2,659 research outputs found

    Ned Thomas and the Condition of Wales

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    Immigration and the Public Policy Survey

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    Evidence suggests that public opinion has a significant and measurable impact on legislative, executive, and citizen interaction. The state of Idaho is no exception. In this white paper, we examine a sample of the opinions of Idahoans, as expressed in the Public Policy Survey, on the subject of immigration. In the 18th and 19th Annual Idaho Public Policy Surveys, the survey sample was asked to respond to a number of questions concerning immigration in Idaho. Questions on the survey ranged from economic impacts to the quality of education to indigent medical care. Of the many benefits that the data offers, some of the not inconsequential benefits are an additional outlet through which citizens may express their opinions, and additional information provided for decision makers. Generally, the information gathered from the survey is used discretely, year by year, to inform policy makers. In this white paper, we have taken a look at the immigration questions in the last two iterations of the survey and summarized the results. The following is a list of findings: • Idaho residents feel strongly that undocumented immigrants reduce the quality of education for Idaho children. • Idahoans have indicated that they feel that counties should deny indigent medical care to undocumented immigrants. • An English-only policy for the state of Idaho is a very popular concept for Idahoans. • Stricter immigration policy is not likely to negatively affect the economy. We offer some concluding thoughts at the end of the survey data presentation. Our sense is that the presentation of the perceptions of the public related to immigration is only part of the story. What is clearly missing is any secondary empirical analysis of, for instance, the measurable effects of illegal immigrants on school performance. What we seem to glean from this analysis is that there is much yet to be learned about immigration and its effects on Idaho and Idahoans

    Accountability and the Contemporary Intellectual

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    Analyzes the language and values that have framed the accountability movement

    Rapid Trajectory Optimization for the ARES I Launch Vehicle

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    A simplified ascent trajectory optimization procedure has been developed with application to NASA's proposed Ares I launch vehicle. In the interest of minimizing bending loads and ensuring safe separation of the first-stage solid rocket motor, the vehicle is con- strained to follow a gravity-turn trajectory. This reduces the design space to just two free parameters, the pitch rate after a short vertical rise phase to clear the launch pad, and initial launch azimuth. The pitch rate primarily controls the in-plane parameters (altitude, speed, flight path angle) of the trajectory whereas the launch azimuth primarily controls the out-of-plane portion (velocity heading.) Thus, the optimization can be mechanized as two one-dimensional searches that converge quickly and reliably. The method is compared with POST-optimized trajectories to verify its optimality

    Fourth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey 2019

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    The Fourth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey was conducted December 10th to January 8th and surveyed 1,004 adults currently living in the state of Idaho. The sample is designed to be representative of the population, using a random-digit dialing sampling approach, with 60% of the respondents contacted on cell-phones to increase our coverage of the population. People were asked about their attitudes on the main issues and priorities facing the state, education, budget and taxes, criminal justice, and the environment. The sampling margin of error is 3.1%

    The Hispanic Profile Data Book for Idaho

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    The 2010 United States Census confirms the continuing dramatic growth of Idaho’s Hispanic people. Demand for demographic data and information regarding the Hispanic population continues to be essential for understanding and serving Idaho’s Hispanic community. In recognition of this need, in 2004 the Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs developed the first Hispanic Profile Project, a demographic report of Idaho’s Hispanic community at that time. Another Hispanic Profile report was published in 2007

    2016 Assessment of Idaho\u27s Transportation Infrastructure and Funding

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    Idaho’s transportation system and infrastructure are vital to the state’s economy. Transportation infrastructure can help spur responsible growth in terms of employment, job creation, business retention, and property development. However, Idaho, like most states, is facing critical issues in its transportation system. Declining revenues and escalating debt service will reduce Idaho’s ability to maintain its transportation infrastructure in a state of good repair. Ultimately, without adequate investment in its transportation system, Idaho’s economy and its people will be negatively impacted. Yet Idahoans are not aware of the deteriorating transportation system or the negative consequences of underfunding it. By engaging the citizenry and key transportation stakeholders regarding this issue and offering policy alternatives adopted by peer states, Idaho can move toward instituting dedicated funding sources for transportation infrastructure which is critical to Idaho’s future economic competitiveness and vitality