183 research outputs found
Alien Registration- Gresley, Michael (Westbrook, Cumberland County)
Alien Registration- Gresley, Mina (Westbrook, Cumberland County)
The social construction of fatherhood
The present research sought to explore the lived experience of fatherhood guided by a social constructionist perspective and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological framework (1977, 1989), by collaborating with seven Western Australian fathers on a series of multiple case conversational interviews. To ensure that the data generated from the interviews was manageable and the aims and objectives of research could be effectively facilitated by the researcher, only those fathers belonging to specific cohort, that is, fathers in an intact heterosexual, defacto or marital relationship, were sampled. The interviews were transcribed and a qualitative thematic analysis was conducted on the data. The multiple case conversational interview methodology, coupled with the use of critical participants and a running diary to allow reflection on the procedure and analysis, ensured that the research process and outcomes were auditable and rigours. The fathers identified two core discourses, which influenced their meaning making, the traditional and new father world views
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Komposit Hybrid Dengan Penguat Serat Rami Dan Serat Karbon Bermatrik Polyester Terhadap Kekuatan Bending Dan Kekuatan Tarik
Penggunaan komposit saat ini berkembang pesat. Terutama komposit hybrid yang memanfaatkan kombinasi seratalam dan serat sintetis sebagai bahan pembuatan sudu turbin. Kebutuhan material bahan yang kuat, murah, mudahdidapat, serta ramah lingkungan menyebabkan berkembangnya penggunaan komposit hybrid berpenguat seratalam dan serat sintetis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fraksi volume komposit hybriddengan penguat serat rami dan serat karbon bermatrik polyester terhadap kekuatan bending dan kekuatan tarik.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari eksperimen, dianalisadengan menggunakan statistik anova tunggal dengan bantuan program SPSS dengan taraf nyata 5% dan dilakukanfoto makro untuk mengetahui mekanisme kegagalan pengujian spesimen. Pengujian yang akan dilakukan terhadapspesimen adalah uji bending berdasarkan ASTM D 790 dan uji tarik berdasarkan ASTM D 638. Dari hasilpenelitian didapat bahwa persentase fraksi volume dari serat rami dan karbon berbanding lurus dengan kekuatanbending dan tarik. Pada fraksi volume serat rami 4,5% dan serat karbon 8% didapat kekuatan bending dan kekuatantarik masing-masing sebesar 13,71 MPa dan 24,75 MPa. Mekanisme kegagalan yang terjadi pada komposit hybridakibat pengujian adalah fiber pull out dan delamination. Fiber pull out disebabkan oleh crack pada spesimenhingga serat terlepas dari matriknya. Delamination disebabkan oleh sifat getas pada matrik saat diberi bebanhingga batas maksimum yang mampu diterima.
Kata kunci : komposit hybrid, serat rami, fraksi volume, kekuatan bending, kekuatan tarik
Synthesis and spectral properties of novel Singapore Green analogues for protease detection
Herein we describe the synthesis, characterisation and determination of fluorescence and photophysical properties of various novel analogues of the orphan fluorophore class Singapore Green. We equate the fluorescence properties of these novel fluorophores to their molecular structure and address the mechanisms through which their fluorescence is quenched and the effect this has on their quantum yields of fluorescence. Fluorescence quenching via acylation was also achieved, thereby providing conceptual proof of their utility as cores for future fluorescent probes. Additionally, we have produced and examined a number of unexpected acyl intermediates of variable photolytic stability. Furthermore, we have obtained proof of concept that the use of Singapore Greens for protease probe generation is feasible via demonstration of proteolytic cleavage of one of the acylated analogues
Synthesis and initial evaluation of a novel fluorophore for selective FMDV 3C Protease detection
The development and evaluation of a Boc-AL(Boc)Q(Trt)-AMC fluorophore to detect 3C Protease, produced by Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) is reported, with a view to a potential use as a rapid screen for FMDV infected livestock The peptide-linked conjugate fluorophore is evaluated in vitro for sensitivity, specificity, stability and rapidity and shows statistically significant increases in fluorescence when exposed to physiologically relevant concentrations of 3C Protease and selectivity when compared with other common proteases likely to be located, typically in the absence of FMDV. The stability of deprotected Boc-AL(Boc)Q(Trt)-AMC is reported as a limitation of this probe
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