10 research outputs found

    Intraosseous infusion of medicines with autogenous thrombocytose gel in the therapy of chronic parodontal diseases

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    63 patients with parodontal diseases were divided into two groups. We used standard flap surgery in the first group (32 patients, 50,8%). Complex therapy of the second group (31 patients, 49,2%) were suppelmented with intraosseous infusion of natrium hypochlorite 0,03%. The results of our investigations allow us to speak about enhancement of efficiency in the complex treatment of parodontal disease

    Efficiency of use intraosseus infusion of natrium hydrochlorite 0,03% in the therapy of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw during the early period

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    45 patients with traumatic osteomyelitis of lower jaw were divided into two groups. We used standard surgical treatment in the first group (29 patients, 64,4%). Complex therapy of the second group (16 patients, 35,6%) were suppelmented with intraosseous infusion of natrium hypochlorite 0,03%. The results of our investigations allow us to speak about enhancement of efficiency in the treatment of chronoc traumatic osteomyelitis

    Learning at a distance: pros and cons

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    Accumulation of elements by submerged (Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner) and emergent (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) macrophytes under different salinity levels

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала

    The benefit-risk analysis of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and heavy metals in seven smoked fish species from Siberia

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    In cold-smoked species of genus Coregonus, identified by molecular genetic analysis, contents of fatty acids and heavy metals and arsenic were measured. The highest content of sum of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 family (LC-PUFA), namely eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids, 6.53 ± 0.78 mg g−1 wet weight, was characteristic of tugun Coregonus tugun. This is the first quantitative estimation (mg LC-PUFA per g of product) of the nutritive value of smoked fish. Thus, to obtain a daily personal doze of EPA+DHA of 1 g, recommended for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, one needs to consume 153 g of the smoked tugun. Metals' contents did not exceed standards for fish meat except Pb in least cisco Coregonus sardinella. Accordingly, values of hazard quotients, which estimate benefit-risk ratio of fish intake, indicate that most of the smoked fish species are safe product for human nutrition, except least cisco regarding Pb content

    Assessment of the Yenisei River Anthropogenic Pollution by Metals Concentrations in the Main Ecosystem Compartments Upstream and Downstream Krasnoyarsk City (Russia)

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    Для оценки антропогенного загрязнения р. Енисей определены концентрации металлов, фенолов, нефтепродуктов в воде и содержание металлов в основных компонентах экосистемы на участках выше и ниже г. Красноярска. Концентрации металлов и веществ в воде не превышают российских и зарубежных нормативов, за исключением Al и нефтепродуктов. Ниже г. Красноярска содержание Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Cr, фенолов, нитритов и нитратов в воде статистически достоверно больше такового на условно фоновом участке. На участке ниже г. Красноярска донные отложения (ДО) характеризуются повышенным содержанием Cu, Zn и Pb, не превышающим уровень вредного воздействия на биоту. Содержание Mn в гаммаридах на загрязнённом участке статистически выше, чем на условно фоновом, что, вероятно, определяется более высоким содержанием этого элемента в воде. Содержание тяжёлых металлов в мышечной ткани хариуса сибирского не превышает нормативов, установленных для рыбопродуктов российскими и международными стандартами.Metal and organic compound concentrations in water and metal concentrations in ecosystem compartments in the two sites of the Yenisei River, upstream and downstream Krasnoyarsk City, were studied for the assessment of anthropogenic pollution. Metal and organic compound concentrations in water didnt exceed upper limits, except Al and petrochemical products. Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Cr, phenols, nitrite and nitrate concentrations in water in the downstream were significantly greater than those of upstream. Cu, Zn и Pb concentrations in river sediments downstream were significantly higher than those upstream, but didnt exceed Probable Effect Concentrations. Mn concentrations in gammarides downstream were significantly higher than those upstream, probably because of higher aquatic concentration of this metal there. Metal concentrations in grayling muscles didnt exceed upper limits in the food set by Russian and international standard

    Assessment of the Yenisei River Anthropogenic Pollution by Metals Concentrations in the Main Ecosystem Compartments Upstream and Downstream Krasnoyarsk City (Russia)

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    Для оценки антропогенного загрязнения р. Енисей определены концентрации металлов, фенолов, нефтепродуктов в воде и содержание металлов в основных компонентах экосистемы на участках выше и ниже г. Красноярска. Концентрации металлов и веществ в воде не превышают российских и зарубежных нормативов, за исключением Al и нефтепродуктов. Ниже г. Красноярска содержание Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Cr, фенолов, нитритов и нитратов в воде статистически достоверно больше такового на условно фоновом участке. На участке ниже г. Красноярска донные отложения (ДО) характеризуются повышенным содержанием Cu, Zn и Pb, не превышающим уровень вредного воздействия на биоту. Содержание Mn в гаммаридах на загрязнённом участке статистически выше, чем на условно фоновом, что, вероятно, определяется более высоким содержанием этого элемента в воде. Содержание тяжёлых металлов в мышечной ткани хариуса сибирского не превышает нормативов, установленных для рыбопродуктов российскими и международными стандартами.Metal and organic compound concentrations in water and metal concentrations in ecosystem compartments in the two sites of the Yenisei River, upstream and downstream Krasnoyarsk City, were studied for the assessment of anthropogenic pollution. Metal and organic compound concentrations in water didnt exceed upper limits, except Al and petrochemical products. Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni, Cr, phenols, nitrite and nitrate concentrations in water in the downstream were significantly greater than those of upstream. Cu, Zn и Pb concentrations in river sediments downstream were significantly higher than those upstream, but didnt exceed Probable Effect Concentrations. Mn concentrations in gammarides downstream were significantly higher than those upstream, probably because of higher aquatic concentration of this metal there. Metal concentrations in grayling muscles didnt exceed upper limits in the food set by Russian and international standard