2,649 research outputs found

    The functional role of contrast adaptation

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    Prolonged inspection of high contrast sinewave gratings increases the contrast required to detect gratings having a similar spatial frequency and orientation. The functional role of such adaptation has, however, in the past, eluded disclosure. We here show that 5 min adaptation to a 2 c/deg sinewave grating of 0.8 contrast changes the observer's ability to discriminate the contrast level of a subsequently presented grating of the same spatial frequency and orientation. Similar to the threshold elevation effect, the observers required more incremental contrast for background contrast levels between 0.1 and 0.4 following adaptation. However, for contrast levels above 0.5, the observers required less delta contrast, following adaptation, to correctly discriminate which of two gratings was incremented in contrast. A simple model for adaptation is proposed to account for the findings which is based on a shift in the semi-saturation constant of the detector's contrast-response function. According to this model, adaptation acts to linearize the underlying mechanism's response in the region near the prevailing contrast level

    Higher-harmonic adaptation and the detection of squarewave gratings

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    Adaptation to a high contrast sinewave grating of 1 c/deg spatial frequency causes a large increase in the contrast threshold for a 1 c/deg test grating, but fails to raise the threshold for a squarewave grating of 0.33 c/deg, although the sensitivity of the “channel” tuned to both the third and fifth harmonic components of the squarewave test grating should be thoroughly suppressed. Following sequential adaptation to sinewave gratings of 1 and 3 c/deg spatial frequency, detection of squarewave gratings at 0.33 c/deg likewise remains unaffected. In contrast, after adaptation to a 0.33 c/deg squarewave grating with missing fundamental the contrast threshold for a squarewave test grating of the same frequency is increased by 0.25 log unit, although the higher harmonic component frequencies are less affected than by sequential sinewave adaptation. The results suggest that independent spatial frequency channels detecting harmonic components are not alone sufficient to account for the visibility of low frequency squarewaves

    Effects of crowding and attention on high-levels of motion processing and motion adaptation

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    The motion after-effect (MAE) persists in crowding conditions, i.e., when the adaptation direction cannot be reliably perceived. The MAE originating from complex moving patterns spreads into non-adapted sectors of a multi-sector adapting display (i.e., phantom MAE). In the present study we used global rotating patterns to measure the strength of the conventional and phantom MAEs in crowded and non-crowded conditions, and when attention was directed to the adapting stimulus and when it was diverted away from the adapting stimulus. The results show that: (i) the phantom MAE is weaker than the conventional MAE, for both non-crowded and crowded conditions, and when attention was focused on the adapting stimulus and when it was diverted from it, (ii) conventional and phantom MAEs in the crowded condition are weaker than in the non-crowded condition. Analysis conducted to assess the effect of crowding on high-level of motion adaptation suggests that crowding is likely to affect the awareness of the adapting stimulus rather than degrading its sensory representation, (iii) for high-level of motion processing the attentional manipulation does not affect the strength of either conventional or phantom MAEs, neither in the non-crowded nor in the crowded conditions. These results suggest that high-level MAEs do not depend on attention and that at high-level of motion adaptation the effects of crowding are not modulated by attention

    Sensory Competition in the Face Processing Areas of the Human Brain

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    The concurrent presentation of multiple stimuli in the visual field may trigger mutually suppressive interactions throughout the ventral visual stream. While several studies have been performed on sensory competition effects among non-face stimuli relatively little is known about the interactions in the human brain for multiple face stimuli. In the present study we analyzed the neuronal basis of sensory competition in an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study using multiple face stimuli. We varied the ratio of faces and phase-noise images within a composite display with a constant number of peripheral stimuli, thereby manipulating the competitive interactions between faces. For contralaterally presented stimuli we observed strong competition effects in the fusiform face area (FFA) bilaterally and in the right lateral occipital area (LOC), but not in the occipital face area (OFA), suggesting their different roles in sensory competition. When we increased the spatial distance among pairs of faces the magnitude of suppressive interactions was reduced in the FFA. Surprisingly, the magnitude of competition depended on the visual hemifield of the stimuli: ipsilateral stimulation reduced the competition effects somewhat in the right LOC while it increased them in the left LOC. This suggests a left hemifield dominance of sensory competition. Our results support the sensory competition theory in the processing of multiple faces and suggests that sensory competition occurs in several cortical areas in both cerebral hemispheres

    Stimulus-specific mechanisms of visual short-term memory

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    The retention of spatial information in visual short-term memory was assessed by measuring spatial frequency discrimination thresholds with a two-interval forced-choice task varying the time interval between the two gratings to be compared. The memory of spatial frequency information was perfect across 10-sec interstimulus intervals. Presentation of a “memory masker” grating during the interstimulus interval may interfere with short-term memory. This interference depends on the relative spatial frequency of the test and masker gratings, with maximum interference at spatial frequency differences of 1–1.5 octaves and beyond. This range of interference with short-term memory is comparable to the bandwidth of sensory masking or adaptation. A change of the relative orientation of test and masker gratings does not produce interference with spatial frequency discrimination thresholds. These results suggest stimulus-specific interactions at higher-level representations of visual form

    Camus\u27 Guest : The Inadmissible Complicity

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    Early analyses of Camus\u27 tale, The Guest, generally reflect the political tensions that rent Algeria in the 1950\u27s. Since these tensions have disappeared, we are able to read the tale as a personal drama recounting the moral dilemma of its, narrator-protagonist. Scrutiny of his censored account reveals his retreat from an action which would compromise his innocence. The story registers the author\u27s awareness of the ambiguities of moral decision and testifies to the refinement of his thought since the composition of The Plague

    Visual memory for random block patterns defined by luminance and color contrast

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    We studied the ability of human subjects to memorize the visual information in computer-generated random block patterns defined either by luminance contrast, by color contrast, or by both. Memory performance declines rapidly with increasing inter-stimulus interval, showing a half-life of approximately 3 s. We further show that memory performance declines with eccentricity approximately as a Gaussian function of position. Memory decay functions did not depend on whether the patterns were defined by luminance or color contrast. Changing both luminance and color components of block patterns in conjunction did not improve performance suggesting a single memory mechanism is used to store luminance and color derived pattern information. Our results further suggest that color identity (hue, saturation) and pattern information extracted from color- or luminance-contrast are stored independently of each other

    Saccadic Suppression of Retinotopically Localized Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent Responses in Human Primary Visual Area V1

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    Saccadic eye movements are responsible for bringing relevant parts of the visual field onto the fovea for detailed analysis. Because the retina is physiologically unable to deliver sharp images at very high transsaccadic speeds, the visual system minimizes the repercussion of the blurry images we would otherwise perceive during transsaccadic vision by reducing general visual sensitivity and increasing the detection threshold for visual stimuli. Ruling out a pure retinal origin, the effects of saccadic suppression can be already observed some 75 ms before the onset of a saccadic eye movement and are maximal at the onset of motion. The perception of a briefly presented stimulus immediately before the onset of any retinal motion is thus impaired despite the fact that this stimulus is projected onto the stationary retina and is, therefore, physically identical to that presented when no saccadic programming is in course. In this functional magnetic resonance imaging event-related study, we flashed Gabor patches at different times before the onset of a horizontal saccade and measured blood oxygen level-dependent responses at their encoding regions in primary visual cortex (V1) while subjects judged the relative orientation of the stimuli. Closely matching the significant reduction in behavioral performance, the amplitude of the responses in V1 consistently decreased as the stimuli were presented closer to the saccadic onset. These results demonstrate that the neural processes underlying saccade programming transiently modulate cortical responses to briefly presented visual stimuli in areas as early a V1, providing additional evidence for the existence of an active saccadic suppression mechanism in humans

    Limited-capacity mechanisms of visual discrimination

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    Discrimination thresholds of spatial frequency and choice reaction times (RT) were measured in three subjects who performed a dual-judgment delayed discrimination task. Two reference gratings were presented side-by-side with a 0-800 msec stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), which were followed after a 5-sec retention interval by two test gratings. Subjects judged which component changed and which interval had the higher spatial frequency (SF). Thresholds in the dual-judgment task were four to six times higher than thresholds in single-judgment tasks. The SOA had only a moderate effect on discrimination thresholds, whereas the difference between the spatial frequencies of the two components had a highly significant effect. The discrimination thresholds increase with increasing spatial frequency difference for the lower SF component, while they decrease for the higher SF component. An analysis of the distribution of possible error types indicated that all subjects tended to respond more frequently that the higher SF component changed. This tendency led to more errors on trials where the low SF component changed. A post- hoc analysis revealed, in two of the three subjects, a significant correlation between Af/f and RT such that higher Af/f values were associated with lower RTs and vice versa