40 research outputs found


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    Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is one of the most significant causes of world death rate, associating several abnormalities: increased values of blood pressure, blood glucose, lipid metabolism disorders and obesity, or large abdominal circumference. In an attempt to decrease the burden of this pandemic disease by implementing more effective prevention and treatment strategies, numerous clinical trials have been conducted in order to establish a proper therapeutic course, also by using physical activity as the central link to treatment. Given this background, we have analysed the recently published data, strictly focusing on the significance and benefits of the physical activity over patients with MS. The conclusions that have emerged have highlighted that sport and physical activity play a major role in the management of the Metabolic Syndrome, both in improving all components as well as in some cases determining its reversibility

    Influence of four foliar fertilizers on the quality and quantity of the production of Cabernet sauvignon grapes in the context of iron chlorosis

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    The quantity and quality of the grape crop in the conditions of iron deficiency may be significantly improved by the use of foliar fertilizers. Among the four types of foliar fertilizers, the best results in mitigating the effects of iron deficiency were attained by the fertilizers which, in addition to a complex mineral composition, also had a content of organic matter in the form of humic acids (V4) or protein hydrolysate (V5). The differences show that the organic elements have a stimulating influence on the plant metabolism and that the iron alone or even a complex foliar fertilizer with micro and macro-elements has a smaller impact on the crop (in terms of both quality and quantity) than the mineralorganic combinations. Moreover, a less favourable aspect can also be noticed, namely the fact that the fertilizers with an organic content contributed to a larger extent to the increase of the total nitrogen content in the grape, possibly influencing the wine clarification process

    Protein hydrolysates and amino-acids fertilizers – physicochemical characteristics

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    The necessities of a sustainable agriculture require the use of fertilizing solutions and methods capable to respond to the needs of agricultural crops and to the requirements of the environment protection. In this regard, extra-radicular fertilizers and liquid fertilizers with application or incorporation into the soil respond to these priorities. In the past 20 years, the range of fertilizers has greatly diversified, currently being developed the compositions containing minerals together with natural or synthetic organic substances, with application to a wide range of crops. Organic substances added are intended to stimulate the activity of photosynthesis, absorption of nutrients, to provide a balanced nutrition, to combat nutritional deficiencies and reduce the effects of different stressors. The most frequently used organic substances are protein hydrolysates of plant or animal origin, and various amino-acids. Complex matrices resulted by including into NPK structures organic substances led to the development of new types of bio-fertilizers whose agrochemical effects were tested with positive effects on the nutrition of different crops in the conditions present in Romania. Through a careful selection of raw materials and technological processes, certain formulas of bio-fertilizers can be used in organic farming, where the imposed requirements are defined by European regulations and verified by certification bodies. In my own researches the concerns are directed towards producing these fertilizers and their testing in the vegetation/green house and in field. This paper shows the physical and chemical characteristics for some of the complex matrices with organic substances used in agriculture


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    In the context of a competitive and sustainable agriculture, the development of novel fertilizers with foliar application is always a challenge for both producers and users. Worldwide, a major trend in the research, development and production of organic substances fertilizers with growth-stimulating role is noticed. Thus, these new fertilizers formulas can be used in both, conventional and organic farming (especially to protect crops from climatic stress factors and to prevent or correct nutritional deficiencies). The production of fertilizers that contain natural organic compounds embedded in NPK matrix structures has increased. As organic substances are used protein hydrolysates, amino acids and algae extracts.In this study, in order to obtain a new range of fertilizers we defined the composition of a NPK matrix with meso- and microelements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg, S, Co, Mo) that was subsequently embedded with protein hydrolysate of animal origin (composed of peptides, ureide and amino acids) respectively, protein hydrolysate of vegetal origin.The new developed fertilizers were characterized and tested in the National Network for Fertilizers Testing in order to be licensed for agriculture use. The experiments were carried out for two years on different crops by foliar application in comparison to a similar NPK matrix. The obtained results showed significant production yields (in comparison to the non-fertilized control) ranging from 20% to 40% (statistically insured), as well as changes in the photosynthesis and mineral nutrition processes

    Efficiency of foliar fertilization on wheat production in conventional and conservation agriculture

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    The paper presents the leaves fertilization influence upon wheat yield in two experiments carried out in conventional agriculture and conservative systems. The experimental fields comprised 6 leaves fertilizers variants and a control and were laid out at SCDA Teleorman on a Haplic Phaeozem. Two treatments were applied with 1.25% leaves fertilizer on a N90P40K0 agrochemical background proceeded from a complex 20-20-0 fertilizer, in the autumn, before sowing, and 50 kg N/ha Nitrocalcar, applied in the spring. Leaves fertilization, applied in the conservative system experiment, didn’t bring forth a significant yield increase as compared to the control. Significant and distinctly significant increases of the wheat yield were obtained in the conventional agriculture system, from 5,795 kg/ha in the control up to 7,373 kg/ha in the Nutrifert S variant. The average conventional agriculture yield (6,978 kg/ha) was higher than the conservative agriculture one (5,457 kg/ha) by 27.8%

    Migration, Mobility and Human Rights at the Eastern Border of the European Union - Space of Freedom and Security

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    This edited collection of migration papers would like to emphasise the acute need for migration related study and research in Romania. At this time, migration and mobility are studied as minor subjects in Economics, Sociology, Political Sciences and European Studies only (mostly at post-graduate level). We consider that Romanian universities need more ‘migration studies’, while research should cover migration as a whole, migration and mobility being analysed from different points of view – social, economical, legal etc. Romania is part of the European Migration Space not only as a source of labourers for the European labour market, but also as source of quality research for the European scientific arena. Even a country located at the eastern border of the European Union, we consider Romania as part of the European area of freedom, security and justice, and therefore interested in solving correctly all challenges incurred by the complex phenomena of migration and workers’ mobility at the European level. The waves of illegal immigrants arriving continuously on the Spanish, Italian and Maltese shores, and the workers’ flows from the new Member States from Central and Eastern Europe following the 2004 accession, forced the EU officials and the whole Europe to open the debate on the economical and mostly social consequences of labour mobility. This study volume is our contribution to this important scientific debate. Starting with the spring of 2005, the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence and the School of High Comparative European Studies (SISEC), both within the West University of Timisoara, have proposed a series of events in order to raise the awareness of the Romanian scientific environment on this very sensitive issues: migration and mobility in the widen European Space. An annual international event to celebrate 9 May - The Europe Day was already a tradition for SISEC (an academic formula launched back in 1995 in order to prepare national experts in European affairs, offering academic post-graduate degrees in High European Studies). With the financial support from the Jean Monnet Programme (DG Education and Culture, European Commission), a first migration panel was organised in the framework of the international colloquium ‘Romania and the European Union in 2007’ held in Timisoara between 6 and 7 of May 2005 (panel Migration, Asylum and Human Rights at the Eastern Border of the European Union). Having in mind the positive welcoming of the migration related subjects during the 2005 colloquium, a second event was organised on 5 May 2006 in the framework of the European Year of Workers’ Mobility: the international colloquium Migration and Mobility: Assets and Challenges for the Enlargement of the European Union. In the same period, the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, SISEC and The British Council in Bucharest have jointly edited two special issues of The Romanian Journal of European Studies, no.4/2005 and 5-6/2006, both dedicated to migration and mobility. Preliminary versions of many of the chapters of this volume were presented at the above mentioned international events. The papers were chosen according to their scientific quality, after an anonymously peer-review selection. The authors debate both theoretical issues and practical results of their research. They are renowned experts at international level, members of the academia, PhD students or experienced practitioners involved in the management of the migration flows at the governmental level. This volume was financed by the Jean Monnet Programme of the Directorate General Education and Culture, European Commission, throughout the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence (C03/0110) within the West University of Timisoara, Romania, and is dedicated to the European Year of Workers’ Mobility 2006. Timisoara, December 200


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    Due to legislation for environmental protection and the need to obtain products "cleaner" worldwide there is a major trend of development both the research and the production of fertilizers with organic substances with growth stimulating effect for use for intensive and organic agriculture (especially for protection of crops, and prevent and combat nutritional deficiencies).Approaching the concept of fertilizers containing substances of category biostimulators is a difficult task by the fact that describing the concept of biostimulants is far from being completely understood and legislation, research and experimentation are, regarding this category of products used in agriculture, at an early stage of development.This paper presents a range of NPK fertilizers with organic substances represented by protein hydrolysates and extracts from algae, with primary and secondary nutrients and physical and chemical characteristics of fertilizers obtained experimentally. These fertilizers were tested in the national network of testing of fertilizers in order of authorization for use in agriculture. It was observed that the combination of fertilizer is well assimilated by plants, with a synergistic effect of growth and protection against diseases and pests.If the application of these fertilizers were obtained yield increases between 25-30% for the tomato crop and 27 - 32.5% for the apple, as well as changes in photosynthesis process marked by increases of 30-37% of assimilating pigments