6,812 research outputs found

    The Rationale for Negligible Risk Exemptions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996: Cellular Phone and Personal Communication System Transmitters

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    Dr. Claycamp explains the adequacy of current legislation and regulation

    Aspects of Labor Economics

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    Collaborative Pacific Halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, Bycatch Control by Canada and the United States

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    ABSTRACT—Bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, in nontarget fisheries is composed primarily of immature fish, and substantial reductions in yield to directed halibut fisheries result from this bycatch. Distant-water bottomtrawl fleets operating off the North American coast, beginning in the mid 1960’s, experienced bycatch mortality of over 12,000 t annually. Substantial progress on reducing this bycatch was not achieved until the of extension fisheries jurisdictions by the United States and Canada in 1977. Bycatch began to increase again during the expansion of domestic catching capacity for groundfish, and by the early 1990’s it had returned to levels seen during the period of foreign fishing. Collaborative action by Canada and the United States through the International Pacific Halibut Commission has resulted in substantial reductions in bycatch mortality in some areas. Methods of control have operated at global, fleet, and individual vessel levels. We evaluate the hierarchy of effectiveness for these control measures and identify regulatory needs for optimum effects. New monitoring technologies offer the promise of more cost-effective approaches to bycatch reduction

    Commutative Quantum Operator Algebras

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    A key notion bridging the gap between {\it quantum operator algebras} \cite{LZ10} and {\it vertex operator algebras} \cite{Bor}\cite{FLM} is the definition of the commutativity of a pair of quantum operators (see section 2 below). This is not commutativity in any ordinary sense, but it is clearly the correct generalization to the quantum context. The main purpose of the current paper is to begin laying the foundations for a complete mathematical theory of {\it commutative quantum operator algebras.} We give proofs of most of the relevant results announced in \cite{LZ10}, and we carry out some calculations with sufficient detail to enable the interested reader to become proficient with the algebra of commuting quantum operators.Comment: 22 pages, Late

    Preserving Transportation Corridors for the Future: Another Look at Railroad Deeds in Washington State

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    This Comment will analyze the recent approach the Washington court has incorporated in settling trail development disputes across the State. In particular, the Comment will examine the court\u27s use of common law deed interpretation principles in upholding property rights while preserving valuable public transportation corridors. Furthermore, the Comment will show how the Washington court\u27s recent approach in interpreting railroad deeds has made recreational trail construction more appropriately a legislative matter, rather than a legal one. Section I of the Comment will begin with an historical overview of railroads in the United States, background on the public Rails-to-Trails movement, and an explanation of the underlying public policy and enabling federal law. Section II will then examine the leading federal case on railbanking. Section III will look at how Washington courts have addressed the railroad corridor preservation issue, particularly the Washington Supreme Court\u27s reasoning pertaining to deed interpretation in Brown v. State. Section IV will address how the court has handled rail corridor quiet title actions subsequent to Brown. Finally, Section V will conclude with observations for future trail construction within Washington State
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