4,609 research outputs found

    Applying salutogenesis in organisations

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    Acceptance of an Internet-Based Team Development Tool Aimed at Improving Work-Related Well-being in Nurses: Cross-sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND Workplace health interventions can produce beneficial health- and business-related outcomes. However, such interventions have traditionally focused on lifestyle behaviors of individuals, mostly not considering the role of working conditions. The wecoach intervention is an internet-based tool that combines both a digital and a participatory team development approach aimed at addressing critical job demands and resources as key aspects of health-promoting working conditions. Nursing staff are particularly affected by challenging working conditions and could potentially benefit greatly. Understanding the acceptance of novel workplace health promotion approaches is a critical precursor to their successful implementation and use. OBJECTIVE This study aims to examine the factors influencing the acceptance of a digitally supported team development tool among nurse managers. METHODS A sample of 32 nurse managers from 3 German-speaking countries tested wecoach and completed our online questionnaire. Hypotheses were based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and the organizational health development (OHD) model and were tested using multiple regression analyses. RESULTS Our analyses found that merely capacities on the team level (CapTeam) significantly contributed to the acceptance of wecoach, although only after the other variables were excluded in the stepwise multiple regression analysis. The UTAUT predictors were unable to add significant variance explanation beyond that, and their inclusion masked the contribution of CapTeam. CONCLUSIONS For the acceptance of a digitally supported participatory tool, the fit with the team, its culture, and its motivation are of critical importance, while aspects proposed by traditional acceptance models, such as the UTAUT, may not be applicable

    Beyond the UAUT: Questionnaire study examining the acceptance of a web-based team development tool aimed at improving work-related wellbeing in nurses

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    Background: The aim of this study is to examine the factors predicting the acceptance of a digitally-supported leadership and team development tool among nurse managers in three German-speaking countries. Objective: The tool supports leaders in conducting a participatory intervention that is aimed at enhancing wellbeing and motivation of staff by identifying and addressing critical job demands and resources Methods: The tool combines an online teaching and coaching approach with a team survey and an in-person team workshop. Results: As a complex tool consisting of innovative technological as well as procedural aspects, we expect predictors beyond those of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to be relevant in determining its acceptance, specifically, capacities on the level of the self, team and organization. Conclusions: As a complex tool consisting of innovative technological as well as procedural aspects, we expect predictors beyond those of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to be relevant in determining its acceptance, specifically, capacities on the level of the self, team and organization

    Selektive Lasertrabekuloplastik bei Patienten unter maximaler Lokaltherapie: eine retrospektive Analyse

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Hauptziel der Glaukomtherapie ist nach wie vor die erfolgreiche Augendrucksenkung. Ziel dieser retrospektiven Studie war es, die Wirksamkeit der selektiven Lasertrabekuloplastik (SLT) bei Patienten unter maximaler Augendruck senkender Therapie zu untersuchen. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde in der Analyse darauf gelegt, ob präoperativ bekannte Faktoren einen Einfluss auf den IOD-senkenden Effekt haben. Material und Methode: Inkludiert wurden Patienten mit der Diagnose einer okulären Hypertension oder eines Offenwinkelglaukoms (primäres Offenwinkelglaukom, Pseudoexfoliationsglaukom, Pigmentdispersionsglaukom und Normaldruckglaukom), die im Zeitraum von 3/2008 bis 12/2010 aufgrund unzureichender Drucksenkung unter maximaler Lokaltherapie einer SLT unterzogen wurden und die einen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von mindestens 3Monaten hatten. Die Datenanalyse erfolgte präoperativ, sowie einen Tag, einen Monat und drei Monate nach SLT und dann dreimonatlich bis zu 2,5 Jahre. Hauptmessparameter waren Ausmaß der IOD-Senkung sowie Erfolgsraten (³ 20% Augendruck-Senkung). Eine Re-SLT wurde nicht als Misserfolg gewertet. Resultate: Einhunderteinunddreißig Augen von 98 Patienten (58 Frauen, mittleres Alter 71,6 ± 11,2 Jahre, mittlerer Nachbeobachtungszeitraum 1,05 ± 0,67 Jahre) wurden inkludiert. Mittlerer Augendruck vor SLT war 19,6 ± 4,9mmHg. Bis 1,75 Jahre nach SLT war der Augendruck stets signifikant reduziert (16,6 ± 3,6; p = 0,044). Bis 2 Jahre nach SLT hatten Patienten mit höherem Ausgangs-Augendruck eine signifikant stärkere Drucksenkung (R2  = 0,358; p = 0,009). Es gab keinen signifikanten Unterschied in der Überlebensanalyse sowohl zwischen phaken bzw. pseudophaken Patienten als auch zwischen Patienten mit bzw. ohne Prostaglandintherapie (p = 0,671 und p = 0,994). Zwölf Augen hatten eine zweite SLT (mittlere Zeit bis zur Re-SLT 1,03 ± 0,55 Jahre). Fünfzehn Augen benötigten eine weitere Augendruck senkende Operation (mittlere Zeit bis zum Versagen der SLT 0,84 ± 0,52 Jahre). Schlussfolgerung: SLT kann auch bei Patienten unter maximaler Lokaltherapie noch eine signifikante Drucksenkung bewirken, wobei das Ausmaß der Drucksenkung über die Zeit abnimmt. Die Augendruck senkende Wirkung ist bei Patienten mit höherem präoperativen Augendruck stärker ausgepräg

    Socioeconomic status, working conditions and self-rated health in Switzerland: explaining the gradient in men and women

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    Objectives:: Epidemiological research has confirmed the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and health, but only a few studies considered working conditions in this relationship. This study examined the contribution of physical and psychosocial working conditions in explaining the social gradient in self-rated health. Methods:: A representative sample of 10 101 employees, 5003 women and 5098 men, from the Swiss national health survey 2002 was used. SES was assessed according to the EGP-scheme. Working conditions included exposure to physical disturbances, physical strain, job insecurity, monotonous work and handling simultaneous tasks. For data analysis logistic regression analyses were performed. Results:: Data show a social gradient for self-rated health (SRH) as well as for physical and psychosocial working conditions. Logistic regression analysis controlling for age, gender and level of employment showed both physical and psychosocial working conditions to be significant predictors of SRH. Physical and psychosocial working conditions such as physical disturbances from work environment, physical strains in doing the job, monotony at work, job insecurity etc. could explain most of the social gradient of SRH in men and women. Conclusion:: The study confirmed the relevance of modifiable physical and psychosocial working conditions for reducing social inequality in health. Gender differences need to be considered in epidemiological and intervention studie

    New Work—New Interventions: Digital Occupational Health Interventions and the Co-Creation of a Human-Centered Future of Work

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    Humans are making use of digital technologies to profoundly transform their working tasks and systems. Psychologists who design interventions to improve health and well-being at the workplace can follow two approaches regarding this transformation: (a) they will make targeted use of the emerging digital technologies themselves and design what we label “digital occupational health interventions” (DOHI), and (b) they will try to influence the ongoing digital transformation in terms of healthy change and work design, thus co-creating the future of work. In this paper, we first aim to provide a narrative and visual synthesis of the techniques and topics behind DOHI, illustrated by examples and followed by a discussion of limitations and opportunities. Secondly, we aim to provide an impulse on how the ongoing transformation of work could be co-created by organizations, their members, and occupational health experts who can contribute their knowledge of human-centered design principles to the future of work

    Process and outcome evaluation of an organizational-level stress management intervention in Switzerland

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    This field study evaluates the process and outcome of an organizational-level stress management intervention (SMI) in eight companies, taking into account the lessons learned from previous evaluation research. It utilizes the RE-AIM evaluation framework to capture the Reach and Adoption of the intervention in the companies, the appraisal of the Implementation process and the project's Effectiveness and Maintenance with a range of qualitative and quantitative methods. It applies an adapted research design in the context of a field study involving entire organizations, retrospectively assigning study participants to comparison groups. The results of a longitudinal analysis (n = 1400) showed that the SMI had a positive impact on the participants' job demands and resources, when controlled for baseline levels. Qualitative data analysis revealed that the companies had built capacities for ongoing health promotion and showed what issues must be borne in mind when implementing such projects. The study also showed that participation in such interventions alone does not suffice to achieve the desired impact, but that the individual participants' appraisal of the intervention and the collective involvement of the teams must be further researched to fully understand how change occur

    The influence of substrate temperature on growth of para-sexiphenyl thin films on Ir{111} supported graphene studied by LEEM

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    The growth of para-sexiphenyl (6P) thin films as a function of substrate temperature on Ir{111} supported graphene flakes has been studied in real-time with Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM). Micro Low Energy Electron Diffraction (\mu LEED) has been used to determine the structure of the different 6P features formed on the surface. We observe the nucleation and growth of a wetting layer consisting of lying molecules in the initial stages of growth. Graphene defects -- wrinkles -- are found to be preferential sites for the nucleation of the wetting layer and of the 6P needles that grow on top of the wetting layer in the later stages of deposition. The molecular structure of the wetting layer and needles is found to be similar. As a result, only a limited number of growth directions are observed for the needles. In contrast, on the bare Ir{111} surface 6P molecules assume an upright orientation. The formation of ramified islands is observed on the bare Ir{111} surface at 320 K and 352 K, whereas at 405 K the formation of a continuous layer of upright standing molecules growing in a step flow like manner is observed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, Revised Version as accepted for publication in Surface Scienc
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