29 research outputs found

    Anti-trypanosomal antibodies in sequentially collected sera of N'Dama cattle under natural trypanosomiasis risk in The Gambia

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    Investigates the time of appearance and the persistence of antibodies in N'Dama cattle bitten by infected tsetse flies under controlled conditions, the serology of village animals exposed to natural trypanosomiasis risk and the time of appearance and duration of anti-trypanosomal antibodies through the monthly collection of serum samples from calves following birth

    Milk production characteristics and productivity of N'Dama cattle kept under village management in The Gambia

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    Studies milk production characteristics and productivity of N'dama cattle kept under village conditions as part of an epidemiological study designed to identify production constraints and to develop strategies to improve livestock productivity of farmers with small holdings. Milk and component yields were monitored monthly by measurement of milk extracted for human use (milk offtake) plus that consumed by the calf, estimated from body weight changes. Examines lactation length, milk offtake, fat, protein, calf weaning weight, calving interval

    Studies on the effects of milking on calf growth and viability and on cow reproductive performance in traditionally managed N'Dama herds

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    Reviews the results of on-farm experiments conducted to study the effects of milking on calf viability and growth, on the reproductive performance of cows and on the overall productivity of Ndama herds in the village of Nioro Jattaba in the Kiang West District of The Gambia

    Milk extraction for human consumption from N'Dama cattle under village management conditions in The Gambia

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    Location performance of N’Dama cattle was recorded under village management conditions in four ecological variable villages in the Gambia. A total of 636 cows were recorded during the study. The highest daily milk offtake 1.7 kg/cow/day took place when cows were 4 – 6 weeks post-partum. Daily milk offtake was also influenced by month of extraction low in late dry season (0.8kg/cow/day) and increased sharply to 1.5kg at the beginning of the rainy season. The mean fat yield was 18.8 (s.d=6.4) kg with a coefficient of variation of 26.8%. Site and parity effects were significant on fat yield. Milk protein percent increased from a mean of 2.6% for cows in 1.6 weeks in lactation to a mean of 3.5 % for cows in the 50-54 weeks in lactation. The mean was also significantly affected by the season of calving. Milk offtake for human consumption was influenced by the stage of lactation and season. The overall mean lactation length is 346 days with 378.5 kg lactation milk offtake. The average calving interval is 18.5 months. In comparison of production parameters between twice and once-a-day milking situations, 12 month milk offtake (Mo) 430.0kg and 245.6 kg 12 month calf growth (CG) 60.0kg and 79.0kg, 12 month milk yield 910.0 kg and 877.0kg and calf mortality to 365 days 8.0% and 13.0% respectively were reported. The performance from N’Dama cattle in production systems under village management condition with minimal inputs was found remarkable

    Effects of trypanosome and helminth infections on health and production parameters of village N'Dama cattle in The Gambia

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    The effects of trypanosome and helminth infections on health and production parameters in 2000 village N'Dama cattle were assessed periodically. Blood examination showed Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax to be prevalent, while strongylid-type eggs were those most frequently encountered in faecal samples. A distinct seasonal fluctuation was detected for both blood levels of trypanosomes and helminth egg output. Strongylid burden and trypanosome infection had significant negative effects on packed red cell volume levles and body weights mainly in animals of 2-3 years old. Clear indications of an increased susceptibility ot trypanosomosis were found in animals affected by helminths. Similarly, animals infected with trypanosomes were more frequently infested with strongyles and egg counts were higher than in cattle in which no trypanosomes were detected

    Interaction between physiological status in N'Dama cows and trypanosome infections and its effect on health and productivity of cattle

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    Reports a study of the interaction between trypanosome infections and physiological status on health and productivity in N'Dama cattle managed under traditional husbandry practices in The Gambia. Discusses production environments and herd management, parasite kinetics, erythropoietic response and body weight changes. Examines trypanosome prevalence in cows of different physiological status during exposure to seasonally high challenge of tsetse flies, PCV (Packed Cell Volume) of cows of different physiological status, infected or uninfected with trypanosomes during exposure to seasonally high challenge of tsetse flies

    Milk extraction for human consumption from N'Dama cattle under village management conditions in The Gambia

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    Studies milk production for human consumption from N'Dama cattle under village management conditions in The Gambia. Discusses herd management and milk recording schemes. Examines milk-fat yield, milk protein, milk offtake, calf growth, calf mortality, lactation length and yield and milking frequency

    Reproductive performance of N'Dama cattle kept under village management in The Gambia

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    A study undertaken to determine reproductive efficiency in the village herds of N'Dama cattle in The Gambia. Investigates the relationships among reproductive efficiency, environmental and disease factors and assesses the effect of nutrition on the onset of ovarian activity in the post-partum period in first-calving N'Dama cows kept under improved nutritional conditions