1,072 research outputs found

    The True Colours of Carbon

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    Carbon offset projects in developing countries are one of the principal mechanisms designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development yet have critical limitations in both areas. Here we present a framework for categorizing carbon offset projects according to four general approaches to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: (1) efficiency ('Brown'); innovation ('Red'), terrestrial sequestration ('Green') or sequestration in aquatic environments ('Blue'). Analysis of the 6109 CDM projects currently in the CDM "pipeline" reveals that 99% are Brown or Red, and only 1% are Green or Blue, yet Green and Blue projects typically offer a far greater range of benefits for ecosystems and society. The analysis concludes that the designers of emissions trading schemes should endorse Green and Blue offset projects as preferred forms of emissions offsetting, and that firms using offsets for compliance purposes be required to declare in public reports the colours of their offset acquisitions. Such reform will help redirect demand in carbon markets toward blue and green offset projects, increasing the sustainability outcomes of carbon offset developments

    Successful use of axonal transport for drug delivery by synthetic molecular vehicles

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    We report the use of axonal transport to achieve intraneural drug delivery. We constructed a novel tripartite complex of an axonal transport facilitator conjugated to a linker molecule bearing up to a hundred reversibly attached drug molecules. The complex efficiently enters nerve terminals after intramuscular or intradermal administration and travels within axonal processes to neuron cell bodies. The tripartite agent provided 100-fold amplification of saturable neural uptake events, delivering multiple drug molecules per complex. _In vivo_, analgesic drug delivery to systemic and to non-targeted neural tissues was greatly reduced compared to existing routes of administration, thus exemplifying the possibility of specific nerve root targeting and effectively increasing the potency of the candidate drug gabapentin 300-fold relative to oral administration

    A Contour Integral Representation for the Dual Five-Point Function and a Symmetry of the Genus Four Surface in R6

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    The invention of the "dual resonance model" N-point functions BN motivated the development of current string theory. The simplest of these models, the four-point function B4, is the classical Euler Beta function. Many standard methods of complex analysis in a single variable have been applied to elucidate the properties of the Euler Beta function, leading, for example, to analytic continuation formulas such as the contour-integral representation obtained by Pochhammer in 1890. Here we explore the geometry underlying the dual five-point function B5, the simplest generalization of the Euler Beta function. Analyzing the B5 integrand leads to a polyhedral structure for the five-crosscap surface, embedded in RP5, that has 12 pentagonal faces and a symmetry group of order 120 in PGL(6). We find a Pochhammer-like representation for B5 that is a contour integral along a surface of genus five. The symmetric embedding of the five-crosscap surface in RP5 is doubly covered by a symmetric embedding of the surface of genus four in R6 that has a polyhedral structure with 24 pentagonal faces and a symmetry group of order 240 in O(6). The methods appear generalizable to all N, and the resulting structures seem to be related to associahedra in arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 43 pages and 44 figure

    Observations and Implications of the Star Formation History of the LMC

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    We present derivations of star formation histories based on color-magnitude diagrams of three fields in the LMC from HST/WFPC2 observations. A significant component of stars older than 4 Gyr is required to match the observed color-magnitude diagrams. Models with a dispersion-free age-metallicity relation are unable to reproduce the width of the observed main sequence; models with a range of metallicity at a given age provide a much better fit. Such models allow us to construct complete ``population boxes'' for the LMC based entirely on color-magnitude diagrams; remarkably, these qualitatively reproduce the age-metallicity relation observed in LMC clusters. We discuss some of the uncertainties in deriving star formation histories. We find, independently of the models, that the LMC bar field has a larger relative component of older stars than the outer fields. The main implications suggested by this study are: 1) the star formation history of field stars appears to differ from the age distribution of clusters, 2) there is no obvious evidence for bursty star formation, but our ability to measure bursts shorter in duration than \sim 25% of any given age is limited by the statistics of the observed number of stars, 3) there may be some correlation of the star formation rate with the last close passage of the LMC/SMC/Milky Way, but there is no dramatic effect, and 4) the derived star formation history is probably consistent with observed abundances, based on recent chemical evolution models.Comment: Accepted by AJ, 36 pages including 12 figure

    Stellar Populations at the Center of IC 1613

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    We have observed the center of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613 with WFPC2 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope in the F439W, F555W, and F814W filters. We find a dominant old stellar population (aged ~7 Gyr), identifiable by the strong red giant branch (RGB) and red clump populations. From the (V-I) color of the RGB, we estimate a mean metallicity of the intermediate-age stellar population [Fe/H] = -1.38 +/- 0.31. We confirm a distance of 715 +/- 40 kpc using the I-magnitude of the RGB tip. The main-sequence luminosity function down to I ~25 provides evidence for a roughly constant SFR of approximately 0.00035 solar masses per year across the WFPC2 field of view (0.22 square kpc) during the past 250-350 Myr. Structure in the blue loop luminosity function implies that the SFR was ~50% higher 400-900 Myr ago than today. The mean heavy element abundance of these young stars is 1/10th solar. The best explanation for a red spur on the main-sequence at I = 24.7 is the blue horizontal branch component of a very old stellar population at the center of IC 1613. We have also imaged a broader area of IC 1613 using the 3.5-meter WIYN telescope under excellent seeing conditions. The AGB-star luminosity function is consistent with a period of continuous star formation over at least the age range 2-10 Gyr. We present an approximate age-metallicity relation for IC 1613, which appears similar to that of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We compare the Hess diagram of IC 1613 to similar data for three other Local Group dwarf galaxies, and find that it most closely resembles the nearby, transition-type dwarf galaxy Pegasus (DDO 216).Comment: To appear in the September 1999 Astronomical Journal. LaTeX, uses AASTeX v4.0, emulateapj style file, 19 pages, 12 postscript figures, 2 tables. 5 of the figures available separately via the WW

    Seasonal Performance of White Clover in Mixed-Sward Grazing Pasture Highlights Genotype by Environment Interaction

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    White clover is an important forage crop because of its nutritional value, ability to provide plantavailable nitrogen via symbiosis with Rhizobium soil bacteria, and year-round availability of dry matter (DM) yield. However, its performance in mixed sward-based pastures is characterised by seasonal variability and declining DM yield over time. The identification of white clover genotypes adapted for across seasonal performance is an important goal in white clover breeding. In this study, we evaluated the seasonal performance of 200 white clover half-sib families using visual growth scores and calibrated dry matter yield based on growth scores measured for three years in two locations. Results showed significant variation for growth scores across years, seasons and locations. Significant G×E was observed in the form of year, location and season interactions. Calibrated DM yield was highest in the second-year summer with clover content declining in the third year. Spring and winter were identified as potential vulnerable periods for white clover growth in pastures

    Microbiome and infectivity studies reveal complex polyspecies tree disease in Acute Oak Decline

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    Decline-diseases are complex and becoming increasingly problematic to tree health globally. Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is characterized by necrotic stem lesions and galleries of the bark-boring beetle, Agrilus biguttatus, and represents a serious threat to oak. Although multiple novel bacterial species and Agrilus galleries are associated with AOD lesions, the causative agent(s) are unknown. The AOD pathosystem therefore provides an ideal model for a systems-based research approach to address our hypothesis that AOD lesions are caused by a polymicrobial complex. Here we show that three bacterial species, Brenneria goodwinii, Gibbsiella quercinecans and Rahnella victoriana, are consistently abundant in the lesion microbiome and possess virulence genes used by canonical phytopathogens that are expressed in AOD lesions. Individual and polyspecies inoculations on oak logs and trees demonstrated that B. goodwinii and G. quercinecans cause tissue necrosis and, in combination with A. biguttatus, produce the diagnostic symptoms of AOD. We have proved a polybacterial cause of AOD lesions, providing new insights into polymicrobial interactions and tree disease. This work presents a novel conceptual and methodological template for adapting Koch’s postulates to address the role of microbial communities in disease

    Universal Ratios in the 2-D Tricritical Ising Model

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    We consider the universality class of the two-dimensional Tricritical Ising Model. The scaling form of the free-energy naturally leads to the definition of universal ratios of critical amplitudes which may have experimental relevance. We compute these universal ratios by a combined use of results coming from Perturbed Conformal Field Theory, Integrable Quantum Field Theory and numerical methods.Comment: 4 pages, LATEX fil

    Twistors and Black Holes

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    Motivated by black hole physics in N=2, D=4 supergravity, we study the geometry of quaternionic-Kahler manifolds M obtained by the c-map construction from projective special Kahler manifolds M_s. Improving on earlier treatments, we compute the Kahler potentials on the twistor space Z and Swann space S in the complex coordinates adapted to the Heisenberg symmetries. The results bear a simple relation to the Hesse potential \Sigma of the special Kahler manifold M_s, and hence to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy for BPS black holes. We explicitly construct the ``covariant c-map'' and the ``twistor map'', which relate real coordinates on M x CP^1 (resp. M x R^4/Z_2) to complex coordinates on Z (resp. S). As applications, we solve for the general BPS geodesic motion on M, and provide explicit integral formulae for the quaternionic Penrose transform relating elements of H^1(Z,O(-k)) to massless fields on M annihilated by first or second order differential operators. Finally, we compute the exact radial wave function (in the supergravity approximation) for BPS black holes with fixed electric and magnetic charges.Comment: 47 pages, v2: typos corrected, reference added, v3: minor change

    Stellar Populations in Three Outer Fields of the LMC

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    We present HST photometry for three fields in the outer disk of the LMC extending approximately four magnitudes below the faintest main sequence turnoff. We cannot detect any strongly significant differences in the stellar populations of the three fields based on the morphologies of the color-magnitude diagrams, the luminosity functions, and the relative numbers of stars in different evolutionary stages. Our observations therefore suggest similar star formation histories in these regions, although some variations are certainly allowed. The fields are located in two regions of the LMC: one is in the north-east field and two are located in the north-west. Under the assumption of a common star formation history, we combine the three fields with ground-based data at the same location as one of the fields to improve statistics for the brightest stars. We compare this stellar population with those predicted from several simple star formation histories suggested in the literature, using a combination of the R-method of Bertelli et al (1992) and comparisons with the observed luminosity function. The only model which we consider that is not rejected by the observations is one in which the star formation rate is roughly constant for most of the LMC's history and then increases by a factor of three about 2 Gyr ago. Such a model has roughly equal numbers of stars older and younger than 4 Gyr, and thus is not dominated by young stars. This star formation history, combined with a closed box chemical evolution model, is consistent with observations that the metallicity of the LMC has doubled in the past 2 Gyr.Comment: 30 pages, includes 10 postscript figures. Figure 1 avaiable at ftp://charon.nmsu.edu/pub/mgeha/LMC. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa