27 research outputs found

    A Novel Caloric Restriction-Like Mimetic Affects Longevity in Yeast by Reprogramming Core Metabolic Pathways

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    Glucose limitation is a simple intervention that extends yeast replicative lifespan (RLS) via the same pathway(s) thought to mediate the benefits of caloric restriction (CR) in mammals. Here we report on “C1”, a small molecule that mimics key aspects of CR. C1 was identified in a high throughput screen for drug-like molecules that reverse the RLS shortening effect of the sirtuin inhibitor and NAD+ precursor nicotinamide. C1 reduces the cellular dependence on glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, even in the presence of glucose, and compensates by elevating fatty acid -oxidation to maintain acetyl-CoA levels. C1 acts either downstream of Sir2 or in an independent CR pathway. In this regard, chemical-genetic interactions indicate that C1 influences Tor2 signaling via effects on phosphoinositide pools. Key activities of C1 extend to mammals. C1 stimulates -oxidation in mammalian cells, and in mice, reduces levels of triacylglycerides and cholesterol in livers of lean and obese mice. C1 confers oxidative resistance to diamide in both yeast and mammalian cells. In conclusion, C1 induces global changes in metabolism in yeast and mammalian cells that mimic aspects of CR. Future work will be aimed at identifying the cellular target of C1

    Effects of an Unusual Poison Identify a Lifespan Role for Topoisomerase 2 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    A progressive loss of genome maintenance has been implicated as both a cause and consequence of aging. Here we present evidence supporting the hypothesis that an age-associated decay in genome maintenance promotes aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) due to an inability to sense or repair DNA damage by topoisomerase 2 (yTop2). We describe the characterization of LS1, identified in a high throughput screen for small molecules that shorten the replicative lifespan of yeast. LS1 accelerates aging without affecting proliferative growth or viability. Genetic and biochemical criteria reveal LS1 to be a weak Top2 poison. Top2 poisons induce the accumulation of covalent Top2-linked DNA double strand breaks that, if left unrepaired, lead to genome instability and death. LS1 is toxic to cells deficient in homologous recombination, suggesting that the damage it induces is normally mitigated by genome maintenance systems. The essential roles of yTop2 in proliferating cells may come with a fitness trade-off in older cells that are less able to sense or repair yTop2-mediated DNA damage. Consistent with this idea, cells live longer when yTop2 expression levels are reduced. These results identify intrinsic yTop2-mediated DNA damage as a potentially manageable cause of aging

    A Novel Caloric Restriction-Like Mimetic Affects Longevity in Yeast by Reprogramming Core Metabolic Pathways

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    Glucose limitation is a simple intervention that extends yeast replicative lifespan (RLS) via the same pathway(s) thought to mediate the benefits of caloric restriction (CR) in mammals. Here we report on “C1”, a small molecule that mimics key aspects of CR. C1 was identified in a high throughput screen for drug-like molecules that reverse the RLS shortening effect of the sirtuin inhibitor and NAD+ precursor nicotinamide. C1 reduces the cellular dependence on glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, even in the presence of glucose, and compensates by elevating fatty acid -oxidation to maintain acetyl-CoA levels. C1 acts either downstream of Sir2 or in an independent CR pathway. In this regard, chemical-genetic interactions indicate that C1 influences Tor2 signaling via effects on phosphoinositide pools. Key activities of C1 extend to mammals. C1 stimulates -oxidation in mammalian cells, and in mice, reduces levels of triacylglycerides and cholesterol in livers of lean and obese mice. C1 confers oxidative resistance to diamide in both yeast and mammalian cells. In conclusion, C1 induces global changes in metabolism in yeast and mammalian cells that mimic aspects of CR. Future work will be aimed at identifying the cellular target of C1

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA1006 is a persulfide-modified protein that is critical for molybdenum homeostasis.

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    A companion manuscript revealed that deletion of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pae) PA1006 gene caused pleiotropic defects in metabolism including a loss of all nitrate reductase activities, biofilm maturation, and virulence. Herein, several complementary approaches indicate that PA1006 protein serves as a persulfide-modified protein that is critical for molybdenum homeostasis in Pae. Mutation of a highly conserved Cys22 to Ala or Ser resulted in a loss of PA1006 activity. Yeast-two-hybrid and a green-fluorescent protein fragment complementation assay (GFP-PFCA) in Pae itself revealed that PA1006 interacts with Pae PA3667/CsdA and PA3814/IscS Cys desulfurase enzymes. Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) "top-down" analysis of PA1006 purified from Pae revealed that conserved Cys22 is post-translationally modified in vivo in the form a persulfide. Inductively-coupled-plasma (ICP)-MS analysis of ΔPA1006 mutant extracts revealed that the mutant cells contain significantly reduced levels of molybdenum compared to wild-type. GFP-PFCA also revealed that PA1006 interacts with several molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) biosynthesis proteins as well as nitrate reductase maturation factor NarJ and component NarH. These data indicate that a loss of PA1006 protein's persulfide sulfur and a reduced availability of molybdenum contribute to the phenotype of a ΔPA1006 mutant

    Alteration of the Flexible Loop in 1‑Deoxy‑d‑xylulose-5-phosphate Reductoisomerase Boosts Enthalpy-Driven Inhibition by Fosmidomycin

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    1-Deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR), which catalyzes the first committed step in the 2-<i>C</i>-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis used by <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> and other infectious microorganisms, is absent in humans and therefore an attractive drug target. Fosmidomycin is a nanomolar inhibitor of DXR, but despite great efforts, few analogues with comparable potency have been developed. DXR contains a strictly conserved residue, Trp203, within a flexible loop that closes over and interacts with the bound inhibitor. We report that while mutation to Ala or Gly abolishes activity, mutation to Phe and Tyr only modestly impacts <i>k</i><sub>cat</sub> and <i>K</i><sub>m</sub>. Moreover, pre-steady-state kinetics and primary deuterium kinetic isotope effects indicate that while turnover is largely limited by product release for the wild-type enzyme, chemistry is significantly more rate-limiting for W203F and W203Y. Surprisingly, these mutants are more sensitive to inhibition by fosmidomycin, resulting in <i>K</i><sub>m</sub>/<i>K</i><sub>i</sub> ratios up to 19-fold higher than that of wild-type DXR. In agreement, isothermal titration calorimetry revealed that fosmidomycin binds up to 11-fold more tightly to these mutants. Most strikingly, mutation strongly tips the entropy–enthalpy balance of total binding energy from 50% to 75% and 91% enthalpy in W203F and W203Y, respectively. X-ray crystal structures suggest that these enthalpy differences may be linked to differences in hydrogen bond interactions involving a water network connecting fosmidomycin’s phosphonate group to the protein. These results confirm the importance of the flexible loop, in particular Trp203, in ligand binding and suggest that improved inhibitor affinity may be obtained against the wild-type protein by introducing interactions with this loop and/or the surrounding structured water network

    <em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</em> PA1006, Which Plays a Role in Molybdenum Homeostasis, Is Required for Nitrate Utilization, Biofilm Formation, and Virulence

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    <div><p><em>Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pae)</em> is a clinically important opportunistic pathogen. Herein, we demonstrate that the PA1006 protein is critical for all nitrate reductase activities, growth as a biofilm in a continuous flow system, as well as virulence in mouse burn and rat lung model systems. Microarray analysis revealed that Δ<em>PA1006</em> cells displayed extensive alterations in gene expression including nitrate-responsive, quorum sensing (including PQS production), and iron-regulated genes, as well as molybdenum cofactor and Fe-S cluster biosynthesis factors, members of the TCA cycle, and Type VI Secretion System components. Phenotype Microarray™ profiles of Δ<em>PA1006</em> aerobic cultures using Biolog plates also revealed a reduced ability to utilize a number of TCA cycle intermediates as well as a failure to utilize xanthine as a sole source of nitrogen. As a whole, these data indicate that the loss of <em>PA1006</em> confers extensive changes in <em>Pae</em> metabolism. Based upon homology of PA1006 to the <em>E. coli</em> YhhP protein and data from the accompanying study, loss of PA1006 persulfuration and/or molybdenum homeostasis are likely the cause of extensive metabolic alterations that impact biofilm development and virulence in the Δ<em>PA1006</em> mutant.</p> </div

    JNK Phosphorylates SIRT6 to Stimulate DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Response to Oxidative Stress by Recruiting PARP1 to DNA Breaks

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    The accumulation of damage caused by oxidative stress has been linked to aging and to the etiology of numerous age-related diseases. The longevity gene, sirtuin 6 (SIRT6), promotes genome stability by facilitating DNA repair, especially under oxidative stress conditions. Here we uncover the mechanism by which SIRT6 is activated by oxidative stress to promote DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair. We show that the stress-activated protein kinase, c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), phosphorylates SIRT6 on serine 10 in response to oxidative stress. This post-translational modification facilitates the mobilization of SIRT6 to DNA damage sites and is required for efficient recruitment of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) to DNA break sites and for efficient repair of DSBs. Our results demonstrate a post-translational mechanism regulating SIRT6, and they provide the link between oxidative stress signaling and DNA repair pathways that may be critical for hormetic response and longevity assurance

    <i>PA1006</i> is necessary for virulence.

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    <p>A/B) Mouse thermal injury. A) Mice were scalded as described in Materials and Methods and a total of 1×10<sup>3</sup> CFU of the <i>Pae</i> strain to be tested was injected subcutaneously in the burn eschar immediately after burning. Mortality was observed for 5 days post-burn/infection. Three separate experiments were conducted with each strain. The average percent mortality values are shown (** = p<0.01, n = 15/strain tested). (•) WT; (○)Δ<i>PA1006</i>; (▾)Δ<i>PA1006:attb:PA1006</i>. B) <i>PA1006</i> is required for full dissemination in the mouse thermal injury model. Quantitation of bacteria recovered from the livers of burned and infected mice. The number of CFU was calculated per gram of tissue. p = 0.04 (between PAO1 and PA1006), and p = 0.0002 (between PA1006 and the complemented strain), via student t-test. There were 10 mice total for each group. C) Effect of Δ<i>PA1006</i> on inflammation in a rat lung model of infection. <sup>a</sup>Mean ± SD. ANOVA, Bonferroni multiple comparisons test indicated: P<0.001 for PAO1 vs <i>ΔPA1006</i>, P>0.05 for PAO1 vs Δ<i>PA1006</i>:<i>attb:PA1006</i>), and P<0.001 for Δ<i>PA1006</i> vs Δ<i>PA1006</i>:<i>attb:PA1006</i>).</p

    <i>PA1006</i> is critical for nitrate reductase activity.

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    <p>A/B) <i>PA1006</i> does not appear to affect aerobic growth in rich media but is required for anaerobic growth with nitrate. (•) WT; (○)Δ<i>PA1006</i>; (▾)Δ<i>PA1006:attb:PA1006</i>. Growth curves were performed in duplicate as indicated in the Methods average values are plotted. Data showed excellent agreement. C) Δ<i>PA1006</i> whole cell suspensions lack periplasmic and membrane nitrate reductase activity. D) Western blot with α-NarGH antisera of whole cell extract of wild-type (wt) and Δ<i>PA1006</i> (Δ) cells indicates that the membrane nitrate reductase is present but inactive. E) Summary of nitrate and nitrite reductases in <i>Pae</i>, their cofactors, and what is known about functionality in the Δ<i>PA1006</i> mutant.</p

    Effects of an Unusual Poison Identify a Lifespan Role for Topoisomerase 2 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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    A progressive loss of genome maintenance has been implicated as both a cause and consequence of aging. Here we present evidence supporting the hypothesis that an age-associated decay in genome maintenance promotes aging in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) due to an inability to sense or repair DNA damage by topoisomerase 2 (yTop2). We describe the characterization of LS1, identified in a high throughput screen for small molecules that shorten the replicative lifespan of yeast. LS1 accelerates aging without affecting proliferative growth or viability. Genetic and biochemical criteria reveal LS1 to be a weak Top2 poison. Top2 poisons induce the accumulation of covalent Top2-linked DNA double strand breaks that, if left unrepaired, lead to genome instability and death. LS1 is toxic to cells deficient in homologous recombination, suggesting that the damage it induces is normally mitigated by genome maintenance systems. The essential roles of yTop2 in proliferating cells may come with a fitness trade-off in older cells that are less able to sense or repair yTop2-mediated DNA damage. Consistent with this idea, cells live longer when yTop2 expression levels are reduced. These results identify intrinsic yTop2-mediated DNA damage as a potentially manageable cause of aging