53 research outputs found

    Second Order Approximations for Slightly Trimmed Sums

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    We investigate the second order asymptotic behavior of trimmed sums T_n=\frac 1n \sum_{i=\kn+1}^{n-\mn}\xin, where \kn, \mn are sequences of integers, 0\le \kn < n-\mn \le n, such that \min(\kn, \mn) \to \infty, as \nty, the \xin's denote the order statistics corresponding to a sample X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n of nn i.i.d. random variables. In particular, we focus on the case of slightly trimmed sums with vanishing trimming percentages, i.e. we assume that \max(\kn,\mn)/n\to 0, as \nty, and heavy tailed distribution FF, i.e. the common distribution of the observations FF is supposed to have an infinite variance. We derive optimal bounds of Berry -- Esseen type of the order O(rn1/2)O\bigl(r_n^{-1/2}\bigr), r_n=\min(\kn,\mn), for the normal approximation to TnT_n and, in addition, establish one-term expansions of the Edgeworth type for slightly trimmed sums and their studentized versions. Our results supplement previous work on first order approximations for slightly trimmed sums by Csorgo, Haeusler and Mason (1988) and on second order approximations for (Studentized) trimmed sums with fixed trimming percentages by Gribkova and Helmers (2006, 2007).Comment: 37 pages, to appear in Theory Probab. App

    On the M fewer than N bootstrap approximation to the trimmed mean

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    We show that the M fewer than N (N is the real data sample size, M denotes the size of the bootstrap resample; M=N ! 0, as M ! 1) bootstrap approximation to the distribution of the trimmed mean is consistent without any conditions on the population distribution F, whereas Efron's naive (i.e. M = N) bootstrap as well as the normal approximation fails to be consistent if the population distribution F has gaps at the two quantiles where the trimming occurs


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    In the Russia beverage market, functional beverages are increasingly popular with the population due to their intensive lifestyle and worsening environmental situation. Of great importance is the shelf life of drinks, since they determine the presence in the composition of useful nutrients that affect the various systems of functioning of the human body. The main groups of functional compounds are given. Ways to increase the shelf life of beverages, all aspects and their impact on the safety of the functional components of beverages are considered. The role of flavonoids as one of the groups of functional compounds has been evaluated. Recent studies on the effect of certain functional compounds on each other are given.In the Russia beverage market, functional beverages are increasingly popular with the population due to their intensive lifestyle and worsening environmental situation. Of great importance is the shelf life of drinks, since they determine the presence in the composition of useful nutrients that affect the various systems of functioning of the human body. The main groups of functional compounds are given. Ways to increase the shelf life of beverages, all aspects and their impact on the safety of the functional components of beverages are considered. The role of flavonoids as one of the groups of functional compounds has been evaluated. Recent studies on the effect of certain functional compounds on each other are given


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    The article discusses the relevance of developing methodological approaches to the beer and soft drinks accelerated aging method in the market. The controlled indicators selection principles, mainly affecting the quality of the finished product, and the basic equation describing the dependence of changes in indicators on the main temperature factor are given. Studies of the influence of various physical factors (temperatures in the range of 50–60 °C, UV-radiation), both individually and jointly, on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of packaged water for various experimental versions did not show statistically significant changes in the normalized parameters of the basic salt and microelement composition investigated water during storage. The optimal mode of accelerated «aging» of packaged water at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) and UV-radiation was established. In the case of soft drinks, thermostating was used when changing the temperature regimes (heat 50 ± 2 °C / cold 6 ± 2 °C) at an exposure time of 30 days, which made it possible to observe a decrease in taste and aroma compared with the control, as well as a decrease in sweetness and the appearance of a slight plastic taste for non-carbonated drink. The influence a temperature regime change on brewing products, which cannot be estimated using the existing method due to the high turbidity, is shown.The article discusses the relevance of developing methodological approaches to the beer and soft drinks accelerated aging method in the market. The controlled indicators selection principles, mainly affecting the quality of the finished product, and the basic equation describing the dependence of changes in indicators on the main temperature factor are given. Studies of the influence of various physical factors (temperatures in the range of 50–60 °C, UV-radiation), both individually and jointly, on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of packaged water for various experimental versions did not show statistically significant changes in the normalized parameters of the basic salt and microelement composition investigated water during storage. The optimal mode of accelerated «aging» of packaged water at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) and UV-radiation was established. In the case of soft drinks, thermostating was used when changing the temperature regimes (heat 50 ± 2 °C / cold 6 ± 2 °C) at an exposure time of 30 days, which made it possible to observe a decrease in taste and aroma compared with the control, as well as a decrease in sweetness and the appearance of a slight plastic taste for non-carbonated drink. The influence a temperature regime change on brewing products, which cannot be estimated using the existing method due to the high turbidity, is shown


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    O autor deste artigo considera um estudo empírico das orientações de vida dos estudantes e sua inter-relação com a formação profissional. Os principais objetivos do estudo são: conduzir a análise teórica das orientações de vida; compor um bloco de técnicas psicodiagnósticas para estudar orientações de vida entre estudantes de vários programas de estudo ;. O significado prático do estudo consistiu na compilação de um bloco de técnicas de psicodiagnóstico que podem ser usadas para diagnosticar as orientações de vida de uma pessoa e a esfera de valor-significado. Além disso, com base nos dados obtidos, é possível desenvolver suporte corretivo para orientações de vida e características pessoais e pessoais relacionadas da pessoa.El autor de este artículo considera un estudio empírico de las orientaciones de vida de los estudiantes y su interrelación con la formación profesional. Los principales objetivos del estudio son: realizar el análisis teórico de las orientaciones de la vida; componer un bloque de técnicas de psicodiagnóstico para estudiar las orientaciones de la vida entre estudiantes de diversos programas de estudio; La importancia práctica del estudio consistió en compilar un bloque de técnicas de psicodiagnóstico que pueden usarse para diagnosticar tanto las orientaciones de la vida de una persona como la esfera del significado del valor. Además, sobre la base de los datos obtenidos, es posible desarrollar un soporte correctivo para las orientaciones de la vida y las características personales individuales relacionadas de la persona.The author of this paper considers an empirical study of students’ life orientations and their interrelation with professional formation. The major objectives of the study are: to conduct the theoretical analysis of life orientations; to compose a block of psychodiagnostic techniques for studying life orientations among students of various programs of study;. The practical significance of the study consisted in compiling a block of psychodiagnostic techniques that can be used to diagnose both the life orientations of a person and the value- meaning sphere. Also, on the basis of the data obtained, it is possible to develop corrective support for life orientations and related individual-personal characteristics of the person


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    The paper presents results of investigations on rational usage of mineral resources. In particular, it has shown the possibility to increase a period of raw material serviceability and its application for production of building products depending on chemical and mineralogical composition of the waste. Analysis of the executed investigations shows that import substitution of anthracite, lignite and black coal for local fuels (milled peat and its sub-standard product) is possible in the production technology of porous building materials.A mathematical model for drying process has been developed in the paper. Technology for thermal performance of a sintering machine with calculation of its length at the given pallet speed has been proposed on the basis of the developed model. Once-through circulation of flue gases and heated materials is the main specific feature of belt sintering machines being used in production. In such a case the whole drying process can be divided into two periods: a period of constant drying rate and a period of falling drying rate. Calculations have shown that the drying rate depends on moisture content but it does not depend on heat exchange Bio-criteria, however, heating rate is a function of temperature and Biq. A mechanism of moisture transfer using various drying methods is the same as in an environment with constant temperature and so in an environment with variable temperature. Application of the mathematical model provides the possibility to save significantly power resources expended for drying process.The paper gives description of methodology for calculation of technologically important optimum parameters for sintering processes of agglomeration while using milled peat.Представлены результаты исследований по проблеме рационального использования минеральных ресурсов, в частности показана возможность расширения интервала пригодности сырья и его использования для получения строительных продуктов в зависимости от химического и минералогического состава отходов. Анализ проведенных исследований показывает, что в технологии производства пористых строительных материалов возможно импортозамещение антрацита, бурого и каменного угля на местные виды топлива - фрезерный торф и его некондиционный продукт.Разработана математическая модель процесса сушки и на основе ее решения предложена технология тепловой работы агломерационной машины с расчетом ее длины при заданных скоростях движения палет. Прямоточное движение дымовых газов и нагреваемых материалов является основной особенностью применяемых в производстве ленточных агломерационных машин. При этом весь процесс сушки можно разделить на два периода: постоянной и падающей скорости сушки. Результаты вычислений показали, что скорость сушки зависит от влагосодержания, но не зависит от теплообменного критерия Био. Однако скорость нагревания является функцией и температуры, и Biq. Механизм переноса влаги при различных методах сушки один и тот же в среде как с постоянной, так и с переменной температурами. Применение данной математической модели дает возможность значительной экономии энергоресурсов, затрачиваемых на сушку.Приведены методики расчета технологически важных оптимальных параметров процессов агломерации с применением фрезерного торфа

    Безалкогольные напитки. Органолептический анализ — критерий обоснования сроков годности продукции

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    The paper considers the topicality of the development of methodological approaches to the method for accelerated aging of soft drinks on the market. Selection principles for the controlled indicators that essentially influence finished product quality are presented and the method for sample processing that allows modeling conditions of product spoilage is examined. The investigations enabled establishing the most important criteria (acetaldehyde content, sucrose transformation, CO2 concentration, organoleptic indicators) that allow predicting expiry dates of soft drinks by express methods. The comparative assessment of quality and safety of soft drinks in the conditions of “accelerated” and “natural” aging (over the shelf life with regard to the reserve ratio) by the selected criteria was carried out. The criteria parameters for tasting assessment of soft drinks that allow more correct assessment of nuance descriptors of a product were developed. It is shown that cyclic impact of temperature regimes (warmth 50 °C / cold 6 °C) during the exposure time of 30 days enables modeling soft drink storage over the shelf-life of 12 months in the conditions of natural aging. In this study, the expiry date was confirmed for the studied soft drinks based on plant raw materials and was established for drinks based on flavoring agents.В статье рассматривается актуальность разработки методологических подходов к методу ускоренного старения безалкогольной продукции на рынке. Приведены принципы выбора контролируемых показателей, основным образом влияющих на качество готовой продукции, и рассмотрен метод обработки образцов, позволяющий смоделировать условия порчи продукции. Исследования позволили установить наиболее важные критерии (содержание ацетальдегида, трансформация сахарозы, концентрация СО2, органолептические показатели), позволяющие прогнозировать сроки годности безалкогольной продукции экспресс-методами. Проведена сравнительная оценка качества и безопасности безалкогольных напитков в условиях «ускоренного» и «естественного» старения (в течение срока годности с учетом коэффициента резерва) по выбранным критериям. Разработаны критериальные параметры для дегустационной оценки безалкогольной продукции, позволяющие наиболее точно оценить оттеночные дескрипторы продукции. Показано, что циклическое воздействие температурных режимов (тепло 50 °C / холод 6 °C) в течение времени экспозиции 30 суток позволяет смоделировать хранение безалкогольного напитка на протяжении срока годности 12 месяцев в условиях естественного старения. В процессе проведенной работы сроки годности подтверждены для исследованных безалкогольных напитков на растительном сырье и установлены для напитков на ароматизаторах

    The potential risks and impact of the start of the 2015–2016 influenza season in the WHO European Region: a rapid risk assessment

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    Background: Countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region are reporting more severe influenza activity in the 2015–2016 season compared to previous seasons. Objectives: To conduct a rapid risk assessment to provide interim information on the severity of the current influenza season. Methods: Using the WHO manual for rapid risk assessment of acute public health events and surveillance data available from Flu News Europe, an assessment of the current influenza season from 28 September 2015 (week 40/2015) up to 31 January 2016 (week 04/2016) was made compared with the four previous seasons. Results: The current influenza season started around week 51/2015 with higher influenza activity reported in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe. There is a strong predominance of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 compared to previous seasons, but the virus is antigenically similar to the strain included in the seasonal influenza vaccine. Compared to the 2014/2015 season, there was a rapid increase in the number of severe cases in Eastern European countries with the majority of such cases occurring among adults aged < 65 years. Conclusions: The current influenza season is characterized by an early start in Eastern European countries, with indications of a more severe season. Currently circulating influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses are antigenically similar to those included in the seasonal influenza vaccine, and the vaccine is expected to be effective. Authorities should provide information to the public and health providers about the current influenza season, recommendations for the treatment of severe disease and effective public health measures to prevent influenza transmission

    New Synthetic Thrombin Inhibitors: Molecular Design and Experimental Verification

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    BACKGROUND: The development of new anticoagulants is an important goal for the improvement of thromboses treatments. OBJECTIVES: The design, synthesis and experimental testing of new safe and effective small molecule direct thrombin inhibitors for intravenous administration. METHODS: Computer-aided molecular design of new thrombin inhibitors was performed using our original docking program SOL, which is based on the genetic algorithm of global energy minimization in the framework of a Merck Molecular Force Field. This program takes into account the effects of solvent. The designed molecules with the best scoring functions (calculated binding energies) were synthesized and their thrombin inhibitory activity evaluated experimentally in vitro using a chromogenic substrate in a buffer system and using a thrombin generation test in isolated plasma and in vivo using the newly developed model of hemodilution-induced hypercoagulation in rats. The acute toxicities of the most promising new thrombin inhibitors were evaluated in mice, and their stabilities in aqueous solutions were measured. RESULTS: New compounds that are both effective direct thrombin inhibitors (the best K(I) was <1 nM) and strong anticoagulants in plasma (an IC(50) in the thrombin generation assay of approximately 100 nM) were discovered. These compounds contain one of the following new residues as the basic fragment: isothiuronium, 4-aminopyridinium, or 2-aminothiazolinium. LD(50) values for the best new inhibitors ranged from 166.7 to >1111.1 mg/kg. A plasma-substituting solution supplemented with one of the new inhibitors prevented hypercoagulation in the rat model of hemodilution-induced hypercoagulation. Activities of the best new inhibitors in physiological saline (1 µM solutions) were stable after sterilization by autoclaving, and the inhibitors remained stable at long-term storage over more than 1.5 years at room temperature and at 4°C. CONCLUSIONS: The high efficacy, stability and low acute toxicity reveal that the inhibitors that were developed may be promising for potential medical applications