8 research outputs found

    Open Data Within governmental Organisations: Effects, Benefits and Challenges of the Implementation Process

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    This article describes the growth of open government, open data and the means for transparency and accountability but aims to reflect on the bottlenecks and actual practicallity of opening data to the public domain by two governmental bodies. The Municiaplity of The Hague and The Province of South-Holland of The Netherlands are part of 2 research programmes called ‘Government of the Future’, which main goals are to explore and establish knowledge on societal innovation by new applications and possibilities of long term effects of ICT’s in the public sector. Part of these programmes are themes as transparecny and open data, which are  viewed form the somewhat pragmatic and operational side of its applicability. The paper shows the development within the governmental bodies and captivates the ‘readiness’ for open data

    Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Background: In the nuclei of most mammalian cells, pericentric heterochromatin is characterized by DNA methylation, histone modifications such as H3K9me3 and H4K20me3, and specific binding proteins l

    MOESM4 of Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Additional file 4. Summary of the immunosignals at pericentric heterochromatin of PGCs. The table displays whether a certain histone modification or chromatin-binding protein at the pericentric heterochromatin is detected (+), not detected (−) or detected in some but not all (*) nuclei of PGCs at the embryonic stages indicated. Differences in the degree of enrichment between the pericentric heterochromatin of PGCs and somatic cells are only taken into account in the last column, whereby less enrichment or more enrichment at pericentromeric heterochromatin in PGCs compared to the soma is indicated as , respectively. n.d.: not determined

    MOESM2 of Silencing markers are retained on pericentric heterochromatin during murine primordial germ cell development

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    Additional file 2. Immunofluorescent analysis of HP1β in paraffin sections using regular and extended fixation protocols. A Using the regular fixation protocol, HP1β signal is enriched at DAPI (blue)-dense regions of E10.5 and E11.5 PGCs and somatic cells. HP1β is then substantially reduced in E13.5 female and male germ cells. B With the extended fixation protocol, HP1β signal is retained in pericentric heterochromatin of PGCs throughout development. For each stage, two embryos were analysed per fixation protocol and at least 20 nuclei were recorded. E10.5 and E11.5 PGCs were marked with OCT4 (red). E13.5 male and female germ cells were identified by the presence of TRA98 (red). Representative images are shown with germ cells highlighted by dashed yellow circles, and scale bars represent 5 μm