79 research outputs found


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    Left coronary artery (LCA) supplies blood to 75–100% of myocardial volume of the left ventricle (LV). The atherosclerotic lesion of LCA trunk causes an ischemia in the sufficient area of the myocardium that often results in LV dysfunction, heart failure, and arrhythmia. The risk of death in cases with this pathology reaches 50% at drug treatment. Several decades, coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) was considered as "the golden standard" of treatment for LCA trunk stenosis. Due to the skills and experience in treatment for coronary pathology, new technologies development and stenting techniques, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) for LCA trunk stenosis became more effective and safe treatment. Despite this, trifurcation of LCA trunk remains extremely difficult pathology for endovascular treatment, for a lack of sufficient experience. In the present paper we described successful endovascular treatment for trifurcation lesion of LCA trunk in a case with acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

    Possible treatment approaches for distal coronary artery perforation

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    Coronary artery perforation is a rare (0.1–3.0%) but rather severe complication that occurs during the coronary interventions. Treating the perforation caused by the coronary conductor is extremely complicated, as it could be caused quite unexpectedly and may be accompanied by catastrophic consequences if misdirected. Choosing effective treatment techniques is not easy, as evidenced by hospital and remote clinical outcomes with high mortality rates

    Martensite and magnetic domain structure in ferromagnetic shape memory single-and polycrystals

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    Abstract Magnetic shape memory effect observed in a number of materials is based on the coexistence and cooperation of closely correlated ensembles of martensite and magnetic domains. In the present work we describe the results of an experimental study of the domain structure (DS) of poly-and single crystals of ferromagnetic Co-Ni-Ga and Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys making use of a number of optical techniques including magnetooptical imaging films (MOIF), interference and digital differential microscopy


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    Despite the rapid evolution in the development of endovascular surgery, the mortality of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) with high risk of severe cardiac complications and critical conditions (cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest) remains extremely high. The success of PCI directly depends on the ability of the Heart Team to prevent and timely eliminate severe cardiac disorders. Despite the rapid evolution in the development of endovascular surgery, the mortality of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) with high risk of severe cardiac complications and critical conditions (cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest) remains extremely high. The success of PCI directly depends on the ability of the Heart Team to prevent and timely eliminate severe cardiac disorders. Pharmacological therapy is not able to completely resist the development of severe cardiac events during PCI. In such situations the usage of devices for percutaneous mechanical circulation support (PMCS) can make an invaluable help in the treatment of this group of patients. Despite the fact that the PMCS devices are used to stabilize patients with cardiogenic shock and to provide hemodynamic support for high-risk PCI for several decades, the results of their application remain ambiguous. The purpose of this article is to review all existing literature on modern PMCS devices, available data and research results, indications for their use, and operational considerations that can ensure the decision-making process in selecting optimal PMCS devices.Несмотря на стремительное развитие эндоваскулярной хирургии, смертность при чрескожном коронарном вмешательстве (ЧКВ) у пациентов с высокими рисками тяжелых кардиальных осложнений и в критических состояниях (кардиогенный шок, остановка сердечной деятельности) остается крайне высокой. Успех ЧКВ напрямую зависит от способности «кардиокоманды» предотвращать и своевременно купировать тяжелые нарушения сердечной деятельности. На данный момент фармакологическая терапия не способна полноценно бороться с развитием тяжелых кардиальных событий при проведении ЧКВ. Именно поэтому в таких ситуациях использование устройств чрескожной механической поддержки кровообращения (ЧМПК) может оказать неоценимую помощь при лечении данной категории пациентов. Несмотря на то, что в течение нескольких десятилетий устройства ЧМПК используются для стабилизации пациентов при кардиогенном шоке и обеспечения гемодинамической поддержки при ЧКВ высокого риска, результаты их применения остаются неоднозначными. Целью настоящей статьи является обзор современных устройств ЧМПК, имеющихся данных и результатов исследований, показаний для их применения, а также практических моментов их эксплуатации, которые могут помочь в принятии правильного решения по выбору устройств ЧМПК