9 research outputs found

    Твердофазное взаимодействие тетраамминов платины(II) и палладия(II) с перренатом аммония в воздушной и инертной атмосфере

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    Тhe solid phase interaction in systems [Pt(NH3)4]Cl2 - NH4ReO4 and [Pd(NH3)4]Cl2 - NH4ReO4 in argon and on air was studied. The final products of the solid phase interaction of the specified mixtures are systems containing platinum or palladium and rhenium dioxide.Изучено твердофазное взаимодействие в смесях [Pt(NH3)4]Cl2 и NH4ReO4 и [Pd(NH3)4]Cl2 и NH4ReO4 на воздухе и в токе аргона. Установлено, что конечными продуктами термолиза указанных смесей являются двухфазные системы, содержащие платину или палладий и диоксид рения

    A study of induced mutagenic activity of culture cells after adding components of different types of cigarettes

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    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of e-cigarette smokers, especially among adolescents. This is because ecigarette manufacturers claim that their products are not only safe, but even help to quit smoking. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the electronic cigarettes that have recently appeared on the market are safe. The influence of components of different types of cigarettes on the induced mutagenic activity of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSC) was evaluated. It is proved that all the studied types of cigarettes, including electronic ones, induce tumor progression of MMSCs, and therefore cannot be considered safe.В последние годы отмечено значительное увеличение числа курильщиков электронных сигарет, особенно среди подростков. Это объясняется тем, что производители электронных сигарет утверждают, что их продукция является не только безопасной, но даже помогает бросить курить. Целью данного исследования стало выяснить действительно ли появившиеся в последнее время на рынке электронные сигареты являются безопасными. Производилась оценка влияния компонентов разных видов сигарет на индуцированную мутагенную активность мультипотентных мезенхимальных стромальных клеток (ММСК). Доказано, что все изучаемые виды сигарет, в том числе электронные индуцируют опухолевую прогрессию ММСК, а значит не могут считаться безопасными

    Тhe solid phase interaction between platinum(II) and palladium(II) tetraammines with ammonium perrhenate in the air and inert atmosphere

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    Тhe solid phase interaction in systems [Pt(NH3)4]Cl2 - NH4ReO4 and [Pd(NH3)4]Cl2 - NH4ReO4 in argon and on air was studied. The final products of the solid phase interaction of the specified mixtures are systems containing platinum or palladium and rhenium dioxide

    Fucosylated Chondroitin Sulfates from the Sea Cucumbers Paracaudina chilensis and Holothuria hilla: Structures and Anticoagulant Activity

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    Fucosylated chondroitin sulfates (FCSs) PC and HH were isolated from the sea cucumbers Paracaudina chilensis and Holothuria hilla, respectively. The purification of the polysaccharides was carried out by anion-exchange chromatography on a DEAE-Sephacel column. The structural characterization of the polysaccharides was performed in terms of monosaccharide and sulfate content, as well as using a series of nondestructive NMR spectroscopic methods. Both polysaccharides were shown to contain a chondroitin core [→3)-β-d-GalNAc (N-acethyl galactosamine)-(1→4)-β-d-GlcA (glucuronic acid)-(1→]n, bearing sulfated fucosyl branches at O-3 of every GlcA residue in the chain. These fucosyl residues were different in their pattern of sulfation: PC contained Fuc2S4S and Fuc4S in a ratio of 2:1, whereas HH included Fuc2S4S, Fuc3S4S, and Fuc4S in a ratio of 1.5:1:1. Moreover, some GalNAc residues in HH were found to contain an unusual disaccharide branch Fuc4S-(1→2)-Fuc3S4S-(1→ at O-6. Sulfated GalNAc4S6S and GalNAc4S units were found in a ratio of 3:2 in PC and 2:1 in HH. Both polysaccharides demonstrated significant anticoagulant activity in a clotting time assay, which is connected with the ability of these FCSs to potentiate the inhibition of thrombin and factor Xa in the presence of anti-thrombin III (ATIII) and with the direct inhibition of thrombin in the absence of any cofactors

    New findings of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis in Siberia

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    New findings of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) remains, obtained from the Asian part of Russia, are described. The material includes 39 specimens from 13 localities in West Siberia and East Siberia. It considerably expands the geographic distribution of this species of rhinoceros. A series of 11 mandibles from Siberia, including one juvenile individual with deciduous teeth, is described for the first time. We also present a large set of data on well-preserved postcranial remains. The morphology and sizes of mandibles, teeth, and postcranial remains of adult individuals of S. kirchbergensis from Siberia are similar to individuals of this species described from European localities. A series of upper teeth was subjected to mesowear analysis to assess the diet of S. kirchbergensis from West Siberia. The chemical composition (including stable isotopes) of the Siberian Stephanorhinus teeth is analyzed for the first time. Comparisons of Siberian S. kirchbergensis with European S. kirchbergensis and West Siberian Coelodonta antiquitatis broaden our understanding of the ecology, variability, and evolution of S. kirchbergensis under climatic changes in continental settings from the Middle to the Late Pleistocene. Despite small samples, we can suppose that S. kirchbergensis was widely distributed in Siberia