5,002 research outputs found

    Collaborative Pacific Halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, Bycatch Control by Canada and the United States

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    ABSTRACT—Bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, in nontarget fisheries is composed primarily of immature fish, and substantial reductions in yield to directed halibut fisheries result from this bycatch. Distant-water bottomtrawl fleets operating off the North American coast, beginning in the mid 1960’s, experienced bycatch mortality of over 12,000 t annually. Substantial progress on reducing this bycatch was not achieved until the of extension fisheries jurisdictions by the United States and Canada in 1977. Bycatch began to increase again during the expansion of domestic catching capacity for groundfish, and by the early 1990’s it had returned to levels seen during the period of foreign fishing. Collaborative action by Canada and the United States through the International Pacific Halibut Commission has resulted in substantial reductions in bycatch mortality in some areas. Methods of control have operated at global, fleet, and individual vessel levels. We evaluate the hierarchy of effectiveness for these control measures and identify regulatory needs for optimum effects. New monitoring technologies offer the promise of more cost-effective approaches to bycatch reduction

    An HI survey of the Bootes Void. II. The Analysis

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    We discuss the results of a VLA HI survey of the Bootes void and compare the distribution and HI properties of the void galaxies to those of galaxies found in a survey of regions of mean cosmic density. The Bootes survey covers 1100 Mpc3^{3}, or ∼\sim 1\% of the volume of the void and consists of 24 cubes of typically 2 Mpc * 2 Mpc * 1280 km/s, centered on optically known galaxies. Sixteen targets were detected in HI; 18 previously uncataloged objects were discovered directly in HI. The control sample consists of 12 cubes centered on IRAS selected galaxies with FIR luminosities similar to those of the Bootes targets and located in regions of 1 to 2 times the cosmic mean density. In addition to the 12 targets 29 companions were detected in HI. We find that the number of galaxies within 1 Mpc of the targets is the same to within a factor of two for void and control samples, and thus that the small scale clustering of galaxies is the same in regions that differ by a factor of ∼\sim 6 in density on larger scales. A dynamical analysis of the galaxies in the void suggests that on scales of a few Mpc the galaxies are gravitationally bound, forming interacting galaxy pairs, loose pairs and loose groups. One group is compact enough to qualify as a Hickson compact group. The galaxies found in the void are mostly late-type, gas rich systems. A careful scrutiny of their HI and optical properties shows them to be very similar to field galaxies of the same morphological type. This, combined with our finding that the small scale clustering of the galaxies in the void is the same as in the field, suggests that it is the near environment that mostly affects the evolution of galaxies.Comment: Latex file of abstract. The postscript version of the complete paper (0.2 Mb in gzipped format) including all the figures can be retrieved from http://www.astro.rug.nl:80/~secr/ To appear in the February 1996 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    Developmental design, fabrication, and test of acoustic suppressors for fans of high bypass turbofan engines

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    An analysis procedure was developed for design of acoustically treated nacelles for high bypass turbofan engines. The plan was applied to the conceptual design of a nacelle for the quiet engine typical of a 707/DC-8 airplane installation. The resultant design was modified to a test nacelle design for the NASA Lewis quiet fan. The acoustic design goal was a 10 db reduction in effective perceived fan noise levels during takoff and approach. Detailed nacelle designs were subsequently developed for both the quiet engine and the quiet fan. The acoustic design goal for each nacelle was 15 db reductions in perceived fan noise levels from the inlet and fan duct. Acoustically treated nacelles were fabricated for the quiet engine and quiet fan for testing. Performance of selected inlet and fan duct lining configurations was experimentally evaluated in a flow duct. Results of the tests show that the linings perform as designed

    Visually Induced Plasticity of Auditory Spatial Perception in Macaques

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    AbstractWhen experiencing spatially disparate visual and auditory stimuli, a common percept is that the sound originates from the location of the visual stimulus, an illusion known as the ventriloquism effect [1]. This illusion can persist for tens of minutes, a phenomenon termed the ventriloquism aftereffect [2–5]. The underlying neuronal mechanisms of this rapidly induced plasticity remain unclear; indeed, it remains untested whether similar multimodal interactions occur in other species. We therefore tested whether macaque monkeys experience the ventriloquism aftereffect similar to the way humans do. The ability of two monkeys to determine which side of the midline a sound was presented from was tested before and after a period of 20–60 min in which the monkeys experienced either spatially identical or spatially disparate auditory and visual stimuli. In agreement with human studies, the monkeys did experience a shift in their auditory spatial perception in the direction of the spatially disparate visual stimulus, and the aftereffect did not transfer across sounds that differed in frequency by two octaves. These results show that macaque monkeys experience the ventriloquism aftereffect similar to the way humans do in all tested respects, indicating that these multimodal interactions are a basic phenomenon of the central nervous system

    Strain Gradients in Epitaxial Ferroelectrics

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    X-ray analysis of ferroelectric thin layers of Ba1/2Sr1/2TiO3 with different thickness reveals the presence of internal strain gradients across the film thickness and allows us to propose a functional form for the internal strain profile. We use this to calculate the direct influence of strain gradient, through flexoelectric coupling, on the degradation of the ferroelectric properties of thin films with decreasing thickness, in excellent agreement with the observed behaviour. This work highlights the link between strain relaxation and strain gradients in epitaxial films, and shows the pressing need to avoid strain gradients in order to obtain thin ferroelectrics with bulk-like properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 embedded figures (1 color), revTex
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