4 research outputs found


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    Black carbon, as one of the main air pollutants, has gained a significant amount of attention in the last few years. It affects Earth’s climate as well as human health, especially in urban areas where it accumulates in greater amounts because of the dense setting of its sources such as traffic, industry and residential heating. The aim of this study was to investigate black carbon distribution and factors that influence its dispersion and consequently human health. Measurements were carried out in two separate parts, in winter 2017/2018 and spring 2017. Within sampling area, urban and background areas of Celje were included in the study. This setting of the measurements was selected with the purpose of investigating BC’s distribution and changes in its concentrations, while also finding how temperatures, wind, precipitation and traffic affect BC’s features. The results showed the highest black carbon concentrations always occur in the areas with heavy traffic flow, either in colder or warmer parts of the year (7.48 ± 6.48 µg m–3 in winter and 7.25 ± 6.06 µg m–3 in spring). Outcomes of the research also proved that wind speed, rainfall and temperatures affect black carbon dispersion as well as other factors like traffic density, time of day or day of the week. This study also revealed associations between black carbon oscillation and high blood pressure, especially during the winter period. Key words: black carbon; city pollution; environment; health; blood pressur

    Distribution of black carbon in regard to the traffic flow in Municipality of Celje

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    Onesnaževanje okolja zaradi cestnega prometa je zelo pereča tema na globalni ravni, vedno več poudarka pa pridobiva tudi na lokalni ravni. Glavno onesnaževalo predstavlja ogljikov dioksid, ki se mu v zadnjem obdobju pridružujejo tako imenovani PM delci, med katerimi posebej izstopajoči delci predstavljajo tako imenovani črni ogljik. Meritve koncentracij črnega ogljika smo na Fakulteti za logistiko, v sodelovanju s podjetjem Aerosol in Mestno občino Celje, opravljali v spomladanskem obdobju leta 2017 in v zimskem obdobju leta 2017/2018. Statične meritve smo opravljali na različnih merilnih mestih v Celju, ki velja za eno najbolj onesnaženih in s PM delci obremenjenih mest v Sloveniji. Cestni promet predstavlja enega od glavnih virov onesnaženja s črnim ogljikom, zato ga lahko uvrstimo v eno izmed področij tveganj. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali porazdelitev koncentracij črnega ogljika, vpliv padavin in vetra na gibanje koncentracij črnega ogljika ter črni ogljik analizirali in ga predstavili kot tveganje oziroma grožnjo nacionalni varnosti na podlagi Resolucije o strategiji nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije.Environmental pollution, caused by the road traffic, is a very urgent and global topic, one that is recently gaining more local emphasis. The main element of traffic pollution is carbon dioxide, joined by recently recognised PM particles with black carbon being a very prominent member of the latter. Levels of black carbon concentration were measured by the Faculty of Logistics in collaboration with Aerosol company and the Municipality of Celje. These measurements were done in the Spring of 2017 and in the Winter of 2017/2018. Static measuring points were established in Celje, which is recognised as being one of the most PM particles polluted city in Slovenia. Since road traffic presents one of the main sources of black carbon pollution, it can be classified as one of the most important risk areas. Our research includes data from measuring the distribution of black carbon concentration as well as the role of weather on black carbon concentration distribution. In addition, we have analysed black carbon and presented it as a risk and a threat to the national security, based upon the Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia

    Streamlining the field of packaging in the company Engrotuš d.o.o.

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    Embalaža ima v logistiki zelo pomembno vlogo, saj je neposredno povezana s proizvodi, še posebej v trgovski in živilski dejavnosti. Embalaža varuje izdelke pred negativnimi zunanjimi vplivi, hkrati pa tudi omogoča lažjo manipulacijo izdelkov in pomaga pri premagovanju najrazličnejših ovir na poti od proizvajalca do končnega uporabnika. Podjetja morajo imeti zelo dobro organiziran sistem, s pomočjo katerega je točno določeno kje, kako in kdaj se bo embalaža uporabljala in po opravljenih funkcijah sortirala. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili področje embalaže v logističnem centru podjetja Engrotuš d. o. o., ki velja za eno izmed največjih slovenskih trgovskih podjetij. Spoznali in predstavili smo trenutno stanje na področju embalaže v povezavi s procesom komisioniranja, ga analizirali in podali predloge rešitve izpostavljenih problemov. S predlaganimi rešitvami smo komisionarjem omogočili bolj tekoče delo, hkrati pa tudi povečali kakovost izdanih izdelkov iz skladišča oziroma logističnega centra.Packaging has an important role in logistics, since it is directly connected with the product, especially in food industry and retail. Packaging protects content from outside influences while at the same time allows for easier manipulation and helps overcoming various hurdles on the way from the manufacturer to the end consumer. Companies must have a well-organized system that defines where, how and when a certain packaging is going to be used and sorted after it has completed its function. This thesis presents the field of packaging in the logistics center of the company Engrotuš, d.o.o, which is considered one of the biggest Slovenian trading companies. We have learned and presented the current state in the area of packaging in connection with the process of commissioning, analyzed it and formed new proposals for solutions of exposed problems. Our proposed solutions enabled commission agents a more fluid workflow, while at the same time increased the quality of released products coming from the warehouse of the logistics center

    Exposure to Black Carbon during Bicycle Commuting–Alternative Route Selection

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    Traffic air pollution significantly influences cyclists using cycling routes near main roads. We analyze the dependency of black carbon (BC) concentrations in relation to the proximity to their traffic sources. We performed static and mobile measurements of BC using aethalometers at chosen sites and cycling routes in Celje, Slovenia—static measurements at two road-side sites and an urban background site. Mobile measurements were performed simultaneously at an existing cycling route and an alternative route away from the busy roads. BC concentration apportioned to traffic decreases with the distance from the sources on the main road. The exposure of cyclists to BC can be greatly reduced by moving the cycling route away from busy roads, hence we propose an alternative route and show that traffic planning and management should include all modes of transport. Results imply that street intersections along the cycling routes influence the cyclists’ exposure and should be as few as possible when planning cycling routes in urban areas