16 research outputs found

    Automatic identification of best answers in online enquiry communities

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    Online communities are prime sources of information. The Web is rich with forums and Question Answering (Q&A) communities where people go to seek answers to all kinds of questions. Most systems employ manual answer-rating procedures to encourage people to provide quality answers and to help users locate the best answers in a given thread. However, in the datasets we collected from three online communities, we found that half their threads lacked best answer markings. This stresses the need for methods to assess the quality of available answers to: 1) provide automated ratings to fill in for, or support, manually assigned ones, and; 2) to assist users when browsing such answers by filtering in potential best answers. In this paper, we collected data from three online communities and converted it to RDF based on the SIOC ontology. We then explored an approach for predicting best answers using a combination of content, user, and thread features. We show how the influence of such features on predicting best answers differs across communities. Further we demonstrate how certain features unique to some of our community systems can boost predictability of best answers

    Modelling Question Selection Behaviour in Online Communities

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    Value of online Question Answering (Q&A) communities is driven by the question-answering behaviour of its members. Finding the questions that members are willing to answer is therefore vital to the efficient operation of such communities. In this paper, we aim to identify the parameters that cor- relate with such behaviours. We train different models and construct effective predictions using various user, question and thread feature sets. We show that answering behaviour can be predicted with a high level of success

    Predicting Answering Behaviour in Online Question Answering Communities

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    The value of Question Answering (Q&A) communities is de- pendent on members of the community finding the questions they are most willing and able to answer. This can be diffi- cult in communities with a high volume of questions. Much previous has work attempted to address this problem by recommending questions similar to those already answered. However, this approach disregards the question selection behaviour of the answers and how it is affected by factors such as question recency and reputation. In this paper, we identify the parameters that correlate with such a behaviour by analysing the users’ answering patterns in a Q&A com- munity. We then generate a model to predict which question a user is most likely to answer next. We train Learning to Rank (LTR) models to predict question selections using various user, question and thread feature sets. We show that answering behaviour can be predicted with a high level of success, and highlight the particular features that influence users’ question selections