82 research outputs found

    Maps conjugating holomorphic maps in C^n

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    If f is a bijection from C^n onto a complex manifold M, which conjugates every holomorphic map in C^n to an endomorphism in M, then we prove that f is necessarily biholomorphic or antibiholomorphic. This extends a result of A. Hinkkanen to higher dimensions. As a corollary, we prove that if there is an epimorphism from the semigroup of all holomorphic endomorphisms of C^n to the semigroup of holomorphic endomorphisms in M, or an epimorphism in the opposite direction for a doubly-transitive M, then it is given by conjugation by some biholomorphic or antibiholomorphic map. We show also that there are two unbounded domains in C^n with isomorphic endomorphism semigroups but which are neither biholomorphically nor antibiholomorphically equivalent.Comment: 10 page

    Algebraic surfaces holomorphically dominable by C^2

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    Using the Kodaira dimension and the fundamental group of X, we succeed in classifying algebraic surfaces which are dominable by C^2 except for certain cases in which X is an algebraic surface of Kodaira dimension zero and the case when X is rational without any logarithmic 1-form. More specifically, in the case when X is compact (namely projective), we need to exclude only the case when X is birationally equivalent to a K3 surface (a simply connected compact complex surface which admits a globally non-vanishing holomorphic 2-form) that is neither elliptic nor Kummer. With the exceptions noted above, we show that for any algebraic surface of Kodaira dimension less than 2, dominability by C^2 is equivalent to the apparently weaker requirement of the existence of a holomorphic image of C which is Zariski dense in the surface. With the same exceptions, we will also show the very interesting and revealing fact that dominability by C^2 is preserved even if a sufficiently small neighborhood of any finite set of points is removed from the surface. In fact, we will provide a complete classification in the more general category of (not necessarily algebraic) compact complex surfaces before tackling the problem in the case of non-compact algebraic surfaces

    Hyperbolic automorphisms and holomorphic motions in C<sup>2</sup>

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    Generative Plug and Play: Posterior Sampling for Inverse Problems

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    Over the past decade, Plug-and-Play (PnP) has become a popular method for reconstructing images using a modular framework consisting of a forward and prior model. The great strength of PnP is that an image denoiser can be used as a prior model while the forward model can be implemented using more traditional physics-based approaches. However, a limitation of PnP is that it reconstructs only a single deterministic image. In this paper, we introduce Generative Plug-and-Play (GPnP), a generalization of PnP to sample from the posterior distribution. As with PnP, GPnP has a modular framework using a physics-based forward model and an image denoising prior model. However, in GPnP these models are extended to become proximal generators, which sample from associated distributions. GPnP applies these proximal generators in alternation to produce samples from the posterior. We present experimental simulations using the well-known BM3D denoiser. Our results demonstrate that the GPnP method is robust, easy to implement, and produces intuitively reasonable samples from the posterior for sparse interpolation and tomographic reconstruction. Code to accompany this paper is available at https://github.com/gbuzzard/generative-pnp-allerton .Comment: 8 pages, submitted to 2023 IEEE Allerton Conferenc
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