94 research outputs found

    Radial Velocities of Newly Discovered Globular Clusters in NGC 5128

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    We present radial velocity measurements for 74 globular clusters (GCs) in the nearby giant elliptical NGC 5128, of which 31 are newly discovered clusters. All the GC candidates were taken from the list of possible new clusters given in the Harris, Harris, & Geisler (2004) photometric survey. In addition to the newly confirmed clusters, we identified 24 definite foreground stars and 31 probable background galaxies. From a combined list of 299 known GCs in NGC 5128 with measured radial velocities and metallicity-sensitive (C - T_1) photometric indices, we construct a new metallicity distribution function (MDF) for the cluster system. The MDF shows an approximately bimodal form, with centroids at [Fe/H] = -1.46 and -0.53, and with nearly equal numbers of metal-poor and metal-rich clusters in the two modes. However, there are many intermediate-color clusters in the distribution, and the fainter clusters tend to have a higher proportion of red clusters. These features of the MDF may indicate a widespread age range within the cluster system as well as an intrinsically broad metallicity spread.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables - accepted in Astronomical Journa

    NGC 5128: The Giant Beneath

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    I review what we have learned about the old stellar population of NGC 5128, the only large E galaxy close enough that we can currently observe individual stars as faint as the horizontal branch. Although its galaxy type is still a matter of debate for some, the uncertainties over distance are now largely resolved; comparison of five stellar distance indicators gives d=3.8 +- 0.1 Mpc. The globular cluster system, which was once perplexingly invisible, is now known to be predominantly old with a substantial metal-rich component. The GCS total population and luminosity function are normal and the clusters follow the same fundamental plane relation as those in the Milky Way and M31. Finally, the halo out to at least ~7r_{eff} is dominated by metal-rich stars which are also predominantly old, with age and metallicity tantalizingly similar to the majority of globular clusters.Comment: PASA in pres

    Simultaneous Modelling of the Stellar Halo and Globular Cluster System of NGC 5128

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    An important test for models of galaxy formation lies in the metallicity distribution functions (MDFs) of spheroid stars and their globular clusters (GCs).We have compared the MDFs obtained from spectroscopy of the GCs and the star-by-star photometry of red giants in the nearby elliptical NGC 5128, with the predictions of a semi-analytic galaxy formation model. We have selected model ellipticals comparable in luminosity and environment to NGC 5128, and derived their MDFs. A direct comparison between models and data shows that the MDFs are qualitatively similar, both have stellar components which are predominantly metal-rich (0.8Z), with a small fraction of metal-poor stars extending down to 0.002Z. The model MDFs show only small variations, whether they are brightest cluster galaxies or low luminosity group ellipticals. Our comparison also reveals that these model MDFs harbour a greater fraction of stars above solar metallicity than the observations, producing generally more metal-rich (by 0.1 dex) MDFs. One possibility is that the outer-bulge observations are missing some of the highest metallicity stars. We find good agreement between the model and observed GC MDFs, provided that the metal-poor GC formation is halted early in the model. Under this proviso, both the models and data are bimodal with peaks at 0.1Z and Z, and cover similar metallicity ranges. This broad agreement for the stars and GCs suggests that the bulk of the stellar population in NGC 5128 may have been built up in a hierarchical fashion, involving both quiescent and merger-induced star formation. The existence of age structure amongst the metal-rich GCs needs to be tested against high-quality data for this galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures and a table, accepted by MNRA

    HST Photometry for the Halo Stars in the Leo Elliptical NGC 3377

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    We have used the ACS camera on HST to obtain (V,I) photometry for 57,000 red-giant stars in the halo of the Leo elliptical NGC 3377. We use this sample of stars to derive the metallicity distribution function (MDF) for its halo field stars, and comment on its chemical evolution history compared with both larger and smaller E galaxies. Our ACS/WFC field spans a radial range extending from 4 to 18 kpc projected distance from the center of NGC 3377 and thus covers a significant portion of this galaxy's halo. We find that the MDF is broad, reaching a peak at [m/H] ~ -0.6,butcontainingvirtuallynostarsmoremetal−poorthanlog[m/H]=−1.5, but containing virtually no stars more metal-poor than log [m/H] = -1.5. It may, in addition, have relatively few stars more metal-rich than [m/H] = -0.3$, although interpretation of the high-metallicity end of the MDF is limited by photometric completeness that affects the detection of the reddest, most metal-rich stars. NGC 3377 appears to have an enrichment history intermediate between those of normal dwarf ellipticals and the much larger giants. As yet, we find no clear evidence that the halo of NGC 3377 contains a significant population of ``young'' (< 3 Gy) stars.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    The Distance to NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)

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    In this paper we review the various high precision methods that are now available to determine the distance to NGC 5128. These methods include: Cepheids, TRGB (tip of the red giant branch), PNLF (planetary nebula luminosity function), SBF (surface brightness fluctuations) and Long Period Variable (LPV) Mira stars. From an evaluation of these methods and their uncertainties, we derive a best-estimate distance of 3.8 +- 0.1 Mpc to NGC 5128 and find that this mean is now well supported by the current data. We also discuss the role of NGC 5128 more generally for the extragalactic distance scale as a testbed for the most direct possible comparison among these key methods.Comment: in press PASA; minor text change

    On the Formation of Galaxy Halos: Comparing NGC 5128 and the Local Group Members

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    The metallicity distribution function (MDF) for the old red-giant stars in the halo of NGC 5128, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy, is virtually identical with the MDF for the old-disk stars in the LMC and also strongly resembles the halo MDF in M31. These galaxies all have high mean halo metallicities ( ~ -0.4$) with very small proportions of low-metallicity stars. These observations reinforce the view that metal-rich halos are quite normal for large galaxies of all types. Such systems are unlikely to have built up by accretion of pre-existing, gas-free small satellite galaxies, unless these satellites had an extremely shallow mass distribution (d log N / d log M > -1). We suggest that the halo of NGC 5128 is more likely to have assembled from hierarchical merging of gas-rich lumps in which the bulk of star formation took place during or after the merger stage.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, plus 3 figures in separate postscript files; Astronomical Journal, in press for December 200

    Structural Parameters for Globular Clusters in NGC 5128. II: HST/ACS Imaging and New Clusters

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    We report the first results from an imaging program with the ACS camera on HST designed to measure the structural characteristics of a wide range of globular clusters in NGC 5128, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy. From 12 ACS/WFC fields, we have measured a total of 62 previously known globular clusters and have discovered 69 new high-probability cluster candidates not found in any previous work. We present magnitudes and color indices for all of these, along with rough measurements of their effective diameters and ellipticities. The luminosity distribution of this nearly-uncontaminated sample of clusters matches well with the normal GCLF for giant elliptical galaxies, and the cluster scale size and ellipticity distributions are similar to those in the Milky Way system. The indication from this survey is that many hundreds of individual clusters remain to be found with carefully designed search techniques in the future. A very rough estimate of the total cluster population from our data suggests N_GC = 1500 in NGC 5128, over all magnitudes and within a projected radius R = 25' from the galaxy center.Comment: AASTex, 33 preprint pages including 9 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, volume 132 (2006
