18 research outputs found

    Electron acceleration in solar flares: observations versus numerical simulations

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    We use RHESSI hard X-ray observations to constrain acceleration of solar flare electrons, generally considered to be a primary recipient of the released energ

    Electron acceleration in solar flares: observations versus numerical simulations

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    Comunicazione aumentativa alternativa su tablet con persone con disabilitĂ  grave

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    Presentiamo un'esperienza d'uso della comunicazione aumentativa e alternativa (CAA) proposta a quattro persone con gravi disabilità linguistiche e motorie. Due applicazioni su tablet Android sono state testate con un soggetto che aveva sperimentato negativamente tabelle di comunicazione tradizionali a scuola e con tre soggetti che non erano mai stati considerati candidabili a interventi con CAA. Uno studio di sei mesi ha fornito risultati incoraggianti: la facilità d'uso degli strumenti proposti ha consentito alle persone coinvolte nella sperimentazione di migliorare le capacità comunicative, di esprimere meglio scelte e sensazioni e di estendere le proprie reti di comunicazione. L'esperienza testimonia che la CAA può applicarsi con successo a disabilità gravi e incoraggia la ricerca sia negli ambienti educativi informali, sia in quelli formali, dai quali le persone coinvolte nell'esperimento non avevano ricevuto benefici in termini di sviluppo delle competenze comunicative

    Microbiological characterization of plasmid-mediated AmpC Ăź-lactamases and E. coli hyperproducers: how and why ?

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    The aim of this study is the evaluation of phenotypic method for the detection of plasmid-mediated AmpC producing Enterobacteriaceae by agar diffusion.We developed a phenotypic method with double disk test (CLSI) and evaluation of synergism between Cloxacillin and/or Boronic Acid with cefotaxime and ceftazidime and cefepime with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. As reference method for AmpC detection we used a multiplex PCR according to Perez-Perez. Among 7476 Enterobacteriaceae we detected 45 strains: 37 (82.2%) plasmid-mediated AmpC producers, 6 (13.3%) E. coli hyperproducers and 2 E. coli (4.5%) positive for both.The AmpC phenotypic test was positive for all the isolates, showing a typical ghost zone between cloxacillin and cephalosporins or boronic acid and cephalosporins.The AmpC multiplex PCR confirmed that 28 P. mirabilis and 7 E. coli harboured a gene belonging to the bla-CMY-LAT family. Sequencing defined the presence of CMY-16 in all P. mirabilis, CMY-2 in E. coli, DHA-1 in 3 K. pneumoniae and FOX in 1 K. pneumoniae and allowed us to identify eight strains as E. coli hyperproducer: six E. coli yielded no amplicon and 2 were also producer of CMY-2. In this study the phenotypic method showed a sensitivity and a specificity of 100%.Waiting for the indication of international authorities, we think this phenotypic screening method could be useful in the routine of microbiological laboratories

    Clonal Multidrug-Resistant Corynebacterium striatum Strains, Italy

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    We assessed the clinical relevance and performed molecular characterization of 36 multidrug-resistant strains of Corynebacterium striatum. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed a single clone, possessing erm(X), tetA/B, cmxA/B, and aphA1 genes, but few related subclones. This strain is emerging as a pathogen in Italy

    Clonal Multidrug-Resistant Corynebacterium striatum Strains, Italy

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    We assessed the clinical relevance and performed molecular characterization of 36 multidrug-resistant strains of Corynebacterium striatum. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed a single clone, possessing erm(X), tetA/B, cmxA/B, and aphA1 genes, but few related subclones. This strain is emerging as a pathogen in Italy

    A Submillimeter Continuous Variable Stiffness Catheter for Compliance Control

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    Minimally invasive robotic surgery often requires functional tools that can change their compliance to adapt to the environment and surgical needs. This paper proposes a submillimeter continuous variable stiffness (CVS) catheter equipped with a phasechange alloy that has a high stiffness variation in its different states, allowing for rapid compliance control. Variable stiffness is achieved through a variable phase boundary in the alloy due to a controlled radial temperature gradient. This catheter can be safely navigated in its soft state and rigidified to the required stiffness during operation to apply a desired force at the tip. The maximal contact force that the catheter applies to tissue can be continuously modified by a factor of 400 (~20 mN – 8N). The catheter is equipped with a magnet and a micro-gripper to perform a fully robotic ophthalmic minimally invasive surgery on an eye phantom by means of an electromagnetic navigation system (eMNS).ISSN:2198-384