100 research outputs found

    Nevogenesis: A Benign Metastatic Process?

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    It is generally accepted that cutaneous nevogenesis is a localized event that occurs exclusively in the dermis and/or epidermis. However, the discovery of nevocytes circulating in the peripheral blood suggests that other, more systemic, benign metastatic processes could also be involved. The theoretical role of lymphatic and hematogenous dissemination of loosely adherent, immature nevus progenitor cells in the development of nodal nevi and eruptive melanocytic nevi will be reviewed

    Molecular Nevogenesis

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    Despite recent advances, the biology underlying nevogenesis remains unclear. Activating mutations in NRAS, HRAS, BRAF, and GNAQ have been identified in benign nevi. Their presence roughly correlates with congenital, Spitz, acquired, and blue nevi, respectively. These mutations are likely to play a critical role in driving nevogenesis. While each mutation is able to activate the MAP kinase pathway, they also interact with a host of different proteins in other pathways. The different melanocytic developmental pathways activated by each mutation cause the cells to migrate, proliferate, and differentiate to different extents within the skin. This causes each mutation to give rise to a characteristic growth pattern. The exact location and differentiation state of the cell of origin for benign moles remains to be discovered. Further research is necessary to fully understand nevus development given that most of the same developmental pathways are also present in melanoma

    A Novel Approach to Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation in Human Cells: Initial Application to Melanocytes and Melanoma Cells

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    An assay system for transcriptional profile analysis of cultured eukaryotic cells has been developed to simultaneously handle multiple samples in a rapid, sensitive, and internally controlled manner. The methodology incorporates a microtiter plate assay system, a rapid cell-harvest enzyme-assay technique, and the bacterial reporter genes β-glucuronidase and β-galactosidase. We demonstrate, using β-actin and SV40 (late) transcription promoting sequences, that this technically refilled microtiter-triton-lysate (MTL) assay methodology can readily differentiate between the transcriptional states of human melanocytes before and after pharmacologic stimulation and malignantly transformed versus normal cell environments. Differences in the transcriptional environments are revealed by the relative expression of transcription element probes. The transcriptional activity ratio of the β-actin compared to the SV40 late transcription promoting sequences was approximately 1: 2 in primary cultured melanocytes, 2:1 in 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-treated melanocytes and 1: 4 in the Tang melanoma cell line. Because this MTL assay methodology can accommodate a panel of transcription element probes, we anticipate that the resultant transcriptional profiles will prove useful in deciphering the diverse transcriptional changes that occur within normally regulated and malignantly transformed cells

    Diagnostic Role of Chromosomal Instability in Melanoma

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    Early diagnosis gives melanoma patients the best chance for long term survival. However discrimination of an early melanoma from an unusual/atypical benign nevus can represent a significant challenge. There are no current pathological markers to definitively define malignant potential in these indeterminate lesions. Thus, there is a need for improved diagnostic tools. Chromosomal instability (CIN) is a hallmark of cancer and is markedly prevalent in melanoma. Advances in genomics have opened the door for the development of molecular tools to better segregate benign and malignant lesions. This paper focuses on CIN in melanoma and the role of current diagnostic approaches

    Germ Cell Proteins in Melanoma: Prognosis, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Theories on Expression

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    Germ cell protein expression in melanoma has been shown to correlate with malignancy, severity of disease and to serve as an immunologic target for therapy. However, very little is known about the role that germ cell proteins play in cancer development. Unique germ cell pathways include those involved in immortalization, genetic evolution, and energy metabolism. There is an ever increasing recognition that within tumors there is a subpopulation of cells with stem-cell-like characteristics that play a role in driving tumorgenesis. Stem cell and germ cell biology is intertwined. Given the enormous potential and known expression of germ cell proteins in melanoma, it is possible that they represent a largely untapped resource that may play a fundamental role in tumor development and progression. The purpose of this paper is to provide an update on the current value of germ cell protein expression in melanoma diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy, as well as to review critical germ cell pathways and discuss the potential roles these pathways may play in malignant transformation

    Dark homogeneous streak dermoscopic pattern correlating with specific KIT mutations in melanoma

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    Mutations driving melanoma growth have diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications. Traditional classification systems do not correlate optimally with underlying melanoma growth-promoting mutations. Our objective was to determine whether unique dermoscopic growth patterns directly correlate with driving mutations. OBSERVATIONS: We evaluated common driving mutations in 4 different dermoscopic patterns (rhomboidal, negative pigmented network, polygonal, and dark homogeneous streaks) of primary cutaneous melanomas; 3 melanomas per pattern were tested. Three of the 4 patterns lacked common mutations in BRAF, NRAS, KIT, GNAQ, and HRAS. One pattern, the dark homogeneous streaks pattern, had unique KIT mutations in the second catalytic domain of KIT in exon 17 for all 3 samples tested. Two tumors with the dark homogeneous streaks pattern turned out to be different primary melanomas from the same patient and had different sequence mutations but had an impact on the same KIT domain. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: While future study is required, these results have multiple implications. (1) The underlying melanoma-driving mutations may give rise to specific dermoscopic growth patterns, (2) BRAF/NRAS mutations in early melanomas may not be as common as previously thought, and (3) patients may be predisposed to developing specific driving mutations giving rise to melanomas or nevi of similar growth patterns

    Potential Role of Meiosis Proteins in Melanoma Chromosomal Instability

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    Melanomas demonstrate chromosomal instability (CIN). In fact, CIN can be used to differentiate melanoma from benign nevi. The exact molecular mechanisms that drive CIN in melanoma have yet to be fully elucidated. Cancer/testis antigens are a unique group of germ cell proteins that are found to be primarily expressed in melanoma as compared to benign nevi. The abnormal expression of these germ cell proteins, normally expected only in the testis and ovaries, in somatic cells may lead to interference with normal cellular pathways. Germ cell proteins that may be particularly critical in CIN are meiosis proteins. Here, we review pathways unique to meiosis with a focus on how the aberrant expression of meiosis proteins in normal mitotic cells “meiomitosis” could impact chromosomal instability in melanoma and other cancers

    Fast and Accurate Border Detection in Dermoscopy Images Using Statistical Region Merging

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    Copyright 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.As a result of advances in skin imaging technology and the development of suitable image processing techniques during the last decade, there has been a significant increase of interest in the computer-aided diagnosis of melanoma. Automated border detection is one of the most important steps in this procedure, since the accuracy of the subsequent steps crucially depends on it. In this paper, a fast and unsupervised approach to border detection in dermoscopy images of pigmented skin lesions based on the Statistical Region Merging algorithm is presented. The method is tested on a set of 90 dermoscopy images. The border detection error is quantified by a metric in which a set of dermatologist-determined borders is used as the ground-truth. The proposed method is compared to six state-of-the-art automated methods (optimized histogram thresholding, orientation-sensitive fuzzy c-means, gradient vector flow snakes, dermatologist-like tumor extraction algorithm, meanshift clustering, and the modified JSEG method) and borders determined by a second dermatologist. The results demonstrate that the presented method achieves both fast and accurate border detection in dermoscopy images.http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.70907