3,351 research outputs found

    The effects of feed composition on the sensory quality of organic rainbow trout during ice storage

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    The focus of this work was to study which effects the type of protein and lipid source in the feed for organic Rainbow trout influences had on the sensory quality of final product. Two and four different protein and lipid sources were used in the experiment respectively. The protein sources were fishmeal and a mixture of protein from organic vegetable, while the lipid sources were fish oil and organic oil from linseed, sunflower, rapeseed and grape seed. Sensory analysis was performed after 3, 5, 7 and 14 days of storage in ice. The results showed that both protein and lipid source in the feed can influence sensory characteristics of the trout. After 3 and 7 days of storage in ice differences in the sensory characteristics between rainbow trout’s which have had different lipid sources in the feed were observed. While a difference between the trout fed with different protein sources were observed after 14 days of storage, indicating that vegetable protein in the feed increases the self-life of organic rainbow trout

    The effect of protein and lipid source in organic feed for organic trout on sensory quality

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    The aim of this work was to study whether the type of protein and lipid source in feed for organic Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) influenced the sensory quality. The protein sources were fishmeal and a matrix of organic vegetable plant mealsproteins, while the lipid sources were fish oil and organic oils of linseed, sunflower, rapeseed and grape seed, respectively. Sensory profiling was performed after 3, 5, 7 and 14 days of storage in ice. Besides sensory analysis also lipid profiles weare measured. The resultsed showed that the lipid type in the feed aeffected the sensory characteristics after 3 days of storage. Especially the trout that had grape seed oil in the feed had a different sensory profile than the trout that had fish oil in the feed. These differences could be explained by the lipid profiles in the fillets. Also after 7 days of ice storage differences in the sensory profile wereas observed again as a result of the used lipid types used. After 7 days of ice storage ThusHere the trout that had grape seed oil orand rapeseed oil for instance had a more neutral flavor and odor profile compared to the other trout fed on linseed or sunflower oil´s. After 14 days of storage no effect of lipid type in the feed was observed, but the trout which had fish meal as protein source had higher intensity of several negative sensory descriptors compared to trout that had the vegetable protein matrix. Overall the results showed that the dietaryfeeds content of protein and lipid aeffecteds the sensory characteristics of the trout in different ways during the ice storage period

    Minority governments and party politics: the political and institutional background to the "Danish Miracle"

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    "In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten ist die Zahl der Standardisierungsorganisationen im Bereich der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik rasch gewachsen. Neben neuen offiziellen Organisationen auf der regionalen Ebene sind viele private Konsortien und Foren entstanden, die sich mit den bestehenden nationalen und internationalen Organisationen ergänzen oder auch mit ihnen konkurrieren. Die Landschaft der Standardisierungsorganisationen und die Beziehungen zwischen ihnen werden untersucht und zudem die institutionellen Faktoren aufgezeigt, die dazu beitragen, dass Kompetenzkonflikte relativ selten auftreten und nicht sehr intensiv sind. Die institutionellen Merkmale kanalisieren nicht nur das Verhalten der Standardisierungsorganisationen untereinander, sie beeinflussen auch Geschwindigkeit, Exklusivität, Kosten und Marktakzeptanz der Standardisierung und leiten damit die Entscheidung der Unternehmen, an welche Organisation sie sich mit einem Standardisierungsproblem wenden." (Autorenreferat)"Standardization organizations in the area of information and telecommunications technology have mushroomed in the last two decades. In addition to new official organizations at the regional level, many private consortiums and forums have been set up that complement and compete with the incumbent national and international organizations. The organizational landscape and the relations between the standardization organizations are examined, and institutional reasons that could explain why the frequency and intensity of jurisdictional conflicts has remained low are considered. Institutional features do not only frame a standardization organization's behavior toward other organizations, they also account for speed, exclusiveness, costs and market acceptance of standardization and thus influence firms' decisions as to which organization to turn to with a standards issue." (author's abstract

    The politics of justification: party competition and welfare-state retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands from 1982 to 1998

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    The Politics of Justification is an investigation of welfare retrenchment in Denmark and the Netherlands, 1982-1998. Welfare retrenchment is politically highly controversial, but still governments do retrench. This book argues that governments can implement retrenchment if they can achieve a party political consensus allowing them to frame retrenchment in a way that makes it seems justified to the electorate. In the Netherlands, such a consensus emerged in the mid 1980s due to the power of the CDA. It has allowed Dutch government to implement a number of welfare retrenchments. In Denmark, a consensus did not emerge until the Social Democratic Party re-entered government in 1993 explaining why the Danish welfare state has seen less retrenchment than the Dutch one. With its focus on the strategies of the political parties, the book differs from many other studies of the subject focusing on the role of political institutions

    The effect of feed composition on the sensory quality of organic rainbow trout during ice storage

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    The aim of this work was to study whether the type of protein and lipid source in feed for organic Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) influenced the sensory quality. The protein sources were fishmeal and a matrix of organic vegetable plant mealsproteins, while the lipid sources were fish oil and organic oils of linseed, sunflower, rapeseed and grape seed, respectively. Sensory profiling was performed after 3, 5, 7 and 14 days of storage in ice. Besides sensory analysis also lipid profiles weare measured. The resultsed showed that the lipid type in the feed aeffected the sensory characteristics after 3 days of storage. Especially the trout that had grape seed oil in the feed had a different sensory profile than the trout that had fish oil in the feed. These differences could be explained by the lipid profiles in the fillets. Also after 7 days of ice storage differences in the sensory profile wereas observed again as a result of the used lipid types used. After 7 days of ice storage ThusHere the trout that had grape seed oil orand rapeseed oil for instance had a more neutral flavor and odor profile compared to the other trout fed on linseed or sunflower oil´s. After 14 days of storage no effect of lipid type in the feed was observed, but the trout which had fish meal as protein source had higher intensity of several negative sensory descriptors compared to trout that had the vegetable protein matrix. Overall the results showed that the dietaryfeeds content of protein and lipid aeffecteds the sensory characteristics of the trout in different ways during the ice storage period

    When do political parties prioritize labour?:Issue attention between party competition and interest group power

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    This article analyses the conditions under which political parties pay attention to labour issues. It compares the dominant partisan perspective, which proposes that attention to issues is shaped by party competition, to an interest group perspective, which proposes that strong interest groups, in particular when their power is institutionalized in corporatist systems, can force parties to pay attention to their issue. We use the Comparative Agenda Project data set of election manifestos to examine these patterns in seven West European countries and corroborate our findings in the Comparative Manifesto Project data set for 25 countries. The evidence supports the interest group perspective over the partisan perspective. This shows that the study of party attention to issues should not isolate party competition from the influence of other political actors

    Do male bosses underestimate their female subordintates' skills? A comparison of employees' and line managers' perceptions of job skills

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    Employees and their line managers may have different perceptions of the skills used in jobs. We carried out a survey aimed at explaining such differences, in respect of verbal, physical, problem-solving and planning skills, the qualifications required to get the job, and indicators of the autonomy involved in the job. First, for most of our skills indices, there is a reasonably good match between the perceptions of the line manager and those of the employee. But in the case of the contested skills associated with autonomy there is little agreement. Second, for most skills, there is a small 'perceptions bias', in the sense that employees rate the skills needed for the job at a slightly higher level, on average, than their line managers. Third, the gender relation of the employee and line manager plays a significant role in determining the skills bias. Consistent with the hypothesis that skills are socially constructed, when the boss is male and the worker female there is a tendency for the boss to underestimate and/or the worker to over-estimate their skill level, by comparison with other gender combinations

    Det danske partisystem mellem kontinuitet og forandring

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    Da Jordskredsvalget ramte det danske partisystem i december 1973, var det nærliggende at se det som begyndelsen til enden for det danske partisystem i den udgave, som det havde haft siden etableringen af det parlamentariske demokrati. Det lå lige for at se Jordskredsvalget som et punktum på det klassiske danske firepartisystem og en vigtig del af en større krise for det danske politiske system (jf. Svensson, 1996). Nu er der gået næsten 50 år. Nye partier er kommet til, nogle er forsvundet igen, nye emner er blevet vigtige. Det omgivende samfund i form af medier, vælgere og interessegrupper har også forandret sig drastisk. Alligevel udviser det danske partisystem en kontinuitet, som mange nok ikke havde forventet efter Jordskredsvalget. Det danske partisystem har bestemt ikke været statisk siden 1973, men det har bevaret nogle vigtige, grundlæggende træk. Formålet med denne artikel er at undersøge forandring og kontinuitet i det danske partisystem i perioden siden Jordskredsvalget, med speciel fokus på de seneste 25 år
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