12 research outputs found
The Impact of Self-Categorization on Motivations and Willingness to Help an Outgroup
Do motivations and willingness to help an outgroup differ depending on how one is self-categorized at the time of helping? A helper who is currently self-categorized as an individual (engaged in cross-group helping) may have different motivations for providing help to an outgroup than a helper who is currently self-categorized as a group member (engaged in intergroup helping). Participants (N = 240) completed an online questionnaire preceded by a manipulation priming self-categorization as either an individual or a group member, with no manipulation provided in a control condition. Participants self-categorizing as individuals (versus group members) were more willing to provide help to an outgroup, and inclusion of the outgroup in the self and empathy proved to be important motivations for this helping. These findings provide initial evidence that willingness to provide help to an outgroup and motivations for doing so will present differently depending on the level of self-categorization of the helper
The Case for and Causes of Intraminority Solidarity in Support for Reparations: Evidence From Community and Student Samples in Canada
In three studies, we examined how racial/ethnic majority (i.e., White) and non-Indigenous minority participants in Canada responded to reparations for Indigenous peoples in Canada. Our goal was to understand whether and why there may be intraminority solidarity in this context. In Study 1, with a large, national survey (N = 1,947), we examined the extent to which participants agreed the government should be responsible for addressing human rights violations committed by previous governments as well as whether the government has done enough to address the wrongs committed against Indigenous peoples in Canada. With a sample of undergraduate students in Study 2 (N = 144) and another community sample in Study 3 (N = 233), we examined possible mediators of the relationship between ethnic status and support for reparations. Taken together, the results of three studies suggest that, compared to White majority Canadians, non-Indigenous minority Canadians were more supportive of providing reparations to Indigenous peoples through a complex chain of collective victimhood, inclusive victim consciousness, continued victim suffering, and solidarity
Supplemental Material for How feeling connected to oneâs own community can increase support for addressing injustice impacting outgroup communities
<p>Supplemental material, Supplemental_Material for How feeling connected to oneâs own community can increase support for addressing injustice impacting outgroup communities by Katelin H. S. Neufeld, Danielle Gaucher, Katherine B. Starzyk and Gregory D. Boese in Group Processes & Intergroup Relations</p