61 research outputs found

    Dynamic symbolic execution for testing distributed objects

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    Abstract. This paper extends dynamic symbolic execution to distributed and concurrent systems. Dynamic symbolic execution can be used in software testing to systematically identify equivalence classes of input values and has been shown to scale well to large systems. Although mainly applied to sequential programs, this scalability makes it interesting to consider the technique in the distributed and concurrent setting as well. In order to extend the technique to concurrent systems, it is necessary to obtain sufficient control over the scheduling of concurrent activities to avoid race conditions. Creol, a modeling language for distributed concurrent objects, solves this problem by abstracting from a particular scheduling policy but explicitly defining scheduling points. This provides sufficient control to apply the technique of dynamic symbolic execution for model based testing of interleaved processes. The technique has been formalized in rewriting logic, executes in Maude, and applied to nontrivial examples, including an industrial case study

    D-finder 2: Towards efficient correctness of incremental design

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    D-Finder 2 is a new tool for deadlock detection in concurrent systems based on effective invariant computation to approximate the effects of interactions among modules. It is part of the BIP framework, which provides various tools centered on a component-based language for incremental design. The presented tool shares its theoretical roots with a previous implementation, but was completely rewritten to take advantage of a new version of BIP and various new results on the theory of invariant computation. The improvements are demonstrated by comparison with previous work and reports on new results on a practical case study. © 2011 Springer-Verlag

    Model Checking Distributed Systems against Temporal-Epistemic Specifications

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    Abstract. Concurrency and message reordering are two main causes for the state-explosion in distributed systems with asynchronous communication. We study this domain by analysing ABS, an executable modelling language for object-based distributed systems and present a symbolic model checking methodology for verifying ABS programs against temporal-epistemic specifications. Specifically, we show how to map an ABS program into an ISPL program for verification with MCMAS, a model checker for multi-agent systems. We present a compiler implementing the formal map, exemplify the methodology on a mesh network use case and report experimental results.

    Repair of Boolean Programs Using Games

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    Abstract. We show how to find and fix faults in Boolean programs by extending the program to a game. In the game, the protagonist can choose which statement is incorrect and how to repair it. If she can do this successfully using a memoryless strategy, we have found a fault plus a correction. We discuss how this technique can be used to fix faults in programs written in a language like C, by using the Boolean programs that are produced as abstractions in approaches such as SLAM and MAGIC.

    Automated Fault Localization for C Programs 1 Abstract

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    If a program does not fulfill a given specification, a model checker delivers a counterexample, a run which demonstrates the wrong behavior. Even with a counterexample, locating the actual fault in the source code is often a difficult task for the verification engineer. We present an automatic approach for fault localization in C programs. The method is based on model checking and reports only components that can be changed such that the difference between actual and intended behavior of the example is removed. To identify these components, we use the bounded model checker CBMC on an instrumented version of the program. We present experimental data that supports the applicability of our approach.

    A Framework for Automated and Certified Refinement Steps

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    The refinement calculus provides a methodology for transforming an abstract specification into a concrete implementation, by following a succession of refinement rules. These rules have been mechanized in theorem-provers, thus providing a formal and rigorous way to prove that a given program refines another one. In a previous work, we have extended this mechanization for object-oriented programs, where the memory is represented as a graph, and we have integrated our approach within the rCOS tool, a model-driven software development tool providing a refinement language. Hence, for any refinement step, the tool automatically generates the corresponding proof obligations and the user can manually discharge them, using a provided library of refinement lemmas. In this work, we propose an approach to automate the search of possible refinement rules from a program to another, using the rewriting tool Maude. Each refinement rule in Maude is associated with the corresponding lemma in Isabelle, thus allowing the tool to automatically generate the Isabelle proof when a refinement rule can be automatically found. The user can add a new refinement rule by providing the corresponding Maude rule and Isabelle lemma
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