36 research outputs found

    Four new species and new records of Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Iranian mangroves with a key to the species known from Iran

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    Four new long-legged fly species, Thinophilus albihirtus sp. n., Thinophilus albisetosus sp. n., Thinophilus nigrihirtus sp. n., and Thinophilus qeshmensis sp. n., from southern Iran, all collected in or near the mangrove forests, are described and illustrated. Four more species of the genus are collected from the same localities. Polyzonal T. indigenus Becker, 1902 is found in the Fars Province. Three known species are firstly recorded from Iran (T. deemingi Grichanov, 2023, T. gallagheri Grichanov, 2023 and T. ochripalpis Becker, 1910). The Iranian species are considered members of one Oriental (T. murphy group), two Afrotropical species groups (T. gallagheri and T. calopus groups) and T. indigenus lineage distributed widely in the Old World. A check-list and identification key to males of 12 species known from Iran are provided.ZooBank Article LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BB31A71D-585E-4E0C-9C06-4022A7444DD

    A new species of Dolichophorus Lichtwardt, 1902 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Madagascar with a key to Afrotropical species

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    A new species of long-legged fies, Dolichophorus manukyani sp. n. from the Republic of Madagascar, is described and illustrated. Te species is related to D. friedmani Grichanov, 2009 and D. madagascariensis Grichanov, 2009, difering in smaller size, brown postpedicel of antenna, male fore coxa without apical hook, fore basitarsus without apical process, wing and hypopygium structures. Te following new combination is established: Dolichophorus hamatus (Parent, 1936), comb. n. (from Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819). A key to fve Afrotropical species of this genus is compiled

    New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Mordovia, Russia

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    A new material of Dolichopodidae has been recently collected and identified, and includes 72 species (39 species are new for the Republic of Mordovia, 60 species have been found for the first time in the Mordovian Nature Reserve and its environs, and one species is new for the Smolny National Park). In total, 98 species are recorded in this region that apparently makes up 40–50% of actual Dolichopodidae fauna in the Republic of Mordovia. This paper provides also distribution pattern for each collected species. The list of species found in the Mordovian Nature Reserve has increased from 11 to 71

    A new species of Diostracus Loew, 1861 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from China with a key to species from the Yunnan Province

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    Diostracus (Lagodechia) kabaki sp. n. from China is described. Diostracus filiformis Zhu, Masunaga, Yang, 2007 from Yunnan and D. nishiyamai Saigusa, 1995 from Guizhou, Hunan and Sichuan are associated with the subgenus Lagodechia Negrobov, et Tsurikov, 1996, and D. brevabdominalis Zhu, Masunaga, Yang, 2007 from Yunnan – with the subgenus Diostracus Loew, 1861. A key to species known from the Yunnan Province is provide

    Two new species of Mascaromyia Bickel, 1994 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Mauritius Island

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    The material from Mauritius has been examined in the collection of the Natal Museum (Pietermaritzburg, KwaZuluNatal, South Africa). Descriptions of Mascaromyia courtoisi Grichanov, sp. n. and Mascaromyia rochati Grichanov, sp. n. are provided. New species differ from other representatives of the genus in morphology of male genitalia and secondary sexual characters. Presently 31 species of Mascaromyia are known from western Indian Ocean islands, including 15 species from Mauritius. An identification key to males of known there species is firstly provided

    A new species of Neurigona Rondani, 1856 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a key to species from Iran and adjacent countries

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    A new long-legged fly species, Neurigona parchamii sp. n., from the southwestern Iranian province of Khuzestan is described and illustrated. The new species appears to be closely related to N. euchroma Negrobov, 1987 known from Uzbekistan, differing from this species by the following characters states: body somewhat longer; fore coxa with yellow bristles apically; mid femur with posteroventral row of mainly yellow bristles, mostly longer than femur height, and the shape of the hypopygium and its appendages. Neurigona euchroma has a fore coxa with black bristles at apex; mid femur with ventral row of mainly black bristles, shorter than femur height, and 1–2 light setae at base. A check list and key to 17 species of the genus Neurigona Rondani, 1856 of Iran and neighbouring countries are compile

    The Hercostomus exarticulatus species group in the Palaearctic Region (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)

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    The Hercostomus exarticulatusspecies group in the Palaearctic Region is defined and reviewed. It comprises 4 species belonging to the nominotypical Hercostomus longiventris lineage. The species group is differentiated from other Hercostomus by the male mid femur bearing ventral tubercle at base, one subtriangular and one semirounded projections at middle of narrow cercus directed ventrally, peculiar hitching lock between hind tibia and basitarsus. Syntypes of H. exarticulatoides Stackelberg, 1949 are studied. Lectotype is designated for the latter species. Hercostomus tanjusilus Negrobov et Tsurikov, 1988, syn. n. is proposed as a junior synonym of H. exarticulatus (Loew, 1857). Photographs of H. exarticulatoides, H. exarticulatus and H. canariensis Santos Abreu, 1929 are published for the first time. A key for the species group is provided. The known distribution of H. exarticulatus group is briefly discusse

    A new species of Cyrturella Collin, 1952 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Egypt

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    A new species Cyrturella nigrosetosa Grichanov, sp. n. is described from Egypt. It differs from the nominotypical species C.  albosetosa (Strobl, 1909) by the following complex of characters: head and thorax with blackish brown major bristles; acrostichals small but distinct, scutellum with two pairs of setae; legs yellow-brown; hind basitarsus distinctly longer than next segment; fore tarsus shor

    Figs 9–16 in New species and new records of Lichtwardtia Enderlein, 1912 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Australasian and Oriental regions

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    Figs 9–16. Lichtwardtia nabozhenkoi sp. n. 9 – habitus; 10 – head; 11 – antennae; 12 –Published as part of Grichanov, I.Ya., 2020, New species and new records of Lichtwardtia Enderlein, 1912 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Australasian and Oriental regions, pp. 1-13 in Far Eastern Entomologist 399 on page 7, DOI: 10.25221/fee.399.1, http://zenodo.org/record/716522

    Systematic notes on Sciapodinae from Baltic amber and on Dolichopodidae from Tanzanian copal (Diptera)

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    Sciapodinae from Baltic amber are reviewed. All species with strongly sinuate vein M are united in one extinct genus Wheelerenomyia Meunier, 1907, including now 15 species. The following new combinations are proposed for species from Baltic amber: Wheelerenomyia bickeli (Negrobov et Selivanova, 2003), comb. nov. (from Amesorhaga), W. corcula (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Neurigona), W. longicerca (Negrobov et Selivanova, 2003), comb. nov. (from Amesorhaga), W. originaria (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus), W. pacata (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus), W. parca (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus), W. parvula (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus), W. parva (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus), W. pellucida (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Psilopus), W. perastutula (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Psilopus), W. perattica (Meunier, 1907), comb. nov. (from Psilopus), W. quadrispinosa (Negrobov et Selivanova, 2003), comb. nov. (from Amesorhaga), W. subparva (Meunier, 1916), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus), W. vladimiri (Negrobov et Selivanova, 2003), comb. nov. (from Amesorhaga). New combinations are proposed for species from Zanzibaran copal: Diaphorus alsiosus (Meunier, 1910), comb. nov. (from Nematoproctus) and Chaetogonopteron sobrium (Meunier, 1910), comb. nov. (from Teuchophorus)