil catenas and plant sites on the northern macroslope of Rila Mountain

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    The following paper represents results from a research focused on the soil associations and their corresponding vegetation communities (soil-plant catenas), located on the northern slopes (N, NW, NE) of the Rila Mountains. Data from eight key sites located between 815 and 2041 m above sea level is discussed. The slope in each site varies from 2° to 25°, and most often the tests and descriptions were carried out on sites with a slope of 10-15°. Vegetation cover is analyzed with plant community plots which provides data on species composition, abundance and coverage. The size of each plot varies from 16 up to 225 m2 depending on the vegetation type. Topsoil horizons were tested in each site in order to diagnose the subspecies diversity of brown forest soils (Cambisols) using ratio of humic acids to fulvic acids. That ratio varies from 0,69 up to 1,61 in all studied sites. Both acids are associated with the dominance of different vegetation types – deciduous, mixed or coniferous forest or herbaceous canopy. The results are interrupted in terms of the diagnosis and classification of Cambisols and Umbrosols in the area of interest. Differences in soil and vegetation cover of Northwest and Eastern Rila Mountain are highlighted and analyzed

    Forests of Breznik municipality

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    The current study aims to uncover the forest habitat diversity of Breznik municipality, following the EUNIS Classification. Initial data was collected from the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Forestry Management Plans. Forest habitat polygons were spatially processed with the use of the ArcGIS 10.8.1 software package. Field studies were performed to add more detailed information to the analysis. The phytocoenoses of the forest habitats are dominated by Quercus dalechampii, Q. frainetto, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus. Some artificial plantations with Pinus nigra and P. sylvestris were also present, as well as with non-native species, such as Robinia pseudacacia and Quercus rubra. The results of this study could be used for more in-depth research of the Breznik municipality vegetation

    Forest habitats of Godech Municipality, Western Bulgaria

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    The current study aims at revealing the forest habitat diversity of Godech Municipality, according to the EUNIS habitat classification. Initial data was collected from the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Forestry Management Plans. Subsequently, 418 vegetation plots (relevés) and 3422 verification points were collected during the fieldwork seasons of 2019 and 2020. The research territory is situated in Western Bulgaria in close proximity to the country’s border with the Republic of Serbia. Forests cover a total of 144.85 km2. Their phytocoenoses are dominated by Fagus sylvatica L. (59.22 km2), Quercus cerris L. (14.85 km2), Carpinus betulus L. (4.94 km2), Quercus dalechampii Ten. (2.39 km2), Q. frainetto Ten. (2.99 km2). There are plantations with Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold (20.87 km2), P. sylvestris L. (16.06 km2) and Picea abies H. Karst (11.65 km2) also. Forests are experiencing some major threats, such as logging, pollution and fires

    Syntaxonomical and ecological diversity of the class Polygono-Poetea annuae in Bulgaria

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    Class Polygono-Poetea annuae Rivas-Mart. 1975 includes therophyte-rich vegetation on trampled habitats. The study presents the first analysis of the syntaxonomy of this class and its ecology in Bulgaria. One hundred seventy-five relevés from this class were collected and stored in the Balkan Vegetation Database during 2017–2020. Numerical classification (hierarchical divisive) and ordination were performed by JUICE and CANOCO software packages. Diagnostic species were determined by calculating the Phi-coefficient. Four associations, Sclerochloo durae-Polygonetum arenastri, Polygonetum arenastri, Lolio-Polygonetum arenastri and Poëtum annuae, were recognized. Their floristic composition has been shaped mainly by climatic and soil conditions. Sclerochloo durae-Polygonetum arenastri association has been found at lower altitudes, occurring in fully lighted habitats with high radiation, whereas Poëtum annuae has been found at higher altitudes in wetter and cooler areas. On the other hand, stands of Polygonetum arenastri have been found on nutrient-rich soils, whereas communities of Lolio-Polygonetum arenastri were distributed in warmer and nutrient-poor areas. The Polygono-Poetea annuae class is still poorly studied in Bulgaria and much more information from all regions of the country needs to be collected and analyzed

    Shrubland habitats in Dragoman municipality: a case study from western Bulgaria

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    The current research focuses on the investigation of shrubland vegetation in Dragoman municipality. The study is motivated by the willingness of the authors to check the shrubland habitats’ territorial extent and their importance to ecosystem processes, following the increased degree of succession over the last three decades. On the other hand, governmental subsidizing has been common for the last decade, leading to a clearance of lands with shrubs. Shrublands were studied through the application of the Braun-Blanquet approach and were defined by the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) classification. One main habitat type with three subtypes have been defined. Those are the Subcontinental and continental deciduous thickets (F3.24) that covers the largest area, Peri-Pannonic dwarf almond scrub (F3.24122), Moesian oriental hornbeam thickets (F3.2431), Moesian lilac thickets (F3.2432), covering a total area of 52.32 km2. Secondary succession has to be considered among the main reasons for shrubland distribution. The lower number of grazing animals and forest clearings act as boosters for this ecological process. Large areas in Dragoman municipality are characterized also by shallow soils that are unable to sustain forest vegetation, thus giving way to shrubs