11 research outputs found

    Preferences of elderly cancer patients in their advance directives

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    Efforts to improve the quality of end-of-life decision-making have emphasized the principle of individual autonomy to better ensure that patients receive care consistent with their preferences. Advance directives (ADs) can be vehicles for in-depth and ongoing discussions among health care professionals, patients, and families. The aim of our study was to identify preferences and values expressed in ADs of 50 elderly patients with cancer. Main concerns of the patients were resuscitation and introduction of artificial nutrition. Very few patients had unrealistic expectation. Preferences about patient's symptom management were quite different from one to another. Content of ADs not only involved life-sustaining technology, but also psychosocial items and religious beliefs and values. All patients designated at least one surrogate. In conclusion, ADs should not be considered simply as another questionnaire, but more as a process to improve communication

    Introduction de l'acénocoumarol à l'aide d'un algorithme de prescription

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    Anticoagulant therapy is indicated in many clinical situations. The handling of vitamin K antagonists (VKA) is difficult and their therapeutic range is narrow, requiring close biological monitoring of INR. Introduction of VKA is a particularly critical period. Algorithms for initiation of oral anticoagulant therapy have been proposed but they are generally designed for warfarin, which has a longer half life as compared to acenocoumarol. In this article, algorithms for the prescription of acenocoumarol are proposed, taking into account the patient's age, weight and initial Quick value. The goal of these algorithms, combined with frequent monitoring of INR, is to limit the bleeding risk during the introduction of anticoagulant therapy

    Neuropathological analysis of an asymptomatic adult case with Dandy-Walker variant

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    The Dandy-Walker (DW) complex is a rare posterior fossa malformation, usually observed during the prenatal period or the early infancy. Clinically, it is characterized by mental retardation, seizures, cerebellar ataxia as well as symptoms of hydrocephalus. Structural imaging reveal a hypoplasia or agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, enlargement of the fourth ventricle with a posterior fossa cyst. Additional neurodevelopmental changes such as agenesis of the corpus callosum, lissencephaly and cortical dysplasia are also present. We report the first neuropathological analysis of an adult asymptomatic DW case. Brain computerized tomography showed a massive posterior fossa cyst and hypoplasia of the cerebellum. An Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV characterized by repetitive intestinal perforations and a saccular aneurysm on the left posterior communicating artery was also present. Macroscopic brain examination revealed hypoplasia of both cerebellar hemispheres and posterior part of the vermis, as well as dilatation of the fourth ventricle without hydrocephalus. The posterior fossa cyst wall was formed by an external arachnoid layer, middle layer with loose connective tissue and an internal layer of ependymal cells. There were two foci of cerebellar cortical dysplasia but no ectopic neurons, neuronal loss or gliosis in both cerebellum and cerebral cortex. No vascular or significant neurodegenerative lesions were observed. In comparison with previous reports in DW infants, this adult case displayed milder brain abnormalities compatible with a diagnosis of DW variant. The preservation of the cortical cytoarchitecture as well as the paucity of additional neurodevelopmental changes may explain the absence of clinical expressio

    The neurocognitive deficit in schizophrenia: a review of existing data

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    Background: During the recent years, the focus of research on schizophrenia was moved to the cognitive deficits whose nature is extremely complex. Methods: The authors performed a selective review of the literature and included in the current article the papers they considered important according to their experience. Results: Today it is clear that most components of attention, are affected. There is not a primary deficit in a specific component of attention, however patients are typically slow and their volitional drive varies. The patients discriminative ability is dramatically reduced in direct relationship to the increase of the size of the series. Research so far supports the presence of deficits in the explicit part of remote memory, while the implicit part remains unaffected. It seems that patients with dominant positive symptoms manifest better neurocognitive function; the literature suggests that neurocognitive symptoms group independently from the other symptoms of psycho- sis. They are also present already during the early stages, and possibly even before positive symptoms. The neurobiological substrate of this deficit includes disorders located at least in the anterior cingulate, and the cortico-cerebellar-thalamo-cortical circuit. Conclusions: The neurocognitive deficit in schizophrenia is still not well understood and is considered to be the most significant predictor of long term outcome and of the ability of the patient to return in the community

    Structured assessment of mental health status in psychogeriatrics: validity of the French HoNOS65+

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the reliability, validity, and feasibility of a French version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Elderly People (HoNOS65+). METHOD: Twenty mental health professionals completed the scale for 126 elderly patients. We assessed interrater reliability in inpatient and outpatient settings, together with construct and discriminant validity, as well as concurrent validity compared with several widely used clinical instruments. RESULTS: Excellent agreement among raters was observed in the outpatient subgroup (kappa range 0.77 to 1.00), whereas interrater reliability was modest in the inpatient subgroup (kappa values < 0.55). In cases where the patient-caregiver relationship lasted more than 1 month, the reliability of the scale improved. Construct validity analysis revealed no subscale structure. All items except "self-injury" displayed high concurrent validity (significant Spearman correlations with 8 other questionnaires). In terms of discriminant validity, the "cognitive impairment" (area under the curve [AUC] 0.91) and "depressive symptoms" (AUC 0.79) items showed high sensitivity and specificity values. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the French version of HoNOS65+ is a promising clinical assessment tool to evaluate mental disorders in the elderly in outpatient settings. We support its use in routine clinical practice, with the condition that a relatively long and individualized patient-caregiver relationship has been established