29 research outputs found

    Large-scale atomistic density functional theory calculations of phosphorus-doped silicon quantum bits

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    We present density functional theory calculations of phosphorus dopants in bulk silicon and of several properties relating to their use as spin qubits for quantum computation. Rather than a mixed pseudopotential or a Heitler-London approach, we have used an explicit treatment for the phosphorus donor and examined the detailed electronic structure of the system as a function of the isotropic doping fraction, including lattice relaxation due to the presence of the impurity. Doping electron densities and spin densities are examined in order to study the properties of the dopant electron as a function of the isotropic doping fraction. Doping potentials are also calculated for use in calculations of the scattering cross-sections of the phosphorus dopants, which are important in the understanding of electrically detected magnetic resonance experiments. We find that the electron density around the dopant leads to non-spherical features in the doping potentials, such as trigonal lobes in the (001) plane at energy scales of +12 eV near the nucleus and of -700 meV extending away from the dopants. These features are generally neglected in effective mass theory and will affect the coupling between the donor electron and the phosphorus nucleus. Our density functional calculations reveal detail in the densities and potentials of the dopants which are not evident in calculations that do not include explicit treatment of the phosphorus donor atom and relaxation of the crystal lattice. These details can also be used to parameterize tight-binding models for simulation of large-scale devices.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Variational treatment of electron-polyatomic molecule scattering calculations using adaptive overset grids

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    The Complex Kohn variational method for electron-polyatomic molecule scattering is formulated using an overset grid representation of the scattering wave function. The overset grid consists of a central grid and multiple dense, atom-centered subgrids that allow the simultaneous spherical expansions of the wave function about multiple centers. Scattering boundary conditions are enforced by using a basis formed by the repeated application of the free particle Green's function and potential, G^0+V^\hat{G}^+_0\hat{V} on the overset grid in a "Born-Arnoldi" solution of the working equations. The theory is shown to be equivalent to a specific Pad\'e approximant to the TT-matrix, and has rapid convergence properties, both in the number of numerical basis functions employed and the number of partial waves employed in the spherical expansions. The method is demonstrated in calculations on methane and CF4_4 in the static-exchange approximation, and compared in detail with calculations performed with the numerical Schwinger variational approach based on single center expansions. An efficient procedure for operating with the free-particle Green's function and exchange operators (to which no approximation is made) is also described

    Laser pulses for coherent xuv Raman excitation

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    We combine multi-channel electronic structure theory with quantum optimal control to derive Raman pulse sequences that coherently populate a valence excited state. For a neon atom, Raman target populations of up to 13% are obtained. Superpositions of the ground and valence Raman states with a controllable relative phase are found to be reachable with up to 4.5% population and phase control facilitated by the pump pulse carrier envelope phase. Our results open a route to creating core-hole excitations in molecules and aggregates that locally address specific atoms and represent the first step towards realization of multidimensional spectroscopy in the xuv and x-ray regimes

    Continuum-electron interferometry for enhancement of photoelectron circular dichroism and measurement of bound, free, and mixed contributions to chiral response

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    We develop photoelectron interferometry based on laser-assisted extreme ultraviolet ionization for flexible and robust control of photoelectron circular dichroism in randomly oriented chiral molecules. A comb of XUV photons ionizes a sample of chiral molecules in the presence of a time-delayed infrared or visible laser pulse promoting interferences between components of the XUV-ionized photoelectron wave packet. In striking contrast to multicolor phase control schemes relying on pulse shaping techniques, the magnitude of the resulting chiral signal is here controlled by the time delay between the XUV and laser pulses. Furthermore, we show that the relative polarization configurations of the XUV and IR fields allows for disentangling the contributions of bound and continuum states to the chiral response. Our proposal provides a simple, robust and versatile tool for the control of photoelectron circular dichroism and experimentally feasible protocol for probing the individual contributions of bound and continuum states to the PECD in a time-resolved manner

    Molecular Mechanics Simulations and Improved Tight-binding Hamiltonians for Artificial Light Harvesting Systems: Predicting Geometric Distributions, Disorder, and Spectroscopy of Chromophores in a Protein Environment

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    We present molecular mechanics {and spectroscopic} calculations on prototype artificial light harvesting systems consisting of chromophores attached to a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) protein scaffold. These systems have been synthesized and characterized spectroscopically, but information about the microscopic configurations and geometry of these TMV-templated chromophore assemblies is largely unknown. We use a Monte Carlo conformational search algorithm to determine the preferred positions and orientations of two chromophores, Coumarin 343 together with its linker, and Oregon Green 488, when these are attached at two different sites (104 and 123) on the TMV protein. The resulting geometric information shows that the extent of disorder and aggregation properties, and therefore the optical properties of the TMV-templated chromophore assembly, are highly dependent on the choice of chromophores and protein site to which they are bound. We used the results of the conformational search as geometric parameters together with an improved tight-binding Hamiltonian to simulate the linear absorption spectra and compare with experimental spectral measurements. The ideal dipole approximation to the Hamiltonian is not valid since the distance between chromophores can be very small. We found that using the geometries from the conformational search is necessary to reproduce the features of the experimental spectral peaks