219 research outputs found

    Ultrasoft Renormalization in Non-Relativistic QCD

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    For Non-Relativistic QCD the velocity renormalization group correlates the renormalization scales for ultrasoft, potential and soft degrees of freedom. Here we discuss the renormalization of operators by ultrasoft gluons. We show that renormalization of soft vertices can induce new operators, and also present a procedure for correctly subtracting divergences in mixed potential-ultrasoft graphs. Our results affect the running of the spin-independent potentials in QCD. The change for the NNLL t-tbar cross section near threshold is very small, being at the 1% level and essentially independent of the energy. We also discuss implications for analyzing situations where mv^2 ~ Lambda_QCD.Comment: 31 pages, 11 fig

    Renormalization group scaling in nonrelativistic QCD

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    We discuss the matching conditions and renormalization group evolution of non-relativistic QCD. A variant of the conventional MS-bar scheme is proposed in which a subtraction velocity nu is used rather than a subtraction scale mu. We derive a novel renormalization group equation in velocity space which can be used to sum logarithms of v in the effective theory. We apply our method to several examples. In particular we show that our formulation correctly reproduces the two-loop anomalous dimension of the heavy quark production current near threshold.Comment: (27 pages, revtex

    Three Bosons in One Dimension with Short Range Interactions I: Zero Range Potentials

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    We consider the three-boson problem with ÎŽ\delta-function interactions in one spatial dimension. Three different approaches are used to calculate the phase shifts, which we interpret in the context of the effective range expansion, for the scattering of one free particle a off of a bound pair. We first follow a procedure outlined by McGuire in order to obtain an analytic expression for the desired S-matrix element. This result is then compared to a variational calculation in the adiabatic hyperspherical representation, and to a numerical solution to the momentum space Faddeev equations. We find excellent agreement with the exact phase shifts, and comment on some of the important features in the scattering and bound-state sectors. In particular, we find that the 1+2 scattering length is divergent, marking the presence of a zero-energy resonance which appears as a feature when the pair-wise interactions are short-range. Finally, we consider the introduction of a three-body interaction, and comment on the cutoff dependence of the coupling.Comment: 9 figures, 2 table

    Renormalization group analysis of the QCD quark potential to order v^2

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    A one-loop renormalization group analysis of the order v^2 relativistic corrections to the static QCD potential is presented. The velocity renormalization group is used to simultaneously sum ln(m/mv) and ln(m/mv^2) terms. The results are compared to previous calculations in the literature.Comment: 13 pages. important change: running of soft Lagrangian include

    Three particles in a finite volume: The breakdown of spherical symmetry

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    Lattice simulations of light nuclei necessarily take place in finite volumes, thus affecting their infrared properties. These effects can be addressed in a model-independent manner using Effective Field Theories. We study the model case of three identical bosons (mass m) with resonant two-body interactions in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions, which can also be generalized to the three-nucleon system in a straightforward manner. Our results allow for the removal of finite volume effects from lattice results as well as the determination of infinite volume scattering parameters from the volume dependence of the spectrum. We study the volume dependence of several states below the break-up threshold, spanning one order of magnitude in the binding energy in the infinite volume, for box side lengths L between the two-body scattering length a and L = 0.25a. For example, a state with a three-body energy of -3/(ma^2) in the infinite volume has been shifted to -10/(ma^2) at L = a. Special emphasis is put on the consequences of the breakdown of spherical symmetry and several ways to perturbatively treat the ensuing partial wave admixtures. We find their contributions to be on the sub-percent level compared to the strong volume dependence of the S-wave component. For shallow bound states, we find a transition to boson-diboson scattering behavior when decreasing the size of the finite volume.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Gauge dependence and matching procedure of a nonrelativistic QED/QCD boundstate formalism

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    A nonrelativistic boundstate formalism used in contemporary calculations is investigated. It is known that the effective Hamiltonian of the boundstate system depends on the choice of gauge. We obtain the transformation charge Q of the Hamiltonian for an arbitrary infinitesimal change of gauge, by which gauge independence of the mass spectrum and gauge dependences of the boundstate wave functions are dictated. We give formal arguments based on the BRST symmetry supplemented by power countings of Coulomb singularities of diagrams. For illustration: (1)we calculate Q up to O(1/c), (2)we examine gauge dependences of diagrams for a decay of a qqbar boundstate up to O(1/c) and show that cumbersome gauge cancellations can be circumvented by directly calculating Q. As an application we point out that the present calculations of top quark momentum distribution in the ttbar threshold region are gauge dependent. We also show possibilities for incorrect calculations of physical quantities of boundstates when the on-shell matching procedure is employed. We give a proof of a justification for the use of the equation of motion to simplify the form of a local NRQCD Lagrangian. The formalism developed in this work will provide useful cross checks in computations involving NRQED/NRQCD boundstates.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures (ver1); Presentations of Introduction and Conclusion were modified substantially, although none of our findings have been changed; Side remarks have been added in various parts of the paper. (ver2); Supplementary remarks and minor corrections (ver3

    Power counting and effective field theory for charmonium

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    We hypothesize that the correct power counting for charmonia is in the parameter Lambda_QCD/m_c, but is not based purely on dimensional analysis (as is HQET). This power counting leads to predictions which differ from those resulting from the usual velocity power counting rules of NRQCD. In particular, we show that while Lambda_QCD/m_c power counting preserves the empirically verified predictions of spin symmetry in decays, it also leads to new predictions which include: A hierarchy between spin singlet and triplet octet matrix elements in the J/psi system. A quenching of the net polarization in production at large transverse momentum. No end point enhancement in radiative decays. We discuss explicit tests which can differentiate between the traditional and new theories of NRQCD.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure Replaced plot of the psi polarization parameter alpha as a function of transverse momentum. Alpha is now closer to zero for large transverse moment

    The QCD heavy-quark potential to order v^2: one loop matching conditions

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    The one-loop QCD heavy quark potential is computed to order v^2 in the color singlet and octet channels. Several errors in the previous literature are corrected. To be consistent with the velocity power counting, the full dependence on |p' + p|/|p' - p| is kept. The matching conditions for the NRQCD one-loop potential are computed by comparing the QCD calculation with that in the effective theory. The graphs in the effective theory are also compared to terms from the hard, soft, potential, and ultrasoft regimes in the threshold expansion. The issue of off-shell versus on-shell matching and gauge dependence is discussed in detail for the 1/(m k) term in the potential. Matching on-shell gives a 1/(m k) potential that is gauge independent and does not vanish for QED.Comment: 28 pages, References added and minor changes to section III, results unchange

    Running of the heavy quark production current and 1/k potential in QCD

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    The 1/k contribution to the heavy quark potential is first generated at one loop order in QCD. We compute the two loop anomalous dimension for this potential, and find that the renormalization group running is significant. The next-to-leading-log coefficient for the heavy quark production current near threshold is determined. The velocity renormalization group result includes the alpha_s^3 ln^2(alpha_s) ``non-renormalization group logarithms'' of Kniehl and Penin.Comment: 30 pages, journal versio
