17 research outputs found

    Impaired dopamine release and uptake in R6/1 Huntington's disease model mice

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative movement disorder. Here, we used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to measure dopamine release and uptake in striatal brain slices from R6/1 HD model mice. Peak dopamine release ([DA]max) was significantly diminished in R6/1 mice (52% of wild-type at 24 weeks of age). Similarly, dopamine released per locally applied electrical stimulus pulse ([DA]p), which is [DA]max corrected for uptake and electrode performance, was also diminished in R6/1 mice (43% of wild-type by 24 weeks of age). Moreover, Vmax, the maximum rate of dopamine uptake, obtained by modeling the stimulated release plots, was decreased at 16 and 24 weeks of age in R6/1 mice (51 and 48% of wild-type, respectively). Thus, impairments in both dopamine release and uptake appear to progress in an age-dependent manner in R6/1 mice

    Dysregulation of Intracellular Dopamine Stores Revealed in the R6/2 Mouse Striatum

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    Huntington’s disease is a fatal, neurodegenerative movement disorder characterized by preferential and extensive striatal degeneration. Here, we used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to study the mobilization and efflux of reserve pool dopamine in striatal brain slices from Huntington’s disease model R6/2 mice. When applying stimulus trains of 120 pulses, evoked dopamine release in wild-type slices was greater than that in R6/2 slices at the higher frequencies (50 and 60 Hz). To quantify cytosolic and reserve pool dopamine levels, amphetamine-induced dopamine efflux was measured after pre-treatment with either tetrabenazine or alpha-methyl-ptyrosine. Slices from 12-week old R6/2 mice released less dopamine than slices from wild-type mice, while no difference was noted in slices from 6-week old mice. The vesicular release of reserve pool dopamine, mobilized by treatment with cocaine, was shorter lived in R6/2 slices compared to wild-type slices even though peak dopamine release was the same. Moreover, the number of dopamine reserve pool vesicles in R6/2 mice was less than half of that in wild-type. Therefore, our data suggest that the same number of dopamine molecules are present in each reserve pool vesicle in WT and R6/2 mice and that these vesicles are readily mobilized in both genotypes; however, R6/2 mice have fewer dopamine reserve pool vesicles available for mobilization

    Caloric restriction alleviates abnormal locomotor activity and dopamine levels in the brain of the methionine sulfoxide reductase A knockout mouse

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    Oxidative stress is associated with the aging process, a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases, and decreased by reduced energy intake. Oxidative modifications can affect protein function; the sulfur-containing amino acids, including methionine, are particularly susceptible to oxidation. A methionine sulfoxide can be enzymatically reduced by the methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) system. Previously, we have shown that MsrA−/− mice exhibit altered locomotor activity and brain dopamine levels as function of age. Previous studies have demonstrated that a caloric restriction enhances antioxidant defense and reduces the action of reactive oxygen species. Here we examine locomotor behavior and dopamine levels of MsrA−/− mice after caloric restriction starting at 8 months of age and ending at 17 months. The MsrA−/− mice did not have any significant difference in spontaneous distance traveled when compared to controls at 17 months of age. In contrast, our previous report showed decreased locomotor activity in the MsrA−/− mice at 12 months of age and older when fed ad-libitum. After completion of the caloric restriction diet, dopamine levels were comparable to control mice. This differs from the abnormal dopamine levels previously observed in MsrA−/− mice fed ad-libitum. Thus, caloric restriction had a neutralization effect on MsrA ablation. In summary, it is suggested that caloric restriction alleviates abnormal locomotor activity and dopamine levels in the brain of the methionine sulfoxide reductase A knockout mouse

    Motor Function and Dopamine Release Measurements in Transgenic Huntington’s Disease Model Rats

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal, genetic, neurodegenerative disorder characterized by deficits in motor and cognitive function. Here, we have quantitatively characterized motor deficiencies and dopamine release dynamics in transgenic HD model rats. Behavioral analyses were conducted using a newly-developed force-sensing runway and a previously-developed force-plate actometer. Gait disturbances were readily observed in transgenic HD rats at 12 to 15 months of age. Additionally, dopamine system challenge by ip injection of amphetamine also revealed that these rats were resistant to the expression of focused stereotypy compared to wild-type controls. Moreover, dopamine release, evoked by the application of single and multiple electrical stimulus pulses applied at different frequencies, and measured using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry at carbon-fiber microelectrodes, was diminished in transgenic HD rats compared to age-matched wild-type control rats. Collectively, these results underscore the potential contribution of dopamine release alterations to the expression of motor impairments in transgenic HD rats

    Impaired Brain Dopamine and Serotonin Release and Uptake in Wistar Rats Following Treatment with Carbotplatin

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    Chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment, known also as “chemobrain”, is a medical complication of cancer treatment that is characterized by a general decline in cognition affecting visual and verbal memory, attention, complex problem solving skills, and motor function. It is estimated that one-third of patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment will experience cognitive impairment. Alterations in the release and uptake of dopamine and serotonin, central nervous system neurotransmitters that play important roles in cognition, could potentially contribute to impaired intellectual performance in those impacted by chemobrain. To investigate how chemotherapy treatment affects these systems, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) at carbon-fiber microelectrodes was used to measure dopamine and serotonin release and uptake in coronal brain slices containing the striatum and dorsal raphe nucleus, respectively. Measurements were taken from rats treated weekly with selected doses of carboplatin and from control rats treated with saline. Modeling the stimulated dopamine release plots revealed an impairment of dopamine release per stimulus pulse (80% of saline control at 5 mg/kg and 58% at 20 mg/kg) after 4 weeks of carboplatin treatment. Moreover, Vmax, the maximum uptake rate of dopamine, was also decreased (55% of saline control at 5 mg/kg and 57% at 20 mg/kg). Nevertheless, overall dopamine content, measured in striatal brain lysates by high performance liquid chromatography, and reserve pool dopamine, measured by FSCV after pharmacological manipulation, did not significantly change, suggesting that chemotherapy treatment selectively impairs the dopamine release and uptake processes. Similarly, serotonin release upon electrical stimulation was impaired (45% of saline control at 20 mg/kg). Measurements of spatial learning discrimination were taken throughout the treatment period and carboplatin was found to alter cognition. These studies support the need for additional neurochemical and behavioral analyses to identify the underlying mechanisms of chemotherapy-induced cognitive disorders

    Development and application of analytical chemical methods for the simultaneous analysis of the behavioral and pharmacokinetic response to amphetamine in rats

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    Ph.D. University of Kansas 2007Amphetamine is a psychostimulant that is used clinically for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. Using a force-plate actometer, amphetamine has been determined to produce a predictable behavioral phenomenon known as 'focused stereotypy' in Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 (F344) rats. Chronic administration of amphetamine can result in behavioral sensitization, a phenomenon by which later doses result in a more intense behavioral response than the same, initial dose. In rats, the behavioral response to a determined dose of amphetamine varies between strains and between individual rats within a strain. These variations result in uncertainty as to whether the resulting behavioral differences elicited by the drug are pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic in nature. Microdialysis provides a means to collect extracellular fluid from a particular brain region which can then be measured to determine the pharmacokinetic response to amphetamine in this region. A high performance liquid chromatography method using tandem mass spectrometry detection was developed for the analysis of amphetamine, the amphetamine metabolites (p-hydroxyamphetamine, norephedrine and p-hydroxynorephedrine), dopamine and clozapine to attempt to measure these compounds in dialysate obtained from the striatum of rat brains. This method was combined with high resolution behavioral measures obtained from a force plate actometer to determine how closely associated drug pharmacokinetics are to the behaviors they elicit. Results indicate that amphetamine induced behaviors are not clearly linked to amphetamine pharmacokinetics and that the observed behavioral differences are likely pharmacodynamic in nature. The atypical antipsychotic drug clozapine has been shown to lengthen the duration of amphetamine induced focused stereotypy in rats. Amphetamine/clozapine interactions cannot be ruled out as a possible cause of this phenomenon. Because microdialysis was ineffective in determining clozapine levels in rat brain, a liquid/liquid extraction method was used to determine whether amphetamine had an effect on whole brain clozapine concentrations. Using this method, it was determined that clozapine levels were not affected by amphetamine at the time point analyzed

    Dengue viruses cluster antigenically but not as discrete serotypes

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    The four genetically divergent dengue virus (DENV) types are traditionally classified as serotypes. Antigenic and genetic differences among the DENV types influence disease outcome, vaccine-induced protection, epidemic magnitude, and viral evolution.We scharacterized antigenic diversity in the DENV types by antigenic maps constructed from neutralizing antibody titers obtained from African green monkeys and after human vaccination and natural infections. Genetically, geographically, and temporally, diverse DENV isolates clustered loosely by type, but we found that many are as similar antigenically to a virus of a different type as to some viruses of the same type. Primary infection antisera did not neutralize all viruses of the same DENV type any better than other types did up to 2 years after infection and did not show improved neutralization to homologous type isolates. That the canonical DENV types are not antigenically homogeneous has implications for vaccination and research on the dynamics of immunity, disease, and the evolution of DENV