320 research outputs found

    Characterisation of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis (Nematoda : Heterorhabditidae) from Ireland and Britain by molecular and cross-breeding techniques, and the occurrence of the genus in these islands

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    Des examens de sol ont été effectués en Irlande et en Grande-Bretagne pour rechercher les nématodes du genre #Heterorhabditis. Des échantillons des sols prélevés sur des sites sablonneux furent pourvus de larves de #Galleria mellonella comme appâts. Des #Heterorhabditis furent collectés sur 18 sites sur 169 en Irlande, 2 sur 51 dans le nord de l'Ecosse et 9 sur 20 dans le sud du Pays de Galle. Tous les sites positifs sont situés sur le littoral ; aucun #Heterorhabditis n'a été détecté dans les échantillons prélevés dans 40 sites situés à l'intérieur des terres. La totalité des 76 isolats recueillis au cours de ces analyses ont été identifiés comme appartenant au groupe irlandais d'#Heterorhabditis, à l'aide de méthodes de concentration isoélectrique, de restriction de l'ADN et d'hybridation. Aucun #Heterohabditis appartenant au groupe de l'Europe du nord-ouest n'a été recueilli. Cependant, un isolat recueilli par d'autres chercheurs et provenant du sud de l'Angleterre a été identifié comme appartenant à ce groupe. Les membres du groupe irlandais ne se croisent généralement pas avec les membres du groupe de l'Europe du nord-ouest, bien que des juvéniles infestants fertiles aient été produits dans un nombre limité (3/15) de croisements entre ces groupes. (Résumé d'auteur

    Theory of coherent Bragg spectroscopy of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We present a detailed theoretical analysis of Bragg spectroscopy from a Bose-Einstein condensate at T=0K. We demonstrate that within the linear response regime, both a quantum field theory treatment and a meanfield Gross-Pitaevskii treatment lead to the same value for the mean evolution of the quasiparticle operators. The observable for Bragg spectroscopy experiments, which is the spectral response function of the momentum transferred to the condensate, can therefore be calculated in a meanfield formalism. We analyse the behaviour of this observable by carrying out numerical simulations in axially symmetric three-dimensional cases and in two dimensions. An approximate analytic expression for the observable is obtained and provides a means for identifying the relative importance of three broadening and shift mechanisms (meanfield, Doppler, and finite pulse duration) in different regimes. We show that the suppression of scattering at small values of q observed by Stamper-Kurn et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2876 (1999)] is accounted for by the meanfield treatment, and can be interpreted in terms of the interference of the u and v quasiparticle amplitudes. We also show that, contrary to the assumptions of previous analyses, there is no regime for trapped condensates for which the spectral response function and the dynamic structure factor are equivalent. Our numerical calculations can also be performed outside the linear response regime, and show that at large laser intensities a significant decrease in the shift of the spectral response function can occur due to depletion of the initial condensate.Comment: RevTeX4 format, 16 pages plus 7 eps figures; Update to published version: minors changes and an additional figure. (To appear in Phys. Rev. A

    Application of Pauli-Villars regularization and discretized light-cone quantization to a single-fermion truncation of Yukawa theory

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    We apply Pauli-Villars regularization and discretized light-cone quantization to the nonperturbative solution of (3+1)-dimensional Yukawa theory in a single-fermion truncation. Three heavy scalars, including two with negative norm, are used to regulate the theory. The matrix eigenvalue problem is solved for the lowest-mass state with use of a new, indefinite-metric Lanczos algorithm. Various observables are extracted from the wave functions, including average multiplicities and average momenta of constituents, structure functions, and a form factor slope.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX; published version: more extensive data in the tables of v

    The identification of biological species in the genus Heterorhabditis (Nematoda : Heterorhabditidae) by cross-breeding second-generation amphimictic adults

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    Entomopathogenic nematodes of the genus Heterorhabditis are morphologically conservative, consequently the majority of isolates remain unassigned at the species level. When a Heterorhabditis infective juvenile infects an insect host, it develops into a protandrous hermaphrodite female. These first-generation females give rise to a second generation which contains both males and females. Because of this complex life-cycle and also because of uncertainty as to whether second-generation females are amphimictic, cross-breeding studies to facilitate species determination have not been carried out previously. We demonstrate here that second-generation Heterorhabditis females are amphimictic. Because of this finding, we have been able to develop a successful cross-breeding technique for the purposes of species determination in Heterorhabditis. Interstrain crosses using second-generation males and females from the appropriate strains have been successfully set up in Xenorhabdus luminescens-treated G. mellonella cadavers and also on agar plates. Using the techniques described here we confirm that H . bacteriophora (Brecon strain), H . megidis and H . zealandica are distinct biological species, we note that the H. bacteriophora group contains at least 2 species and we provide evidence for the existence of a new Irish species of Heterorhabditis

    Relaxation rates and collision integrals for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Near equilibrium, the rate of relaxation to equilibrium and the transport properties of excitations (bogolons) in a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) are determined by three collision integrals, G12\mathcal{G}^{12}, G22\mathcal{G}^{22}, and G31\mathcal{G}^{31}. All three collision integrals conserve momentum and energy during bogolon collisions, but only G22 \mathcal{G}^{22} conserves bogolon number. Previous works have considered the contribution of only two collision integrals, G22 \mathcal{G}^{22} and G12 \mathcal{G}^{12}. In this work, we show that the third collision integral G31 \mathcal{G}^{31} makes a significant contribution to the bogolon number relaxation rate and needs to be retained when computing relaxation properties of the BEC. We provide values of relaxation rates in a form that can be applied to a variety of dilute Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Journal of Low Temperature Physics 7/201

    Finite temperature theory of the trapped two dimensional Bose gas

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    We present a Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theoretical treatment of the two-dimensional trapped Bose gas and indicate how semiclassical approximations to this and other formalisms have lead to confusion. We numerically obtain results for the fully quantum mechanical HFB theory within the Popov approximation and show that the presence of the trap stabilizes the condensate against long wavelength fluctuations. These results are used to show where phase fluctuations lead to the formation of a quasicondensate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Exciting, Cooling And Vortex Trapping In A Bose-Condensed Gas

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    A straight forward numerical technique, based on the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, is used to generate a self-consistent description of thermally-excited states of a dilute boson gas. The process of evaporative cooling is then modelled by following the time evolution of the system using the same equation. It is shown that the subsequent rethermalisation of the thermally-excited state produces a cooler coherent condensate. Other results presented show that trapping vortex states with the ground state may be possible in a two-dimensional experimental environment.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. It's worth the wait! To be published in Physical Review A, 1st February 199

    Adiabatic Output Coupling of a Bose Gas at Finite Temperatures

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    We develop a general theory of adiabatic output coupling from trapped atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates at finite temperatures. For weak coupling, the output rate from the condensate, and the excited levels in the trap, settles in a time proportional to the inverse of the spectral width of the coupling to the output modes. We discuss the properties of the output atoms in the quasi-steady-state where the population in the trap is not appreciably depleted. We show how the composition of the output beam, containing condensate and thermal component, may be controlled by changing the frequency of the output coupler. This composition determines the first and second order coherence of the output beam. We discuss the changes in the composition of the bose gas left in the trap and show how nonresonant output coupling can stimulate either the evaporation of thermal excitations in the trap or the growth of non-thermal excitations, when pairs of correlated atoms leave the condensate.Comment: 22 pages, 6 Figs. To appear in Physical Review A All the typos from the previous submission have been fixe
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