22 research outputs found

    Building a Successful Liaison Program from the Ground Up

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    Poster presentation on starting and providing library liaison services in academic libraries given at the ACRL National Conference, in Baltimore, Maryland

    Assessing Information Literacy for Transfer Student Success

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    While University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) Libraries has an extensive first-year library instruction program, our significant population of transfer students have not taken part in this initiative. Librarians often teach 300- and 400-level courses to students who have a diverse range of educational experiences, and it became clear that this meant students came to UNCG with just as diverse a variety of information literacy skills. We were unable to identify how much information literacy instruction transfer students have had or how skilled they are with library research when they arrive on campus. A literature search on transfer students and information literacy skills yielded scant results at that time that we could use as a basis for our understanding of this population. Since we wanted to serve this population in a more focused manner, three librarians in the Research, Outreach, and Instruction department formed a research team and surveyed all incoming transfer students in the fall of 2014. The goal of the research study was to identify the information literacy skills and needs of our incoming transfer students to find opportunities to provide needed outreach and instruction to help these students succeed. We asked basic demographic questions, gave several “test” questions related to information literacy, and asked the students what skills they believed they needed help obtaining

    Building a successful liaison program from the ground up

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    The liaison model in academic librarianship has an increased emphasis on engagement and embeddedness. It is moving away from traditional reference services and toward offering advanced research assistance and increased instruction. Shifting to this liaison model requires larger conversations on what traditional duties can be jettisoned to serve new roles and deepen existing engagement

    Library Instruction Assessment at UNCG Libraries

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    Slides from a presentation on library research instruction and library assessment given at the Transfer Students and the Library workshop at Appalachian State Univ., in Boone, North Carolina

    Data in the Sciences

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    This chapter presents an introduction to scientific data and its relevance to librarians and libraries. The characteristics of science data in general, and in relation to a number of scientific disciplines, are identified. The disciplines discussed have been chosen because they demonstrate notable aspects of data management, either because of the type of data used or because of the requirements external agencies place on researchers. Federal funding agencies’ requirements for data management and sharing are discussed, along with initiatives to promote sharing of data, and notable large datasets and repositories are identified. Though the chapter mainly focuses on United States (U.S.) funding agencies, it also lists some international archives. Broad discussion of data management in the sciences, and how libraries and librarians can embed themselves in the data lifecycle, are presented, along with specific examples of how libraries have become involved with research data services

    No Crystal Ball: Planning for Certain Future Cuts when the Future is Uncertain [Slides]

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    Slides presented at the Charleston Conference in Charleston, South Carolina in November 2014

    Open Education Resources in Academic Libraries: seeking alternatives to high-cost textbooks [Slides]

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    Slides from a presentation on open educational resources at UNCG given at the 2015 NCLA Conference, in Greensboro, North Carolina

    Website usability without the website

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    Presentation on library website usability testing given at the 2017 LITA Forum, in Denver, Colorado

    “Tour” of Liaison Services and Challenges for STEM Outreach [Slides]

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    Slides from a presentation on library outreach and liaison services for the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects given at the Library 2.013 Online Conference (http://www.library20.com/2013