403 research outputs found

    Attenuated Expression of DFFB is a Hallmark of Oligodendrogliomas with 1p-Allelic Loss

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    Allelic loss of chromosome 1p is frequently observed in oligodendroglioma. We screened 177 oligodendroglial tumors for 1p deletions and found 6 tumors with localized 1p36 deletions. Several apoptosis regulation genes have been mapped to this region, including Tumor Protein 73 (p73), DNA Fragmentation Factor subunits alpha (DFFA) and beta (DFFB), and Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily Members 9 and 25 (TNFRSF9, TNFRSF25). We compared expression levels of these 5 genes in pairs of 1p-loss and 1p-intact tumors using quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR (QRTPCR) to test if 1p deletions had an effect on expression. Only the DFFB gene demonstrated decreased expression in all tumor pairs tested. Mutational analysis did not reveal DFFB mutations in 12 tested samples. However, it is possible that DFFB haploinsufficiency from 1p allelic loss is a contributing factor in oligodendroglioma development

    A general method for manipulating DNA sequences from any organism with optical tweezers

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    Mechanical manipulation of single DNA molecules can provide novel information about DNA properties and protein–DNA interactions. Here we describe and characterize a useful method for manipulating desired DNA sequences from any organism with optical tweezers. Molecules are produced from either genomic or cloned DNA by PCR using labeled primers and are tethered between two optically trapped microspheres. We demonstrate that human, insect, plant, bacterial and viral sequences ranging from ∼10 to 40 kilobasepairs can be manipulated. Force-extension measurements show that these constructs exhibit uniform elastic properties in accord with the expected contour lengths for the targeted sequences. Detailed protocols for preparing and manipulating these molecules are presented, and tethering efficiency is characterized as a function of DNA concentration, ionic strength and pH. Attachment strength is characterized by measuring the unbinding time as a function of applied force. An alternative stronger attachment method using an amino–carboxyl linkage, which allows for reliable DNA overstretching, is also described

    Obtaining reliable information from minute amounts of RNA using cDNA microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: High density cDNA microarray technology provides a powerful tool to survey the activity of thousands of genes in normal and diseased cells, which helps us both to understand the molecular basis of the disease and to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention. The promise of this technology has been hampered by the large amount of biological material required for the experiments (more than 50 μg of total RNA per array). We have modified an amplification procedure that requires only 1 μg of total RNA. Analyses of the results showed that most genes that were detected as expressed or differentially expressed using the regular protocol were also detected using the amplification protocol. In addition, many genes that were undetected or weakly detected using the regular protocol were clearly detected using the amplification protocol. We have carried out a series of confirmation studies by northern blotting, western blotting, and immunohistochemistry assays. RESULTS: Our results showed that most of the new information revealed by the amplification protocol represents real gene activity in the cells. CONCLUSION: We have confirmed a powerful and consistent cDNA microarray procedure that can be used to study minute amounts of biological tissue

    Final results of the Choroid Plexus Tumor study CPT-SIOP-2000

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    INTRODUCTION: Standards for chemotherapy against choroid plexus tumors (CPT) have not yet been established. METHODS: CPT-SIOP-2000 (NCT00500890) was an international registry for all CPT nesting a chemotherapy randomization for high-risk CPT with Carboplatin/Etoposide/Vincristine (CarbEV) versus Cyclophosphamide/Etoposide/Vincristine (CycEV). Patients older than three years were recommended to receive irradiation: focal fields for non-metastatic CPC, incompletely resected atypical choroid plexus papilloma (APP) or metastatic choroid plexus papilloma (CPP); craniospinal fields for metastatic CPC/APP and non-responsive CPC. High risk was defined as choroid plexus carcinoma (CPC), incompletely resected APP, and all metastatic CPT. From 2000 until 2010, 158 CPT patients from 23 countries were enrolled. RESULTS: For randomized CPC, the 5/10 year progression free survival (PFS) of patients on CarbEV (n = 20) were 62%/47%, respectively, compared to 27%/18%, on CycEV (n = 15), (intention-to-treat, HR 2.6, p = 0.032). Within the registry, histological grading was the most influential prognostic factor: for CPP (n = 55) the 5/10 year overall survival (OS) and the event free survival (EFS) probabilities were 100%/97% and 92%/92%, respectively; for APP (n = 49) 96%/96% and 76%/76%, respectively; and for CPC (n = 54) 65%/51% and 41%/39%, respectively. Without irradiation, 12 out of 33 patients with CPC younger than three years were alive for a median of 8.52 years. Extent of surgery and metastases were not independent prognosticators. CONCLUSIONS: Chemotherapy for Choroid Plexus Carcinoma is feasible and effective. CarbEV is superior to CycEV. A subset of CPC can be cured without irradiation. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11060-021-03942-0

    Concurrent IDH1 and IDH2 mutations in glioblastoma: A case report

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    Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations are cornerstone diagnostic features in glioma classification. IDH mutations are typically characterized by mutually exclusive amino acid substitutions in the genes encoding for the IDH1 and the IDH2 enzyme isoforms. We report our institutional case of a diffuse astrocytoma with progression to secondary glioblastoma and concurrent IDH1/IDH2 mutations. A 49-year-old male underwent a subtotal resection of a lobular lesion within the right insula in 2013, revealing a WHO grade 3 anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, IDH1 mutated, 1p19q intact. Symptomatic tumor progression was suspected in 2018, leading to a surgical tumor biopsy that demonstrated WHO grade 4 IDH1 and IDH2 mutant diffuse astrocytoma. The patient subsequently underwent surgical resection followed by medical management and finally died in 2021. Although concurrent IDH1/IDH2 mutations have been rarely reported in the current literature, further study is required to better define their impact on patients’ prognoses and their response to targeted therapies

    yuDetecting the percent of peripheral blood mononuclear cells displaying p-STAT-3 in malignant glioma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT-3) is frequently overexpressed in cancer cells, propagates tumorigenesis, and is a key regulator of immune suppression in cancer patients. The presence of phosphorylated STAT-3 (p-STAT-3) in the tumor can induce p-STAT-3 in tumor-associated immune cells that can return to the circulatory system. We hypothesized that the number of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) displaying p-STAT-3 would be increased in glioma patients, which would correlate with the extent of tumor-expressed p-STAT-3, and that higher p-STAT-3 levels in peripheral blood would correlate with a higher fraction of immune-suppressive regulatory T cells (Tregs).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We measured the percentage of PBMCs displaying p-STAT-3 in 19 healthy donors and 45 patients with primary brain tumors. The level of p-STAT-3 in tumor tissue was determined by immunohistochemistry. The degree of immune suppression was determined based on the fraction of Tregs in the CD4 compartment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Healthy donors had 4.8 ± 3.6% of PBMCs that expressed p-STAT-3, while the mean proportion of PBMCs displaying p-STAT-3 in patients with GBM was 11.8 ± 13.5% (<it>P </it>= 0.03). We did not observe a correlation by Spearman correlation between the degree of p-STAT-3 levels in the tumor and the percent of PBMCs displaying p-STAT-3. Furthermore, the percent of PBMCs displaying p-STAT-3 in glioma patients was not directly correlated with the fraction of Tregs in the CD4 compartment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the percent of PBMCs displaying p-STAT-3 may be increased in malignant glioma patients.</p

    Primary Leptomeningeal Oligodendroglioma, IDH-Mutant, 1p/19q-Codeleted

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    We present a case of a 43-year-old woman with a history of headaches and blurry vision. Ophthalmologic examination identified papilledema. MR imaging demonstrated a right parietal region mass with patchy areas of contrast enhancement and focal calcifications. Intraoperative examination and exploration revealed an extra-axial mass with no apparent parenchymal involvement. Microscopic examination revealed solid sheets of tumor cells with clear cell cytologic features and no discernable intra-parenchymal tumor component. Molecular studies demonstrated the presence of IDH1 IDH1 c.395G&gt;A p.R132H and CIC c.601C&gt;T p.R281W mutations and 1p/19q codeletion. The radiographic features, gross appearance, and microscopic and molecular characteristics of the mass support the diagnosis of primary leptomeningeal oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant, 1p/19-codeleted. This case represents one of a very few reported instances of molecularly-defined solitary, primary, intracranial oligodendroglioma, without definitive involvement of the brain parenchyma

    Lifeworld Inc. : and what to do about it

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    Can we detect changes in the way that the world turns up as they turn up? This paper makes such an attempt. The first part of the paper argues that a wide-ranging change is occurring in the ontological preconditions of Euro-American cultures, based in reworking what and how an event is produced. Driven by the security – entertainment complex, the aim is to mass produce phenomenological encounter: Lifeworld Inc as I call it. Swimming in a sea of data, such an aim requires the construction of just enough authenticity over and over again. In the second part of the paper, I go on to argue that this new world requires a different kind of social science, one that is experimental in its orientation—just as Lifeworld Inc is—but with a mission to provoke awareness in untoward ways in order to produce new means of association. Only thus, or so I argue, can social science add to the world we are now beginning to live in

    Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO): Overview of Science Objectives, Instrument Design, Data Products, and Model Developments

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    The highly variable solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation is the major energy input to the Earth’s upper atmosphere, strongly impacting the geospace environment, affecting satellite operations, communications, and navigation. The Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will measure the solar EUV irradiance from 0.1 to 105 nm with unprecedented spectral resolution (0.1 nm), temporal cadence (ten seconds), and accuracy (20%). EVE includes several irradiance instruments: The Multiple EUV Grating Spectrographs (MEGS)-A is a grazing-incidence spectrograph that measures the solar EUV irradiance in the 5 to 37 nm range with 0.1-nm resolution, and the MEGS-B is a normal-incidence, dual-pass spectrograph that measures the solar EUV irradiance in the 35 to 105 nm range with 0.1-nm resolution. To provide MEGS in-flight calibration, the EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) measures the solar EUV irradiance in broadbands between 0.1 and 39 nm, and a MEGS-Photometer measures the Sun’s bright hydrogen emission at 121.6 nm. The EVE data products include a near real-time space-weather product (Level 0C), which provides the solar EUV irradiance in specific bands and also spectra in 0.1-nm intervals with a cadence of one minute and with a time delay of less than 15 minutes. The EVE higher-level products are Level 2 with the solar EUV irradiance at higher time cadence (0.25 seconds for photometers and ten seconds for spectrographs) and Level 3 with averages of the solar irradiance over a day and over each one-hour period. The EVE team also plans to advance existing models of solar EUV irradiance and to operationally use the EVE measurements in models of Earth’s ionosphere and thermosphere. Improved understanding of the evolution of solar flares and extending the various models to incorporate solar flare events are high priorities for the EVE team.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (contract NAS5-02140
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