878 research outputs found

    Comment about UV regularization of basic commutators in string theories

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    Recently proposed by Hwang, Marnelius and Saltsidis zeta regularization of basic commutators in string theories is generalized to the string models with non-trivial vacuums. It is shown that implementation of this regularization implies the cancellation of dangerous terms in the commutators between Virasoro generators, which break Jacobi identity.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, no figures, submitted to Physics Letters


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    Índex de l'obra ressenyada: Michael A. PETERS with A.C.(Tina)BESLEY, Building Knowledge Cultures: education and development in the age of knowledge capitalism. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2006

    Null Brane Intersections

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    We study pairs of planar D-branes intersecting on null hypersurfaces, and other related configurations. These are supersymmetric and have finite energy density. They provide open-string analogues of the parabolic orbifold and null-fluxbrane backgrounds for closed superstrings. We derive the spectrum of open strings, showing in particular that if the D-branes are shifted in a spectator dimension so that they do not intersect, the open strings joining them have no asymptotic states. As a result, a single non-BPS excitation can in this case catalyze a condensation of massless modes, changing significantly the underlying supersymmetric vacuum state. We argue that a similar phenomenon can modify the null cosmological singularity of the time-dependent orbifolds. This is a stringy mechanism, distinct from black-hole formation and other strong gravitational instabilities, and one that should dominate at weak string coupling. A by-product of our analysis is a new understanding of the appearance of 1/4 BPS threshold bound states, at special points in the moduli space of toroidally-compactified type-II string theory.Comment: Tex file, uses harvmac, 24 pages with 5 figures. Corrected typos and added references. Final version to appear in JHE

    R Symmetries in the Landscape

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    In the landscape, states with RR symmetries at the classical level form a distinct branch, with a potentially interesting phenomenology. Some preliminary analyses suggested that the population of these states would be significantly suppressed. We survey orientifolds of IIB theories compactified on Calabi-Yau spaces based on vanishing polynomials in weighted projective spaces, and find that the suppression is quite substantial. On the other hand, we find that a Z2Z_2 R-parity is a common feature in the landscape. We discuss whether the cosmological constant and proton decay or cosmology might select the low energy branch. We include also some remarks on split supersymmetry.Comment: 13 page

    Moduli Stabilization with Long Winding Strings

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    Stabilizing all of the modulus fields coming from compactifications of string theory on internal manifolds is one of the outstanding challenges for string cosmology. Here, in a simple example of toroidal compactification, we study the dynamics of the moduli fields corresponding to the size and shape of the torus along with the ambient flux and long strings winding both internal directions. It is known that a string gas containing states with non-vanishing winding and momentum number in one internal direction can stabilize the radius of this internal circle to be at self-dual radius. We show that a gas of long strings winding all internal directions can stabilize all moduli, except the dilaton which is stabilized by hand, in this simple example.Comment: title changed, improved presentation; reference added. 18 pages, JHEP styl

    RG flows from Spin(7), CY 4-fold and HK manifolds to AdS, Penrose limits and pp waves

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    We obtain explicit realizations of holographic renormalization group (RG) flows from M-theory, from E^{2,1} \times Spin(7) at UV to AdS_4 \times \tilde{S^7} (squashed S^7) at IR, from E^{2,1} \times CY4 at UV to AdS_4 \times Q^{1,1,1} at IR, and from E^{2,1} \times HK (hyperKahler) at UV to AdS_4 \times N^{0,1,0} at IR. The dual type IIA string theory configurations correspond to D2-D6 brane systems where D6 branes wrap supersymmetric four-cycles. We also study the Penrose limits and obtain the pp-wave backgrounds for the above configurations. Besides, we study some examples of non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric flows in five-dimensional gauge theories.Comment: 42 pages, 6 eps figures, typos and misprints correcte

    Is There A String Theory Landscape

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    We examine recent claims of a large set of flux compactification solutions of string theory. We conclude that the arguments for AdS solutions are plausible. The analysis of meta-stable dS solutions inevitably leads to situations where long distance effective field theory breaks down. We then examine whether these solutions are likely to lead to a description of the real world. We conclude that one must invoke a strong version of the anthropic principle. We explain why it is likely that this leads to a prediction of low energy supersymmetry breaking, but that many features of anthropically selected flux compactifications are likely to disagree with experiment.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, ``Terminology surrounding the anthropic principle revised to conform with accepted usage. More history of the anthropic principle included. Various references added.

    The Generalized Green-Schwarz Mechanism for Type IIB Orientifolds with D3- and D7-Branes

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    In this paper, we work out in detail the tadpole cancellation conditions as well as the generalized Green-Schwarz mechanism for type IIB orientifold compactifications with D3- and D7-branes. We find that not only the well-known D3- and D7-tadpole conditions have to be satisfied, but in general also the vanishing of the induced D5-brane charges leads to a non-trivial constraint. In fact, for the case h−1,1≠0h^{1,1}_{-} \neq 0 the latter condition is important for the cancellation of chiral anomalies. We also extend our analysis by including D9- as well as D5-branes and determine the rules for computing the chiral spectrum of the combined system.Comment: 33+7 pages; 2 figures; v2: references added; v3: published versio

    The Taming of Closed Time-like Curves

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    We consider a R1,d/Z2R^{1,d}/Z_2 orbifold, where Z2Z_2 acts by time and space reversal, also known as the embedding space of the elliptic de Sitter space. The background has two potentially dangerous problems: time-nonorientability and the existence of closed time-like curves. We first show that closed causal curves disappear after a proper definition of the time function. We then consider the one-loop vacuum expectation value of the stress tensor. A naive QFT analysis yields a divergent result. We then analyze the stress tensor in bosonic string theory, and find the same result as if the target space would be just the Minkowski space R1,dR^{1,d}, suggesting a zero result for the superstring. This leads us to propose a proper reformulation of QFT, and recalculate the stress tensor. We find almost the same result as in Minkowski space, except for a potential divergence at the initial time slice of the orbifold, analogous to a spacelike Big Bang singularity. Finally, we argue that it is possible to define local S-matrices, even if the spacetime is globally time-nonorientable.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX2e, uses amssymb, amsmath and epsf macros, 8 eps and 3 ps figures; (v2): Two additional comments + one reference added; (v3): corrections in discussion of CTCs + some clarification

    Ghost D-branes

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    We define a ghost D-brane in superstring theories as an object that cancels the effects of an ordinary D-brane. The supergroups U(N|M) and OSp(N|M) arise as gauge symmetries in the supersymmetric world-volume theory of D-branes and ghost D-branes. A system with a pair of D-brane and ghost D-brane located at the same location is physically equivalent to the closed string vacuum. When they are separated, the system becomes a new brane configuration. We generalize the type I/heterotic duality by including n ghost D9-branes on the type I side and by considering the heterotic string whose gauge group is OSp(32+2n|2n). Motivated by the type IIB S-duality applied to D9- and ghost D9-branes, we also find type II-like closed superstrings with U(n|n) gauge symmetry.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures, harvmac. v2: references and acknowledgements adde
