12,498 research outputs found

    Superfluid density and condensate fraction in the BCS-BEC crossover regime at finite temperatures

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    The superfluid density is a fundamental quantity describing the response to a rotation as well as in two-fluid collisional hydrodynamics. We present extensive calculations of the superfluid density \rho_s in the BCS-BEC crossover regime of a uniform superfluid Fermi gas at finite temperatures. We include strong-coupling or fluctuation effects on these quantities within a Gaussian approximation. We also incorporate the same fluctuation effects into the BCS single-particle excitations described by the superfluid order parameter \Delta and Fermi chemical potential \mu, using the Nozi\`eres and Schmitt-Rink (NSR) approximation. This treatment is shown to be necessary for consistent treatment of \rho_s over the entire BCS-BEC crossover. We also calculate the condensate fraction N_c as a function of the temperature, a quantity which is quite different from the superfluid density \rho_s. We show that the mean-field expression for the condensate fraction N_c is a good approximation even in the strong-coupling BEC regime. Our numerical results show how \rho_s and N_c depend on temperature, from the weak-coupling BCS region to the BEC region of tightly-bound Cooper pair molecules. In a companion paper by the authors (cond-mat/0609187), we derive an equivalent expression for \rho_s from the thermodynamic potential, which exhibits the role of the pairing fluctuations in a more explicit manner.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    First Results from SPARO: Evidence for Large-Scale Toroidal Magnetic Fields in the Galactic Center

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    We have observed the linear polarization of 450 micron continuum emission from the Galactic center, using a new polarimetric detector system that is operated on a 2 m telescope at the South Pole. The resulting polarization map extends ~ 170 pc along the Galactic plane and ~ 30 pc in Galactic latitude, and thus covers a significant fraction of the central molecular zone. Our map shows that this region is permeated by large-scale toroidal magnetic fields. We consider our results together with radio observations that show evidence for poloidal fields in the Galactic center, and with Faraday rotation observations. We compare all of these observations with the predictions of a magnetodynamic model for the Galactic center that was proposed in order to explain the Galactic Center Radio Lobe as a magnetically driven gas outflow. We conclude that the observations are basically consistent with the model.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ Let

    Combined liver-kidney transplantation: Analysis of patients with preformed lymphocytotoxic antibody

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    In this report, we address combined liver-kidney transplantation, with particular attention to the apparent phenomenon of protection of kidney allografts to antibody mediated destruction by liver allografts. Four patients were found to have positive crossmatch before the liver phase of the combined transplant (pre-OT/KT samples). These positive crossmatches were due entirely to anti-HLA class I antibodies, as demonstrated by their removal by immunoabsorption on pololed platelets. In three of these patients, post-OT/pre-KT samples showed a conversion to a negative crossmatch (in the fourth patient this was not done). A kidney allograft, harveted from the same donor, was then placed into the recipient, and in patients no. 3, 7, and 12, good initial function was noted. In one of these patients was there evidence of hyperacute rejection. Post-OT/KT samples were collected in patients no. 3, 7, and 8, and then analyzed for the reappearance of donor specific lymphocytotoxic antibodies in the posttransplant period (data on patient no. 12 was not available at time of preparation). Lymphocytotoxic antibodies with donor specificity could not be detected in any of the samples during the first week posttransplant. The decrease in %PRA and conversion of a positive to negative crossmatch following liver transplantation was correlated to the HLA specificty of the antibody found in the pretransplant serum and the HLA type of the tranplanted organs. In the two instances where an HLA specificity could be determined by panel analysis, transplantation with donor organs bearing these HLA specificities led to a specific disppearance of these antibodies during the postransplant phase

    Human subjective response to steering wheel vibration caused by diesel engine idle

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    This study investigated the human subjective response to steering wheel vibration of the type caused by a four-cylinder diesel engine idle in passenger cars. Vibrotactile perception was assessed using sinusoidal amplitude-modulated vibratory stimuli of constant energy level (r.m.s. acceleration, 0.41 m/s(2)) having a carrier frequency of 26 Hz (i.e. engine firing frequency) and modulation frequency of 6.5 Hz (half-order engine harmonic). Evaluations of seven levels of modulation depth parameter m (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) were performed in order to define the growth function of human perceived disturbance as a function of amplitude modulation depth. Two semantic descriptors were used (unpleasantness and roughness) and two test methods (the Thurstone paired-comparison method and the Borg CR-10 direct evaluation scale) for a total of four tests. Each test was performed using an independent group of 25 individuals. The results suggest that there is a critical value of modulation depth m = 0.2 below which human subjects do not perceive differences in amplitude modulation and above which the stimulus-response relationship increases monotonically with a power function. The Stevens power exponents suggest that the perceived unpleasantness is non-linearly dependent on modulation depth m with an exponent greater than 1 and that the perceived roughness is dependent with an exponent close to unity

    Coherent Tunneling of Atoms from Bose-condensed Gases at Finite Temperatures

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    Tunneling of atoms between two trapped Bose-condensed gases at finite temperatures is explored using a many-body linear response tunneling formalism similar to that used in superconductors. To lowest order, the tunneling currents can be expressed quite generally in terms of the single-particle Green's functions of the isolated Bose gases. A coherent first-order tunneling Josephson current between two atomic Bose-condensates is found, in addition to coherent and dissipative contributions from second-order condensate-noncondensate and noncondensate-noncondensate tunneling. Our work is a generalization of Meier and Zwerger, who recently treated tunneling between uniform atomic Bose gases. We apply our formalism to the analysis of an out-coupling experiment induced by light wave fields, using a simple Bogoliubov-Popov quasiparticle approximation for the trapped Bose gas. For tunneling into the vacuum, we recover the results of Japha, Choi, Burnett and Band, who recently pointed out the usefulness of studying the spectrum of out-coupled atoms. In particular, we show that the small tunneling current of noncondensate atoms from a trapped Bose gas has a broad spectrum of energies, with a characteristic structure associated with the Bogoliubov quasiparticle u^2 and v^2 amplitudes.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, to appear in PR

    Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background at Degree Angular Scales: Python V Results

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    Observations of the microwave sky using the Python telescope in its fifth season of operation at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica are presented. The system consists of a 0.75 m off-axis telescope instrumented with a HEMT amplifier-based radiometer having continuum sensitivity from 37-45 GHz in two frequency bands. With a 0.91 deg x 1.02 deg beam the instrument fully sampled 598 deg^2 of sky, including fields measured during the previous four seasons of Python observations. Interpreting the observed fluctuations as anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background, we place constraints on the angular power spectrum of fluctuations in eight multipole bands up to l ~ 260. The observed spectrum is consistent with both the COBE experiment and previous Python results. There is no significant contamination from known foregrounds. The results show a discernible rise in the angular power spectrum from large (l ~ 40) to small (l ~ 200) angular scales. The shape of the observed power spectrum is not a simple linear rise but has a sharply increasing slope starting at l ~ 150.Comment: 5 page

    First Results from Viper: Detection of Small-Scale Anisotropy at 40 GHZ

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    Results of a search for small-scale anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are presented. Observations were made at the South Pole using the Viper telescope, with a .26 degree (FWHM) beam and a passband centered at 40 GHz. Anisotropy band-power measurements in bands centered at l = 108, 173, 237, 263, 422 and 589 are reported. Statistically significant anisotropy is detected in all bands.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, uses emulateapj.sty, submitted to ApJ Letter

    A Robust Measure of Tidal Circularization in Coeval Binary Populations: The solar-type spectroscopic Binary Population in The Open Cluster M35

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    We present a new homogeneous sample of 32 spectroscopic binary orbits in the young (~ 150 Myr) main-sequence open cluster M35. The distribution of orbital eccentricity vs. orbital period (e-log(P)) displays a distinct transition from eccentric to circular orbits at an orbital period of ~ 10 days. The transition is due to tidal circularization of the closest binaries. The population of binary orbits in M35 provide a significantly improved constraint on the rate of tidal circularization at an age of 150 Myr. We propose a new and more robust diagnostic of the degree of tidal circularization in a binary population based on a functional fit to the e-log(P) distribution. We call this new measure the tidal circularization period. The tidal circularization period of a binary population represents the orbital period at which a binary orbit with the most frequent initial orbital eccentricity circularizes (defined as e = 0.01) at the age of the population. We determine the tidal circularizationperiod for M35 as well as for 7 additional binary populations spanning ages from the pre main-sequence (~ 3 Myr) to late main-sequence (~ 10 Gyr), and use Monte Carlo error analysis to determine the uncertainties on the derived circularization periods. We conclude that current theories of tidal circularization cannot account for the distribution of tidal circularization periods with population age.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, February 200

    Self-consistent perturbation expansion for Bose-Einstein condensates satisfying Goldstone's theorem and conservation laws

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    Quantum-field-theoretic descriptions of interacting condensed bosons have suffered from the lack of self-consistent approximation schemes satisfying Goldstone's theorem and dynamical conservation laws simultaneously. We present a procedure to construct such approximations systematically by using either an exact relation for the interaction energy or the Hugenholtz-Pines relation to express the thermodynamic potential in a Luttinger-Ward form. Inspection of the self-consistent perturbation expansion up to the third order with respect to the interaction shows that the two relations yield a unique identical result at each order, reproducing the conserving-gapless mean-field theory [T. Kita, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74, 1891 (2005)] as the lowest-order approximation. The uniqueness implies that the series becomes exact when infinite terms are retained. We also derive useful expressions for the entropy and superfluid density in terms of Green's function and a set of real-time dynamical equations to describe thermalization of the condensate.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Color Magnetic Corrections to Quark Model Valence Distributions

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    We calculate order αs\alpha_s color magnetic corrections to the valence quark distributions of the proton using the Los Alamos Model Potential wavefunctions. The spin-spin interaction breaks the model SU(4) symmetry, providing a natural mechanism for the difference between the up and down distributions. For a value of αs\alpha_s sufficient to produce the N−ΔN-\Delta mass splitting, we find up and down quark distributions in reasonable agreement with experiment.Comment: 25 Pages, LA-UR-93-132
